Still the same nightmare with 5.2 …
now when i right-clic and try to save to sequence asset : it does the same thing : freeze/crash.


can anyone else confirm if this works? which engine version build did you download and are there any steps out there to help a non programmer build from source?

EDIT: can confirm after 10 hours of downloading and compiling that this in fact did work for me !!

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so like this?

and at the top:

I used “” instead of <> because that seemed to be what the other lines were doing… will just try and build now i guess.

Windows.h was already included indirectly in this cpp,so #include <Windows.h> is not needed.

So is this issue specifically related to dx12? Is there an option to switch to a different graphics interface like dx11 or vulkan to avoid compiling UE from sources?

Edit: Hm, switching RHI from directx12 to vulkan in project settings seems to fix it for me, still testing though


Change to Vulkan worked for me too!

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Yes, changing to Vulkan worked for me as well. After I create the animations I need, I switch back to DX 12 and the animation assets work.
Thanks to the one who purposed the idea !

You can create another project with the Vulkan Settings and your “Main Project” as DirectX12, and when you finish the animation, easily migrate de animation asset.

tried the vulkan trick … it’s way slower for me, and i couldn’t even run my project, some out of memory stuff at launch …

You can also use DX 11, it works for me as well and is way faster than vulkan. Idk why but vulkan is really slow in blueprint viewports with lighting enabled but the main scene viewport is fine

Yeah i don’t if it’s because of 5.2 strata patch or not, but with dx11, i get huge faulty refraction & volume smoke effects … a big no no for my project.

This kept happening to me but it finally worked when I shortened the file name I was trying to save the bake as. Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

I think Epic solved this issue in 5.2.1(not in 5.2.0). UE didn’t freeze when baking animation sequence. You can have a test.

Is not solved, how not everyone has this issue?

yes i noticed that to : when it crash, you relaunch and try it again with another name and it will usually work (run as admin too)

you use vulkan instead DX12, and try again

if you use DX12, it change Vulkan in the Project Setting. and restart unreal . after try again

If you use DX12, it change to Vulcan in main project settings. It will work after Restart.

I’m running w/ NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 on Windows 11, and building from source + modifying D3D12Viewport.cpp fixed things for me

Changed driver to 528, no fix.
is there any solution?
running 5.2.1 still freeze.
thank you