The Online Subsystem Interfaces have poor documentation and so far i haven’t found any relevant examples of someone using the system to say share his score on a facebook wall which something really expectant of mobile games. Does anyone have any idea how to do something as basic as that?
Any examples of usage of the facebook subsystem would be welcome as well.
I am looking to be able to do this as well, though I am only working with blueprints (I don’t know C++) so I have run into a bit of a dead end.
I have found this, which seems to be on the right track. Looks like after integrating the SDK, it looks like it would be easy after this to use with a custom caption based on score within the URL.
I have already glossed over the many nooks and crannies of the internet for functioning easy to integrate library for c++ the only one available(Not only but probably the best), seems to be facebook’s very own “folly” named library. The problem as usual with c++ libraries is that you have to pull you finger out of your ■■■ and found out whats going on in there before you even consider making a plug in.
Anyway I have dire need for this functionality as well, if i manage to create an interface or library for this i will share the code that will get you blueprints as well.
After a lot of consideration and the need of both a REST API and a Database i started to set up all the network parts with some C++ libraries i have to say its not easy but i think eventually i will have a complete way to contact anything, anywhere through C++ , plus a true Client/ Master Server Implementation.