So I was wondering, since the normal Unreal Engine client has blueprints and UI blueprints, couldn’t UEFN use Blueprints and Verse? I have tried verse and made some stuff, but I think that blueprints are more beginner friendly for those who started using Unreal engine to make a creative island. (I also prefer it this way since I have spent years learning Blueprints)
Hey there @MrJulyCrab! Welcome back to the community! Currently BPs or C++ working with Fortnite could cause security issues for Fortnite altogether. There are plans for visual scripting with verse down the line however.
Alright, thanks and hoping to see Visual Scripting from the beloved normal UE client
Verse feels like a wrong step backwards, when Blueprints is already such a robust and widely used visual tool. Learning a unique clunky new language applicable solely to Fortnite is a non-starter for me. Introducing a subset of UE5 to newbies in the lush ecosystem of Fortnite is a genius idea, but Verse runs counter to that. And please, Epic, open up abilities for player animation and custom player model imports.
I have the same opinion, since Unreal Engine has started a long time with blueprints and is so advanced with that type of programming, why just don’t use it? It also is reasonable epic wants to correct all security issues that could cause, but it feels a downgrade of Unreal Engine
I have the same viewpoint, however I think the security concerns are a non-starter for Fortnite. One easily imagined issue could be obtaining players personal information through C++.
Agree with you about BP. But will you buy any skin in item shop when u can make /import your own skin. U need to understand that item shop is one of main income in fortnite. In verse is posible to hide player and attach mesh to player , but u can have only 2 animation (idle and run for example) and this is just terrible looking at, also performance is affected and u have only 24 fps i think its made with reason
I’m pretty sure people buy Roblox cosmetics and Roblox lets you customize player avatar within the experience.
I understand the security issues, but is there any dates expectations about that verse visual scripting? I was hoping to saw something at the latest update with ue5.4
Hey there @geverk! There haven’t been any official announcements on when full visual scripting will be implemented, though when a date becomes more clear you will likely see it on the UE roadmap first, as that is likely closely tied to verse being implemented in the wider engine as well.