How to edit Blueprints like in UE?

I am trying to make some basic actors with overlap events with sounds and spawning characters and animations, but I am not sure how to edit the blueprint nodes like in Unreal Engine. Is this not possible in the Fortnite editor? And I wish they had all of the UE tools.


no blueprint or c++ access in uefn due to performance and security risks. we will always be limited to what verse can do in uefn, but they will be allowing verse to do most of those things. Source is their recent GDC talk


I was gonna use this if I could use blueprints but maybe not yet

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@lobotomyx is there a way to make a script and attach it to an object like in Unity? i want to make the player spawn as an object, is that not possible?

Not yet, to begin with the way to get your own verse running is to implement a subclass of creative_device and drag it into the level.


Will we be getting Blueprint visual scripting or something similar in the future for UEFN?


We do have plans to provide some form of visual scripting in the future for UEFN, yes.


Yeah we definitely need visual scripting.
And a way to replace the player model, the player’s camera perspective while playing, access to controls to create custom controls, and import animations for the PLAYER pawn to use.

So far, I’m pretty disappointed but I hope this gets better. I really do. Otherwise, there’s no reason for me to learn Verse. As far as I know, I can’t apply Verse anywhere outside of UEFN, aka - can’t take my current programming knowledge I learn from Verse and get a Job with it. And I can’t take my knowledge from coding in UE and apply it to this since it’s a whole new language.


Thank you for the update. Devs coming from unreal engine would really like how they usually do things in unreal engine for fortnite.


I have to be honest it doesn’t make much sense to remove arguably the single greatest and most useful feature unreal has.

It seems especially odd considering what this whole project is all about. Introducing potential fortnite players to become future creators and developers etc.

You’d think epic would want to make this thing as easy as possible but instead have just massively increased the difficulty for non programmers and those who find such stuff hard even after trying. While yes most people can learn not everyone has the mental bandwidth for coding stuff.

Its kind of odd to think now professional aaa devs have blueprints while average gamers, artists and creators don’t…

I really hope blueprints are brought back soon as i suspect verse will be more of a hindrance then helpful to many.

Although maybe epic could give us something more advanced like prompting to have code created? Now that would be useful!