Unreal Engine 5.3: Unknown cook failure

I am trying to package my game in android apk. It’s my first time doing this, I tested on an empty project to make sure everything is ok with the packaging and it’s fine. But when I try to do it in my game it shows me this message. How can I solve it? I

The second line of your screen shot is reporting at least one error. You should check the entire log for this error message to find what has caused it. Could be caused by issues with a plugin, missing textures or Blueprints with compilation errors.

Maybe you could post your log or the reported error message. The ‘Unknown cook failure’ is just a message that the cook process could not be completed because of previous issues.

I checked the entire log and i have these errors.

  1. LogPlayLevel: Error: UAT: LogAssetRegistryGenerator: Error: Failed to add file C:/Unreal Engine Projects/My Endless Run Game/Eternal Runner/Saved/Cooked/Android_ASTC/Engine/Content/Animation/DefaultAnimBoneCompressionSettings to paklist ‘…/…/…/…/…/…/Unreal Engine Projects/My Endless Run Game/Eternal Runner/Saved/TmpPackaging/Android_ASTC/pakchunk0.txt’. The maximum size for a Pakfile is 1500 bytes, but the file to add is 2987 bytes.
    LogPlayLevel: Warning: UAT: LogCook: Warning: Failed to save chunk manifest

2.LogPlayLevel: Error: UAT: LogInit: Display: LogAssetRegistryGenerator: Error: Failed to add file C:/Unreal Engine Projects/My Endless Run Game/Eternal Runner/Saved/Cooked/Android_ASTC/Engine/Content/Animation/DefaultAnimBoneCompressionSettings to paklist ‘…/…/…/…/…/…/Unreal Engine Projects/My Endless Run Game/Eternal Runner/Saved/TmpPackaging/Android_ASTC/pakchunk0.txt’. The maximum size for a Pakfile is 1500 bytes, but the file to add is 2987 bytes.
LogPlayLevel: Warning: UAT: LogInit: Display: LogXGEController: Warning: XGE’s background service (BuildService.exe) is not running - service is likely disabled on this machine.
LogPlayLevel: Warning: UAT: LogInit: Display: LogHAL: Warning: FGenericPlatformProcess::GetGameBundleId not implemented on this platform
LogPlayLevel: Warning: UAT: LogInit: Display: LogMaterial: Warning: [AssetLog] C:\Unreal Engine Projects\My Endless Run Game\Eternal Runner\Content\Fantastic_Village_Pack\materials\master_materials\M_Master_water.uasset: Failed to compile Material for platform

Not sure if this will help, but there is an option in the project settings on packaging that will allow to ‘generate chunks’ of the pak files.

Yes i have already check this option

After some investigaton I foud this post regarding packaging large game files for Android.

Okay thank you i will try it but how can i test my game on my mobile with this way? When I download it to the computer and do the apk copy paste on my mobile, then I’ll have another problem. It asks me for storage permission which is not in the options.

Never tried to copy paste the apk. Also I faced an issue running quick preview on the device. Best result is to go to the build folder and run the install .bat file - with the Android device connected and USB dubugging enabled.

Example from one of my testing projects:
D:\Unreal Projects\LocationServicesTest\Android_ASTC\Install_LocationServicesTest-arm64.bat

I did it and i have the same issue…