How to package UE 4.27 android game for Play Store with aab <150MB

So if someone has the same problem, i would like to inform you that
A. you have to enable the Google pundle plugin,
B. disable the “package into apk” in project settings → android
Select to have as export aab extension.
So with this way the packaged *.aab file can be larger than 150mb, and still play store will accept it.
The only warning (but still the app is accepted and published) will be “This App Bundle contains native code, and you’ve not uploaded debug symbols”. Unfortunately i can not find unreal engine documentation for this…and the other problem is that if you d like old phones to play your game and decide to select sdk 27 in project settings,you will have new warnings in play store, concerning api compatibility. Still your app will be published,but these problems should be discussed in the forum…
A little depressed for nothing being answered from noone,and strangling alone for a month,for a problem of 2wrong checks in project settings.