Unreal Engine 5.2 Foliage drops my frame rate from 60 to 12 fps

When using foliage my frame rate is dropped from 60fps down to 12 fps or lower. I have maybe 35 trees in my scene (Nanite Enabled), I am using Virtual shadow maps and lumen as altering them doesn’t do anything to improving my fps. My GPU is high, up in the 90’s. I have multiple screen shots of the issues but to fix it is a challenge I cannot find elsewhere. If anyone knows how to improve Free Megascan foliage from Epic Games, please let me know. I had tried various methods, even disabling the world position offset in the nodes so there is no wind effect. I had tried using other foliage, but the results are the same. I even had tried altering the textures. I have a great gaming laptop so I know it shouldn’t be my computer. Any Advice?

  1. Megascan foliage sucks performance wise, use an LOD asset, it will be fine
  2. Disable shadows on foliage, your screenshots give us nothing, the stat gpu command would have revealed way more
  3. It’s probably virtual shadow cache being invalidated by moving foliage with shadows enabled.
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