Unreal Engine 5.2 + City Sample 5.2 driving bug

i just dose things only worked for me bro.
do restart editor

broā€¦I am explaining what exactly happeningā€¦
open itā€¦In play mode everything is fineā€¦drive well but when I press ā€˜Cā€™, character exit from the car and press ā€˜Cā€™ again to get in the carā€¦that time car crash is happeningā€¦

working small city Level map for me
more bugs in City sample 5.2

everything is fineā€¦but same driving issue in all(small/big level map)
Ur using which version?

City sample 5.2

same here

working perfectly for me bro

I am still confuse whatā€™s the problem with my version
when u press ā€˜Cā€™ ur character get in the vehicle and C again to getout from the vehicle working fine?

try set to engine scalability settings low


I see in this video the same issue that I am currently having with vehicle windows material shading for the ā€œCity Sampleā€ in ā€œUnreal Engine 5.2.1 Source Builtā€.

The windows of all vehicles have no reflection whatsoever and are just a dark tinted transparent shadingā€¦

Does anyone know what causes this and how to fix it ?

Thanks a lot! It works!!!

so helpful, thanks!