I’m doing a new development on Unreal 5.10 version, and i opened the VR template, but when i push play to test the Controllers doesn’t work or recognize.
I’m using HTC VIVE PRO devices, and SteamVR software.
When i install the deprecated version of SteamVR plugin, editor started recognize my controllers, but the input still don´t work.
Livelink OpenXR wont see the vive controllers, only when steamVR plugin is on then we can see the controllers, the input buttons(trigger,menu,etc) do not work either, it seems to be a bug
Yes, I use VR Template. I can see the hand template and it moves when I am moving the controller, but when I pressed the button there is nothing happen. I cannot teleport and grab things. That’s why it is so weird and confusing.
Same problen in 5.1.1
I use HTC Vive Pro with the Wand and Index Controller (SteamVR Version 1.25.7).
The Buttons are pressed but no input for grab, menu, teleport, aso.
I use OpenXR only within the project. Controller works fine with other templates and games. Honestly driving me crazy
So it works in other project? I am using VRTemplate and there is no response at all. And I keep switching the OpenXR Runtime, sometimes it works but the visual is going crazy (shaky), I really not sure what is the best settings for it. It’s driving me nuts!
Same problem here. Open XR is ticked as well. Movements are fine, but NO INPUT from HTC Vive by using EnhancedInputSystem … any help. Im in the middle of migrate a project from 4.27 to 5.1 and this caused me serious delay so far.
I use a HTC Vive Pro with Wand and also Index Controller, but I dont get any button input within the Enhanced input system. Is it possible that steam vr saves the “default” button setup of a game/project? Maybe thats why it only happening within one single project?
I looked a bit more into the problem and found that Unreal 5 or the OpenXR thinks I use a “SteamVR/OpenXR:lighthouse” as HMD and not a HTC Vive pro.
OpenXR doesn’t allow applications to access the HMD name to discourage from writing code that depends on specific HMDs.
You can access the current interaction profile name for each controller from the Get Motion Controller Data node though. Note that this only works once the runtime has assigned bindings for the actions which many take a few frames and the the application being in focus.
Got the same issue.
I tried copy the system.generated.unrealeditor.exe_vive_controller.json to the application.generated.ue.“YOURPROJEKTNAME”.unrealeditor.exe_vive_controller.json . Unfortunately, the current project overwrites the copied inputs and all bindings for the mapping disappear again.
Is there a way to tell the system not to create its own, but to use the one defined by Epic as default?
The error occurs only in 5.1 and 5.2 in version 5.0 the engine recognizes the controllers without problems.
I also tried to bind the bindings to the controllers manually and looked at the default UE5 allocation plan for that. The problem is that there are no selection options for the keys (see last picture).
The SteamVR plugin has been deprecated, it’s unlikely Epic will fix any bugs in it.
For the OpenXR plugin, one common possible cause for the inputs not working is the runtime not transitioning into the FOCUSED session state. This can happen either because the SteamVR Dashboard is open, or if the proximity sensor on the headset is not activating. You can force SteamVR to ignore the proximity sensor by going into the SteamVR settings and turning off the option Video → Pause VR when headset is idle.
it was not the key to the solution but it happened to draw my attention again to the OpenXR runtime.
I thought you should also set the current OpneXR_runtime environment to OpenXR in the SteamVR settings. But that was not true, SteamVR must be entered here according to vive.
Well, in any case, everything goes wonderfully now.
Possibly relevant for everyone else as well. Check the settings.
Then everything should work.