This is a new behaviour found in 5.1 when using root motion in a GA task and on top only of SM component that belongs to an Actor. RM doesn’t get updates (or wrong locations) on top of actors + sm component and updates properly once touches an SM. It happens from client side, and the characters can be either listen servers or AI.
This is a migrated project from 5.0.2
Worth to mention that on PIE will work properly, but once is packed the root motion replication has this rpc problem on top of Actors.
Wanted to bump this. The problem persists, debugged to the bone and reported the bug report a month ago.
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This other thread collects all the different tests and progress.
Reproducing the bug is now super simple and narrowed down: Root motion in AI/second player on top of a rotated actor that contains an SM, playing as a client, will fail (teleport).
I also reported the bug in November 2022, it has been not yet added.
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