Unreal Engine 5.1 landscape with Nanite (Black texture)


I’m using Unreal Engine 5.1, I enabled nanite on my landscape but I only get a black landscape, if I deactivate nanite on my landscape it works perfectly.

I’m using a 6 layers blend node witch I imported from a height map.


Same situation here, with a landscape created in UE5.0. Black. The material has “Used with Nanite” checked.

same problem

I have encountered the same issue using Brushify Landscape material. I will experiment and see if i can resolve the issue. Please let me know what kind of material you are using in your landscape so i can compare any differences.

I have had partial success by reapplying the material to the landscape. Some of the tiles were able to display the materials correctly however it did not solve the overall issue of missing textures.

I was able to resolve my issue temporarily, as soon as i saved the project it reverted back to black textures. Still trying to diagnose what the issue was. disabled use material parameters and manually plugged in nodes, made sure pixel depth was disabled, ensured that two sided was also disabled. Will Update again when i find more info

The only way around I found, for now, is to use the virtual runtime texture. The landscape (with nanite on) will display correctly if the landscape material is outputting an RVT.

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Yup, can confirm this one. It seems that the key to Nanite landscape is to also use RVT. That’s what I’m doing on my map. Though I can’t see I see any actual performance bonuses from using nanite landscape yet.

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Does the solution works in packaged project (shipping) in UE5.3?

So I have a nanite landscape and added RVT landscape material. In my packaged project, I don’t see landscape material. I can see through my landsacpe. Everything else works. I created a question in the forum looking for a solution.

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