Unreal Engine 5.1 Dynamic Resolution Unsupported

Hi, I am using UE 5.1 and I just want to know if this is only my issue and if anyone can use Dynamic Resolution for their projects because so far it seems like it is “Unsupported” on my end.

Any ideas? Any workarounds so far?

This needs to be enabled. You can do that through blueprints and perhaps through the console or project settings as well. You can’t get it working in all Editor viewports. Here is documentation to get you started: Dynamic Resolution | Unreal Engine Documentation

FAQ page reference:

Frequently Asked Questions

The following are some general frequently asked questions regarding dynamic resolution:

Can the heuristic for Dynamic Resolution be replaced?

Yes, it was designed to be modular and pluggable in C++. Unreal Engine 4 will only maintain a single heuristic, but the architecture allows for the creation of a standalone custom heuristic with custom game thread events that could be triggered by gameplay code or Sequencer.

Does dynamic resolution work with any arbitrary secondary screen percentage?

  1. This can be achieved by using the console variable r.SecondaryScreenPercentage.GameViewport.

For additional information, see the Screen Percentage with Temporal Upsample page.

Is it possible to control the dynamic resolution of the secondary screen percentage?

No, it’s not possible and is by design. You would not want to change the size of Temporal Anti-Aliasing history and is why you should not need to dynamically change the secondary screen percentage.

Why is the function in FPostProcessSettings for ScreenPercentage ignored by dynamic resolution?

This was part of the previous mechanism where screen percentage could be configured in the settings for a Post Process Volume to manually scale up or down. With dynamic resolution, there is no need to set that any longer since it is automatically handled according to the GPU workload.

Why is there not an optional show flag for dynamic resolution in the Editor?

Because it happens globally and at game thread discretion. The screen percentage show flag will only toggle the Primary Screen Percentage.

Why is dynamic resolution not supported in Editor viewports?

Currently, dynamic resolution is only supported for Xbox One ,PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch which don’t use PIE. When it is available for platforms (Vulkan, D3D12), you will be able to use it in the Editor with PIE.

Can the Primary and Secondary Screen Percentages be accessed in Materials?

No they cannot. Materials should be rendering independently of the resolution.

Let me know if it resolves the issue at hand?

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