Unreal Engine 5.0 Preview

Hello there,

Is it just me or the Volumetric Fog does not work with Unreal 5 Prev 1?

I juste switch a project from 5 EA to 5 Prev 1 and i lost all the fog function…

Help me Unreals Developpers, you are my only Hope :slight_smile:


Are you getting this same error in the crash when you open any blueprints? (I’m having the same problem)

Assertion failed: NewOperatorInputA [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Editor\BlueprintGraph\Private\K2Node_CommutativeAssociativeBinaryOperator.cpp] [Line: 281]

I did a bit of searching and I think it might be related to Rama’s Victory Plugin, but I’m still testing (migrating one folder at a time).

What’s super sketchy is that some BPs import fine (UltraDynamicSky migrates fine and I can open it’s blueprints in UE5 preview with no problem). As soon as I migrate and attempt to open a known problem blueprint (My GameMode, for example), it will crash. But then when I re-open the project and try to open one of the other previously-working BPs (like UltraDynamicSky), those start crashing the engine too, and I can never open them again… (always with this exact same error).

UPDATE: Fixed it!! The problem was indeed a node from Rama’s Victory Plugin. It was an “Append Multiple” node that was in one of our BPs that was causing the issue :slight_smile:

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Try disabling r.RayTracing.Translucency. I get the same error when I enable RT translucency.

I hope by outright replacing floats with reals, nothing major in people’s projects break…right?

It shouldn’t, I just tested making a new empty BP in 4.27 with a float and migrated it to UE5 preview, and it converted it to a Real

I have found the same…none of my BPs appear to be broken in my tests when converting.

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@EnjuY1517 You mean all* of your BPs are broken? And are you getting the same Assertion failed: NewOperatorInputA error?

Levels from 4.27 do not convert into 5.0 properly. The .umap files are there if you look into File Explorer, but levels do not appear inside the editor. Is there a solution for this?

Also root motion is not working…

Agree, also very interested in the progress of Verse scripting.

My levels have mostly migrated Ok. Try striping out actors into separate sub-levels to try and narrow things down, also try removing the gamemode from the world settings.

Negative; I mean that, as you suggest, floats appear to have converted properly for me and I am not experiencing the errors that others describe above.

Products can be marked as 5.0 ready once the final release is available in Spring :slight_smile:


Hey! Have you been able to submit a crash log relating to this issue?

great news, much more concrete than anything so far :smile_cat: thanks a lot!

thanks for the tips! I’ll try that

So updated to preview from early access, I’m using the M1, good news, looks like the lumen is working on preview, it wasn’t on early access, the bad news it’s a lot slower, lots of lag, plus in the lights under the bloom section only standard works, if i switch it, the screen gets flooded by a green yellow and red light. So far I’m torn from using early access (great speed, no bloom or other issues, but no lumen) or the preview which has lumen but is lagging and has a few lighting bugs.

So yeah you are all smiles huh!

A custom mesh shader now needs to pass an instance culling struct TRDGUniformBufferRef into the Uniform Buffer for a RGD pass.

The FPrimitiveUniformShaderParameters for the FPrimitiveSceneShaderData array now has a build() method which is way more easy to understand and same with the FInstanceSceneShaderData, yei!

They renamed the SHADER_PARAMETERs to use FVector2f, FVector4f, FVector3f, etc etc instead of using the old FVector2D, FVector4, etc, what a pain to change all in my plugins.

So yeah thanks Epic to make me refactor the core of everything I have done the last year

It all works now, but man I aged 1 year by fixing all

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thanks for this!

Why is “5.0 Preview 1” not an option when submitting a bug? Only 5.0 Early Access…

hello i don’t know if others peoples are having the same issue, but my unreal en gine 5 is failing to install using the launcher i’m getting a really weird error:

here the error in english for the last picture:
Path size limit exceeded. Choose a shorter path to the installation location.

error code:IS-PL01

what is this error, the path already small wtf, it is the regular program files just in portuguese, all my previous instalations are there and no issue.