Unreal Engine 5.0 Preview

Epic said that translucency isn’t possible in this combination. One of the current disadvantages of Lumen.

Can you share the link where they said this?

One google search away:


@Guillaume.Abadie I can turn this flag on in the editor. but when I do it as a console command at runtime it does nothing. Also I have MotionBlur set to false in the rendering settings.

Here is a video of the issue

Looks like vehicles are still broken

Thanks for sharing! seeing your character in motion when you PIE definitely looks like motion vector issue. When you are in editor, the motion vector looks fine with the VisualizeMotionVector as you see the arrows indirectating the direction where the pixels is going to on screen as they move.

But maybe they break for some reason on what I assume is your skeletal animation. Motion vector are directly computed by the vertex factory, and we have many different code path for the different kind of geometry you draw (static mesh, skeletal meshs, niagara particles…). Could you just double check when PIE with ~ to open the console and then type “show VisualizeMotionBlur”? This will show the motion vector while controling you character and here I strongly suspect the arrows on your character would look broken compared to the motion of your character on screen.

Thanks for pointing out at the motion blur disabled! Another project settings related to motion vector code path is “Velocity Pass” in the rendering project settings (or r.VelocityOutputPass cvar)


This was for UE5 Early Access. The announcement of UE5 Preview states that transluscency now works better

  • Improved Final Gather quality, especially visible on foliage
  • Glossy reflections on translucency
  • Translucency Final Gather, which improves global illumination quality on translucency

I’m seeing nothing of that, my windows look as bad as they used to. Worse, even.


I’m afraid that future releases will ignore completely Building static lights and GPU lightmass .

the issue i have regarding windows is incorrect shadows , for plate glass you need to set the ior to 1 as at 1.4 it generates incorrect reflections though as i found out , but as to shadows see …

same result with both hardware or software raytrace , maybe i need to fiddle with the material settings as it does seem to be related to the source light angle ,but not had time to do that yet…
… added , no it seems to be a bug, the mesh for the glass i’m using is a full mesh ie based on a 3d object with thickness , none of the material setting affect it , and its not a plain ,i know if i use a single plain then the “shadows” are opaque and even more broken as well as invisible from one side (but that is to be expected i guess)

@Guillaume.Abadie “show VisualizeMotionBlur” worked to show the blur arrows at runtime. I was trying to use “ShowFlag.MotionBlur 1” and that’s why it didn’t work. When showing the VisualizeMotionBlur during PIE, I could see the arrows turn grey on the character when I stopped moving. I changed “Velocity Pass” from “Write during depth pass” to “Write during base pass” and it seemed to fix the issue. Thank You :smile:

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Hi Unreal team.

I wonder where the recompile button is?
In early acces 2 I think it used to be in the lower right corner.

All the best.
// Herman

@Hermanator123 my button is in-between Derived Data and Source Control. Maybe try clicking Windows > Load Layout > Default Editor Layout. Or the button might be hidden if the the project is not C++

Perhaps it is only available if the project is C++ enabled? It would make sense to hide it for Blueprint only projects as that button doesn’t really have any use in such context.

Judging by not seeing any C++ section in your Content Browser tree, I guess this project isn’t C++ enabled. Try to add a new C++ class and maybe the button will appear then?

Hey all,
Let me try to simplify my question, noise…What cause it? With this same file I was playing/learning in Early Access, now when i open new project in Preview, I have noise. Lightmass 512, but it doesnt make any difference even with 1024. Final gather in PostProcess 16. I have only direct light in the scene.

Hey all! Amazing work, had some time to engage with the new build. Really impressed by the various features and beyond amped for the eventual full release. Just wanted to constructively flag, however, that the Preview 1.0 basically broke the Metahumans experience completely for me.

On a fairly high spec machine, I can import the Metahuman but it is effectively non-functional. The facial control rig doesn’t work at all and the system crashes basically immediately as soon as a MH asset is added at any quality.

Doubtless this is something the team is working on, but wanted to flag since I double-verified the exact same asset works seamlessly without a hitch in the Early Access version. Probably the technology is in transition, but a definite step backwards at least in the interim.

Excited to see the comign release, and many thanks to the team for their hard work.

re: IK Retargeting

Great job, this has removed a very frustrating chunk of Blender pipeline. Thank you. I just wish there was more documentation beyond Jobutsu’s YouTube videos.

ISSUE: I’m spending a long time (longer than I would like doing something repetitive) on adding all the chains for each finger on each hand. Selecting the 3/4 bones of each finger, right click, select “New Retarget Chain from Selected Bones”, naming it a conventional name, clicking “Okay”.

REQUEST: It would be nice to have a basic hand retargeting option that could automate this a bit further.

Some guesses on potential user experience:

  1. Perhaps the +AddNewChain button could have a right click drop down with common types. Which would allow something like a ‘hand’ option, select the parent hand bone and then fingers could be recognized and automatically added as chains.
  2. In Hierarchy, right click the parent hand bone, “New Retarget Chain from Selected Bones” could be a button with a flyout, showing alt options “New Finger Retarget Chains from Selected Bone” or some such.

This might be too much for a short gain. I could have set up multiple rigs in the time it took to write this, so perhaps its not worth the effort. But it would be nice.

Hi @Amanda.Schade - who should this comment go to? where is the best place to post it?

Anyone know how to use the StateTree for AI? I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure it out.

The documentation has a pretty good overview of it.

Has anyone found anything new about “Rule Based Placement” that was highlighted in the matrix demo? There is a new placement plugin but seems to be just for painting meshes.

What is the plugin called? I don’t see anything like that.