Unreal engine 5.0.3 launcher stuck at 17%

Not sure where to ask this but suddenly after a crash unreal engine 5 won’t launch and gets stuck at submitting global shader DDC requests…

how do I resolve this?

I posted this a few days ago, and took my work computer in because it took 13 hours for unreal to finally open. We decided we would do a clean install…

Finally got it back, downloaded epic launcher and unreal 5.0.3
started working in it (now mind you its a fresh install) and for about an hour or so everything was great. Then became non responsive. I tried to kill it via task manager, could kill everything except the editor.

Tried to kill it via task list task kill, and while I could see the exe was running, I couldn’t kill it as it just said there isn’t an instance running. I tried to kill it via the PID, once again says it can’t be killed because it doesn’t exist.

So I just sat there and tried to kill it over and over and over, even unplugged it, and finally it was gone.

So I removed unreal 5.0.3
and reinstalled it.

Still does the same thing. It opens normally, and then gets stuck at 17%…

So Either, there is something in my file that causes this issue (and whatever it is causes me to be unable to load any other files or even open the editor), or it something in my file…

Any Known Issues with 5.0.3

i am having the same issue also on 5.0.3, after double clicking the project it takes almost a minute for the loading window to show up, and then gets stuck at “22% submitting global shader ddc request…”
this only happens in one of my projects, the others open up just fine

i tried deleting DerivedDataCache and Intermediate folders, it did not help

UnrealEditor process cpu usage is less than 1% and memory usage 325MB, it gets stuck for around 5minutes at this state then begins to load normally

EDIT: i found this only happens when the OculusRuntime service is not running, if i start the service before launching the editor it loads just fine


Thanks Nico_Puccio. This works for me.

Having this issue as well, UE 5.1.1. Also developing for VR like @Nico_Puccio . Mine is stuck at 35% Compiling Global Shaders. Initially I got the exact same message, but it seems to be a little different the second time in (instead of “submitting global shader dcc request”).

When I kill SteamVR process it’ll continue a bit. I tried restarting SteamVR before the project load was done and it hung the project at “Initializing”.

Hi there, im having the same issue in 5.4.2 and 5.4, from source and the binary option… i dont know what to do, i have reinstalled the engine, initialized the services… any idea ? im developing vr too.