Unreal Engine 4 to reflect meshes, armature, and animation as per the Blender 3d Viewport?

I asked a somewhat similar question here (How do I import this mesh in parts without it deforming?), but this time I want to use a link or streaming plugin or addon like Link Live or Blender to Unreal plugin to import from Blender to Unreal Engine 4.

I would like the following character, as how it is viewed the Blender 3d Viewport, comprised of multiple meshes and armature to be exactly reflected in the Unreal Engine 4. Including both the armature and animation/movements.

Now, the problem is that when I uploaded this to Unreal Engine 4, via Blender to Unreal plugin, the character came out like this:

I used the mirror modifier in Blender. What went wrong? Also, how do I import the armature and movement which was built in Blender as well?

On second thought, regarding the missing faces/meshes, I resolved the issue by simply recalculating normals. https://www.reddit.com/r/unrealengine/comments/s5u5ve/missing_texturemeshes_in_import_from_blender_to/ Unreal thread discussed it. Here is how I recalculated normals.