Hi there!
#Port = 7777
When I start a multiplayer game using open IP (make sure steam is disabled in your config file, for now)
this is what I see
the steam error is a good thing
currently steam wont allow open IP to work correctly.
and steam itself simply will not work (soon to be fixed)
notice the listening on port part
#Code to Start Multiplayer
I wrote a whole tutorial on getting multiplayer working, it still applies in beta5
You can’t just open map?Listen
you have to follow the shootergame code,
the most important part is this part:
bool AShooterGameSession::HostSession(int32 ControllerId, FName SessionName, const FString & GameType, bool bIsLAN, bool bIsPresence, int32 MaxNumPlayers)
//check out this code from shootergame example
you should call this using shootergame’s method, from gameinfo/gamemode:
// From Shootergame_menu.cpp
/** Starts the game */
bool AVictoryGameGameInfo::HostGame(APlayerController * PCOwner, const FString & GameType, const FString & InTravelURL)
bool bResult = false;
check(PCOwner != NULL);
if (PCOwner)
AVictoryGameSession* Session = Cast(GameSession);
if (Session)
ULocalPlayer * LP = Cast(PCOwner->Player);
if (LP != NULL)
TravelURL = InTravelURL;
//Session->OnCreatePresenceSessionComplete().AddUObject(this, &AVictoryGameGameInfo::OnCreatePresenceSessionComplete);
if (Session->HostSession(LP->ControllerId, GameSessionName, GameType, false, true, 4))
// @todo Show loading movie
bResult = true;
return bResult;
#It all Does Work
In case you need encouragement that real multiplayer is actually working in UE4 with custom projects, in beta5, using the method I am describing:
My video of real multiplayer in beta5