Unreal Engine 4, Leap Motion, and Dynamic material instance

I’ve been digging into the UE4 leapmotion plugin and have been trying to display the leapmotion raw camera image onto a dynamic material instance on a cube in the world.

I’ve managed to get it to display the start frame but it doesn’t update.

What I’m doing is every time RawImageReceived event goes off I update the Texture2D param of my material instance. It works on frame 1, but doesn’t update appropriately on subsequent RawImageReceived.

Here are the relevant screenshots:

This is where I set up receiving input:
[Picture 1](http://ozzadar.com/random/Screenshot (2).png)

My constructor :
[Picture 2](http://ozzadar.com/random/Screenshot (4).png)

This works the first time, but not on subsequent calls:
[Picture 3](http://ozzadar.com/random/Screenshot (3).png)

This is the cube showing the initial frame:
[Picture 4](http://ozzadar.com/random/Screenshot (5).png)

Maybe someone has played around with UE4 / LeapMotion enough that has done this already.

Thanks for any help,

Im trying to reproduce this in 4.11.2 but im getting only crashes.