I know, no problem, I just trying to get a clue about what may be going to my PC, because, perhaps coincidentally, problems began after trying to load KiteDemo maps and restart PC and I thought could be related or some file from 4.7 updates could cause this problem.
On voltage, no I have not experienced this problmea on this occasion. I know that heat can cause problems with him voltaje, because long ago I had 2 fans broken and some other issues, so PC temperature reached more than 90º, and at that point PC turn off itself because +3V not have power required (caused by temperature)
This time, I think temperature or voltage are not cause of freeze, since I have not noticed any irregularities when happens.
I know My GPU is a bit old and low specifications, some times is slow (eg elemental demo, 25 fps in editor and 3 fps when at runtime GPU particles appear) but I was able to work smoothly with EU4 from a year ago, even forcing PC and nothing like that happened (freezing, low voltage).
Here a picture of my power supply specs( I thinks is fine) :
I saved 3 files with data from Open hardware Monitor.
first collects data from PC after haver played GTAV about 3 hours, with no other programs running.
second PC data with elemental demo project open (24fps)
Third, data from PC running elemental demo (3fps)
I think temperatures are fine , GPU arround 75/80 º
My 2 extra fans are conected direcly to power supply (12 V each)
If you find something that I don’t know recognize with this data , please let me know
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