Unreal Engine 4 Freezing

Hey Lui,

Glad it hasn’t been freezing on you lately. Let me know if anything else occurs.


Marking this as answered for tracking purposes. If you’d like to re-open, simply respond to this answer


I am having this issue as well in 4.9.1

I honestly have frozen my computer in my project from first 5 seconds with my map open in my project… other times 10 minutes in… It seems kind of random and i dont understand…last night i froze 3 times in a row… all in that project in that map… I havent made any substantial changes to it so this makes me nervous… I need to get back to work, but right now it seems like i cant!

I uploaded my dx diag. Seems like this is a recurring problem… ive seen other spots on answers.unrealengine.com that i have replied to regaurding this… Need help asap…

link text

Hi ,

I saw that you’ve posted a new thread about this. We will get to that thread, please do not revive old threads.

Bit late to party but disabling shadow play did it for me :slight_smile: