Unreal Engine 4 Deserves Clean UI

Where can i download these themes, or atleast try them out :smiley:

and very similar to the original for those who don’t like the dark version, cleaner fonts, icons, added experimental colorful tabs (as requested above)

before / after:


Next: the laptop version for smaller screens and tutorials popup + a new project dialog.

They need to implement editor theming. Until then don’t bother as you’re only wasting your time.

My 2 cents on this:

I like the current system better because:

  • The proposed new look makes it really hard to identify icons at a glance. They are all just like a patch of noise for the quick eye.
  • I dont like icons/UI elements that look as if a 5 year old scribbeled them, together in MS paint. This goes for Win 10 and the proposed new UI for UE.
  • Including themes for slate just makes it more complicated than it already is.
  • It gives you no edge whatsoever in terms of development, apperance or performance of your game.
  • Epic could spend resources instead on other imprtant issues/shortcommings of UMG/Slate that would actually have an impact on what you are creating.

I like the black theme, I would only make window tabs bright white.

Like adding themig support ? (;

UIs are not done by programmers, so therere should be little programming effort for changing ui.

current UI is a lot better, a lot easier to use, a lot easier to view, UE editor does not need to look like a cheap mobile application, oversimplification is not good. just my vote.

No problem, Im glad you found it useful :slight_smile:

I like the new variants especially the asphalt grey, its closer to what we have currently so it would work as a good bridge for people who prefer the older theme.

I have noticed on the lightest grey compared to the white it makes the entire image in the window look darker, Im not sure if thats due to your editing work on the picture. It is a well known phenomena that darker borders block things in and make the contents seem darker than a lighter border which has the opposite effect.

I do like the transparent viewport controls, perhaps my favourite part. I would like to see your thoughts on the editor gizmos, perhaps this could recieve a similar treatment to the XYZ in the Details panel to keep it consistent. That said too with the Add Component, Add New etc they could use the accent colour or also be faded slightly as their visibility is entirely not in question :slight_smile:

@EXGAMESADRENALINE not to hijack thread, but I think adding theme or skinning into Unreal Editor would be the ideal solution.
@gmpreussner, I’ve had a look on the Roadmap and could not see anything about Themes or skinning.

Is this something that could be added? I’ve seen someone in the forum request it here: Unreal Engine 4 editor skins
@EXGAMESADRENALINE has done an AMAZING job, but has their own preferred style.

I’d personally like something closer to Visual Studio style. There might be others that want something closer to Microsoft Office.

Ideally if we could have skin support approaching the level of configurability of WinAMP, that’d be :smiley:

Oh and vertical tabs :wink:

The comps in the op reminded me of Stingray game engine. I liked the editor in stingray when i played with it. Looks more modern, feels better etc. Have not used Stingray in awhile though.

Let me guess: You have never tried to use Slate?
On the surface, UI creation seems to be a matter of elegantly arranging stuff in the UMG designer.
But if you want to build a more complex UI that has more than a textbox and a button, you need to code that yourself.

I have done my part of UI in Unreal.
If it is done right, it should be suffcient to just replace the images used in theme.

It looks really :smiley:

wow man, your UI is absolutely fantastic - I just now realize how the current UI is a bit of an visual cancer, it’s like a party going on there, so much distracting elements…

  • it’s obvious why you should use a dark theme, it’s easier on the eyes, and less distraction from the viewport…
  • same goes with UI elements, no need for such distracting icons…
  • your stuff looks soothing to the eyes
  • just tell us how to install the thing once you could have it ready - thumbs up
  • don’t listen to the traditionalists, they always wanna keep the stuff as it is, cause they’re use to it :), this is amazballs

@EXGAMESADRENALINE I am slowly implementing your dark theme, but the source is all over the place so it will take some time. I am doing this in my free time so I am not sure if I will be able to finish it, if I do I will make a video.

now we’re top3 topic on this forum with amazing support. I’m making actionable insights for UE4 Dev and UI team, highlighting weaknesses and trying to provide actionable solutions.
as you can see:

we have marvelous people here!

I saw a reply above about the dev time.
Regarding benefits for your game, it’s too early. Like I said it’s a concept, alpha, skin. It’s a picture right now and it’s useless without UX updates (in-progress).
However, we ALL here, including you, me, lovers / haters already simplified and reduced guesswork for Epic regarding “so what are we gonna do with our interface guys? check this topic, Sir!”
Please subscribe and return back to this topic in one week+. Thank you!

oh, unf it’s an example of the not really useful comment. Too broad! Please add more detailed examples.
I mean, I can use your own words for literally anything (android is a lot better… ios is a lot better… who cares? we need more exact examples please!).
Anyway, thank you for your time!

thank you! and again, added to the todo list :slight_smile:

Maybe, I’m not a huge fan of a lot of skins, because you know UI design is sooo complicated sometimes
(how to please completely polarizing user segments? “leave current” vs “give us modern”. huge responsibility and efforts needed),
and we saw all those rushed so-so themes… I’m thinking about laser-focused 1-2 variations with as fewer options as possible. Not more. At least for now.

Sounds good! I guess I’m gathering a small army here )
Added your testimonial to the front page.

! Please check your PM.

Working on the next update. Stay tuned!

I like your concepts! Really good iconography choices. Some feedback we’ve gotten a lot from the community is to try and slim down the UI some, if you’re looking for stuff to try. Might also try some additional contrast between some things, it’s a bit too flat at times (like the very top tabs basically disappear). I really appreciate the simplicity of the theme dialog. Would love to see a re-imagination of the modes/placement browser area.

Do you maybe know where the background color is set, for example for the content browser and details panel. Been searching for hours.

Replaced the flat icons (those from 5y old MSPaint kid… respect level nowadays…) as an experiment.
Added the bridge version between modern and vanilla with icons and colors very similar to the classic version.
It’s the closest version to the vanilla.

Please check those icons (skip the ‘mode’ icons for now. Icons creation is the very time-consuming process, so let’s check toolbar only for now)
and let me know is it better or not? Thank you!

Next: Laptop mode for small screens, closer to the Unity3d


I think that the spacing for the headers of the categories in the details tab is still too small. It feels like when you uncollapse a few ones, you will easily oversee the collapsed categories.

And to be honest, I liked the hexagon icons of your mode/placement tab better :smiley:
And I agree with else that the tabs at the top should have a little more contrast.