Unreal Engine 4 C++ Quick Start not working

Hello Community,

A couple of weeks ago, I enthusiastically answered for my entire, silent, C++ class to have our next assignment be on Unreal Engine tutorials because I REALLY WANT TO LEARN IT. Now, looking back in retrospect, I feel stupid. I was assuming that It would be an easy starter tutorial. It was supposed to be, but it has turned out to be hell. I have been getting the same errors every time I have tried and retried. Before I say which ones, I have to say that I am running 4.23 on Windows 10 with Visual Studio Enterprise with all modules up to date. I am to be following [this][1] tutorial.

Now, when copy/paste-ing or typing out all code in the tutorial, I am left with these 6 errors no matter what I do:

What do I import/How do I get around these errors? Or is this tutorial simply outdated?

Thanks in advance and Happy Coding!

First of all paste what you got in output tab, error tab is misleading

Also would be nice if oyu paste also how your FloatingObject.cpp has

The 3 headers you’re missing in the cpp file are:

#include "Components/StaticMeshComponent.h" 
#include "UObject/ConstructorHelpers.h"
#include "Particles/ParticleSystemComponent.h"

You’re missing a simi colon somewhere.
CubeVisualAsset isn’t properly defined in your constructor.

The scope resolution must be because of the constructor helper.

Hope it helps.

Thank you @GODVS it really helped me!

No probs at all. Glad I could help.
Could you mark it off as answered?
Good luck with your c++ journey. Don’t give up!