Unreal Engine 4.9 Released!


4.9.2 Hotfix is now live!

If you experience a bug with 4.9.2 Hotfix, please remember to log a bug report for issue on UE4 AnswerHub to Bug Reports section.

Fixed in 4.9.2

Fixed! UE-20792 DrawMaterial() Function not Rendering Translucent Material to HUD
Fixed! UE-21233 Calling RequestStimuliListenerUpdate on actor with one element in AIPerception Sensing Config causes crash
Fixed! UE-21234 Crash on play when AIPerception Senses Config element is set to “sense config” options
Fixed! UE-20913 Undo after deletion in BP editor causes crash
Fixed! UE-17698 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_CoreUObject!UStruct::IsChildOf() [class.h:400]
Fixed! UE-20644 [CrashReport] Crash while undoing in Blueprints - FObjectRecord::FReader::operator
Fixed! UE-20258 Child blueprint classes can no longer change default values for inherited variables
Fixed! UE-21081 Cannot open assets created in 4.9.1 in 4.9.0 version of editor
Fixed! UE-20210 [CrashReport] Crash on Windows Chinese version when changing editor language
Fixed! UE-21337 Movies are not skipped when Wait for Movies to Complete is false
Fixed! UE-21292 Parallax Occlusion Mapping broken on Macs
Fixed! UE-21127 Crash in FSlateImageRun destructor
Fixed! UE-20550 Sliders and check boxs not working on touch screen device
Fixed! UE-21076 Possible divide by zero in animation transitions with zero crossfade durations
Fixed! UE-20961 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!FKShapeElem::GetShapeCheck<FKConvexElem>() [shapeelem.h:55]
Fixed! UE-20952 Launching a Project which uses Depth of Field crashes to Home Screen on iOS8 device
Fixed! UE-21123 PowerVR Galaxy S4 (GT-I9500) shows black scene when MobileHDR enabled
Fixed! UE-21367 Submitting to App store for 9 leads to validation errors
Fixed! UE-20940 Effects.umap causes Standalone and Mobile Preview PIE to Crash
Fixed! UE-21126 Foliage culling broken on XboxOne
Update UE-21185 Update buttons on CrashReporter window to encourage submission

Nice list of crash fix …
… but no fix on dithering/aa bug (and that make me sad^^)

On 4.9.2

Thanks for all bug fixes! Awesome progression.

Also, you guys are continually not including “ART TOOLS” in “EXTRAS” folder of OSX build.
Please double check that.


Hey there, two questions / reports:

  1. Is there a bug logged for extremely slow landscape grass streaming? I am using a density of 250 and it takes up to 60 seconds for my grass to appear when I hit play.
  2. Is there a bug logged for Art Tools, i.e. baking imposters / unwrapped meshes? Half of those don’t seem to work, most notably imposter depth mask baking.

It’s a pity that they still didn’t fixed aliasing problem, like koola mentioned above and performance “FPS” are still not that good like in 4.83 Version of UE4.

[= Ellis;389902]

4.9.2 Hotfix is now live!

If you experience a bug with 4.9.2 Hotfix, please remember to log a bug report for issue on UE4 AnswerHub to Bug Reports section.

Fixed in 4.9.2

Fixed! UE-20792 DrawMaterial() Function not Rendering Translucent Material to HUD
Fixed! UE-21233 Calling RequestStimuliListenerUpdate on actor with one element in AIPerception Sensing Config causes crash
Fixed! UE-21234 Crash on play when AIPerception Senses Config element is set to “sense config” options
Fixed! UE-20913 Undo after deletion in BP editor causes crash
Fixed! UE-17698 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_CoreUObject!UStruct::IsChildOf() [class.h:400]
Fixed! UE-20644 [CrashReport] Crash while undoing in Blueprints - FObjectRecord::FReader::operator
Fixed! UE-20258 Child blueprint classes can no longer change default values for inherited variables
Fixed! UE-21081 Cannot open assets created in 4.9.1 in 4.9.0 version of editor
Fixed! UE-20210 [CrashReport] Crash on Windows Chinese version when changing editor language
Fixed! UE-21337 Movies are not skipped when Wait for Movies to Complete is false
Fixed! UE-21292 Parallax Occlusion Mapping broken on Macs
Fixed! UE-21127 Crash in FSlateImageRun destructor
Fixed! UE-20550 Sliders and check boxs not working on touch screen device
Fixed! UE-21076 Possible divide by zero in animation transitions with zero crossfade durations
Fixed! UE-20961 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!FKShapeElem::GetShapeCheck<FKConvexElem>() [shapeelem.h:55]
Fixed! UE-20952 Launching a Project which uses Depth of Field crashes to Home Screen on iOS8 device
Fixed! UE-21123 PowerVR Galaxy S4 (GT-I9500) shows black scene when MobileHDR enabled
Fixed! UE-21367 Submitting to App store for 9 leads to validation errors
Fixed! UE-20940 Effects.umap causes Standalone and Mobile Preview PIE to Crash
Fixed! UE-21126 Foliage culling broken on XboxOne
Update UE-21185 Update buttons on CrashReporter window to encourage submission

Why can’t I download update,it always shows fails to download

Is it safe to update to Mac OS X El Cap or should I wait for UE 4.10?

Wooooooo UE-20952 fixed! Thanks Epic you guys are amazing!

Why can’t I download update,it always shows fails to download

Do you have enough disk space for entire download? If that’s not problem, you may have a network connectivity issue that is blocking you. View this link to try solutions: #The_Launcher_is_unable_to_download_content

If it doesn’t help, collect your Launcher logs (steps provided at bottom of wiki page), and make a post on Installation & Setup section of Answerhub.

Hi all, with Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan now released, if anyone can advise on UE 4.9.2 on 10.11 that would be great.

I use (learning) UE4 on my so it’s not critical and I am probably going to move away from OS X.

Nonetheless, I’m downloading 10.11 now so I could probably report back tomorrow but I am only on a 4mbit connection.

UE 4.9.2 is known to function on Mac OSX 10.11, however it is not thoroughly tested or fully supported. We are aiming for support with UE 4.10.

Wow that’s amazing. No Arabic support yet?

[= ]
Do you have enough disk space for entire download? If that’s not problem, you may have a network connectivity issue that is blocking you. View this link to try solutions: #The_Launcher_is_unable_to_download_content

If it doesn’t help, collect your Launcher logs (steps provided at bottom of wiki page), and make a post on Installation & Setup section of Answerhub.

Thank you for your support!Now I can download engine normally.(Maybe my network is poor yesterday)

By way,(I have also verified that refraction does not work correctly on Android or devices. I have submitted a Jira for this as well, which can be referenced as: UE-21001.)it seems that refraction on metal still doesn’t work in 4.9.2.And gpu particles still not being implemented in metal.Will them be fixed in 4.10?Thanks very much!

4.9 has been fine on 10.11 (now on 10.11.1 and UE 4.9.2) still no issues.

Wonderful and great article.

I’m still getting ‘failed import for skeletalmeshcomponent’ error when creating a new project from first person BP…I’m running latest hotfix…

I’m still getting ‘failed import for skeletalmeshcomponent’ error when creating a new project from first person BP…I’m running latest hotfix…

Yes, this is UE-20152 and is not yet resolved.

Can’t believe you guys still have not fixed landscape painting yet.

It seems that refraction on metal(UE-21001) still doesn’t work in 4.9.2.And gpu particles still not being implemented in metal.Will them be fixed in 4.10?Thanks very much!

Any ETA for next fix and UE-20613 ?