Fixed! UE-20265 ForEach ‘Enum’ node returns incorrect enum values Fixed! UE-20643 Enum to Byte conversion returns 2 for first enum 4 6 and so on rather than 0, 1, 2, etc Fixed! UE-20878 Child Blueprint getting certain property values cleared in cooked games Fixed! UE-20009 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_UnrealEd!operator<<() [editortransaction.cpp:157] Fixed! UE-20867 Issues converting enum to byte in BP Fixed! UE-20733 Disabling collision of an actor after an overlap event will cause event to fire twice Fixed! UE-20466 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!UAnimSequence::GetBonePose() [animsequence.cpp:994] Fixed! UE-20413 Montage with negative value of curves doesn’t work Fixed! UE-20496 Overlap checks during swept movement can generate repeated begin/end overlaps, or wrong end overlap event Fixed! UE-20146 Can’t increase lightmap resolution on landscape, it crashes Fixed! UE-20202 Dynamic point lights generate shader compile errors on HTML5 Fixed! UE-20492 Renamed/Copied code project folders fail to launch on to Fixed! UE-20728 Editable Text crashes on Android Fixed! UE-20380 HTML5: Mac: RunMacHTML5LaunchHelper.command has incorrect file type in P4, causes error Fixed! UE-20419 Mono error encountered with packaged HTML5 sample Fixed! UE-20872 Enabling MSAA crashes when using metal Fixed! UE-20968 Offline Shader Compile has been disabled on MacNote: When performing a launch on from Mac to first time there will be an increase in cook time as shaders will be rebuilt. Fixed! UE-20928 Launch on for Android may crash or use wrong version of aapt Fixed! UE-20864 Launch on to Wi-Fi Android devices will fail Fixed! UE-20008 SunTemple exits to home screen on iPad 4 Fixed! UE-20590 Can’t build UE4Game for from PC Fixed! UE-12215 Sound effects continue to play when game is suspended on Android Fixed! UE-20692 Epic Games Launcher unhides while editor is loading on Mac Fixed! UE-20991 Launch On for does not automatically startNote: Launch On feature for on Mac has been temporarily disabled due to an incompatibility with Xcode 7.0. We are working on issue for 4.10. Fixed! UE-20640 SSAO 4.9 perf regression fix Fixed! UE-20335 Blendable Weight set higher than 1.0 crashes Fixed! UE-20639 Crash on Mobile Previewing or Playing in a New Editor Viewport a Mobile/Tablet - Mobile/HTML Project Fixed! UE-20297 REGRESSION: HierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent LOD transitions are broken in 4.9 and Fixed! UE-20172 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!FBatchedElements::FSimpleElementBSSContainer::GetBSS() [batchedelements.h:308] Fixed! UE-20699 “Build Solution” does not work for GitHub users Fixed! UE-20291 Rev Oculus SDK to 0.7 / 0.6.18
hotfix is great thank you guys very very much. No word though on packaging problems that caused 3-4 entries to not be finished this months jam? Really caused a headache for our team and ended up not packaging right anyway.
Question about mobile lighting and shadows / performance.
I have been gone from UE4 for 2 months but im back.
Currently updating engine which will take a few hours.
So was hoping someone anyone who has tried and used new ue4 mobile features… could tell me how performance stacks up to previous versions.
Im super excited to test it myself. Shadows… omfg man… shadows. That is awesome.
Hows performance on lower end mobiles? Has this improved?
Hi ,
I was one of those GameJam Teams this month that couldn’t compile my game. root cause was excessive file name size. With over 600+ over sized file names from Marketplace asset packs, I just flat didn’t have time to develop a game a resolve out all those file name issues in 4 days time. I will probably have a compiled version of my game latter this month as it’s tricky work to rename assets inside of a project once it’s started (How do I know this, don’t ask!).
Just a note of clarification: It’s large directory names causing problem, not specifically filename. My directory names are HUGE and they are causing engine failures.
One interesting side note,
I just installed 4.9.1 engine and tried doing a test run of my Sept 2015 GameJam project. After recompiling shaders, I got an impressive 3-4 FPS increase of game speed IN EDITOR! Wow! Thanks Epic! I will try recompiling game later this evening.
New Fresh 4.9.1 Project with no starter content, First Person template: First thing that popped up was a loaderror: Failed import fort SkeletalMeshComponent
I still have problem in 4.9.1 that if I compile one BP (which has a lot of childs) one child turns dirty (so compile fails) and I have to open BP of child and compile it manually ( compiling works). It’s a cyclical dependency issue since in child I am spawning an actor which is child of itself (child of child of parent) and store this actor reference in a variable of parents type. I already got this bug in 4.8 and I really hoped these annoying cyclical dependency issues would be finally fixed in 4.9…
New Fresh 4.9.1 Project with no starter content, First Person template: First thing that popped up was a loaderror: Failed import fort SkeletalMeshComponent
Me too!
Still got this problem too (HUD DrawMaterial() unable to render translucent material).
Please keep in mind that hotfixes are typically for major crashes and bugs that are affecting large numbers of users. All bugs that were addressed within a hotfix are listed on hotfix release notes. If you do not see a fix for specific bugs there, it is probably not going to be within that hotfix and either may be in a later hotfix or a later release build.
With that said, if you do have a bug or crash, please report it to answerhub in bug reports section. There is a link to bug reports section in my signature.
Please keep in mind that hotfixes are typically for major crashes and bugs that are affecting large numbers of users. All bugs that were addressed within a hotfix are listed on hotfix release notes. If you do not see a fix for specific bugs there, it is probably not going to be within that hotfix and either may be in a later hotfix or a later release build.
With that said, if you do have a bug or crash, please report it to answerhub in bug reports section. There is a link to bug reports section in my signature.
We know . We just want you to know what we are experiencing with our projects so team at Epic has some more information to go one during their bug fixes.
[=Demolition Man;379511]
Hi ,
I was one of those GameJam Teams this month that couldn’t compile my game. root cause was excessive file name size. With over 600+ over sized file names from Marketplace asset packs, I just flat didn’t have time to develop a game a resolve out all those file name issues in 4 days time. I will probably have a compiled version of my game latter this month as it’s tricky work to rename assets inside of a project once it’s started (How do I know this, don’t ask!).
Just a note of clarification: It’s large directory names causing problem, not specifically filename. My directory names are HUGE and they are causing engine failures.
Are you talking about LONG directory names? Like F:\Perforce-PC-Workspace\SeptJam\Content\Blueprints\Widgets\HUD\mainHUD.uasset?
Hi ,
I had even longer ones. sad part was that many of items engine picked on weren’t even in use by my project, they where included in parts of assets packs that I didn’t use. Next time I plan on putting together my GameJam project and doing a compile right from start to see where there are problems with assets packs. While I was able to delete some of stuff, other items where it use which made things problematic at best. And I did try to fix it which ended up killing project at about 4pm. It took me another 4 hours to restore stuff back into working order in editor but compiling it still down at this time.
Something else to keep in mind that when you have compile times in 2+ hour range, you don’t have many tries at getting right on Sunday. Add to it fact that it takes me 5+ hours to upload a GameJam project means that it has to be working for me at 3 MST time to make my deadlines. Of course, that’s part of challenge of building a game that’s interesting. At least good news is that I probably wouldn’t have that issue next month when it counts as I’ve learned that lesson this month. So it’s not all bad news. I did learn a bunch of cool stuff with level design so I’m still happy with results. If you want, there is a developer video of game I built at following link.
Let me know what you think of video as that’s all I am going to get for this months efforts. I thought I managed to get some really cool lighting effects on this project.
Can someone clarify what “Rev Oculus SDK to 0.7 / 0.6.18” means?
Particularly Rev. I have yet to update my Oculus runtime to 0.7 (still working on 0.6), because i’ve heard UE4.9 wasn’t yet fully compatible. Am I wrong? Would it be wise to update to 4.9.1 and runtime 0.7? Any performance gains?
Can someone clarify what “Rev Oculus SDK to 0.7 / 0.6.18” means?
Particularly Rev. I have yet to update my Oculus runtime to 0.7 (still working on 0.6), because i’ve heard UE4.9 wasn’t yet fully compatible. Am I wrong? Would it be wise to update to 4.9.1 and runtime 0.7? Any performance gains?
With 4.9.1, we have updated Oculus runtimes to 0.7.0 (Desktop) and 0.6.1 (Mobile)