Interesting, so the port number change actually worked for you? I troubleshooted this same problem with another user on Friday, and it did not work for him. He is using a Thomson cable modem/router in combination with a smart TV.
We still don’t know what exactly the problem is. My next step is to implement an option to use broadcast instead of multicast, which will hopefully be handled by these routers more gracefully (although it will then certainly spam all connected devices).
If the plugin is disabled or disable the Enable Transport to disable it there seems to be 10% to 20% editor load speed increase and things seem slightest bit more responsive as well such as when loading blueprints or the settings.
That doesn’t seem plausible to me. Could you verify these findings?
it doesn’t seem that it would be sending fast enough to cause a problem but it was detected as a flood
Very interesting. This could be a useful clue. I will look into it.
I think the main problem is still that the router is forwarding the packets to non-subscribers. None of your other devices on the network should ever receive these packets, unless they’re running Unreal Engine.