Unreal Engine 4.8 Released!

[= Bean;310037]
With 4.8 my CPU is much more active??? In 4.7.6. I never heard my CPU fan unless when building light or compiling shaders. Now with 4.8 I hear my CPU fan all the time when UE4 editor has focus. Is this me, or are any others experiencing the same?

Don’t worry, be happy! They have improved multi core performance, so more of your available CPU is used now :smiley:

In 4.8 I can’t get “inset shadows” working with foliage system anymore…

I used to spread grass over static meshes and terrain using the mesh with “cast shadows” turned off. Then I activate “cast inset shadows” for the static meshes (not in foliage system) that I want to cast shadow over that grass and it also worked fine. I like that because I don’t want the grass instances to use lightmaps neither generate dynamic shadows.

Now in 4.8, this method only work before building lights. After that, the inset shadows won’t cast over the grass anymore. I didn’t change anything in my project from 4.7 version. Is this a bug or I’m supposed to adjust some new parameters to get it working again?

Hey Epic,

You’re giving us the world with The Boy & His Kite demo (literally!), and I am totally looking forward to tearing into the map & code to do some fun stuff.

However, I was hoping you could hook us up with one more tiny little thing… :slight_smile: You see, I’d like to play with the flocking, AI, etc of the deer & ravens and expect to be limited by the supplied animations, lack of source art, etc.

Is there any Epic might consider releasing the content source files for us to play with? I’m not sure what asset creation package(s) you used (maya?), but whatever it is I’m hoping I can find demo / educational version and get something to work.

It’d be fantastic to have the whole content creation pipeline available, wouldn’t it? Of course even better would be to pull these ‘little asset creation tools’ into the engine itself so the UE Editor becomes a one-stop-shop for the entire art pipeline. The engine looks to be mature enough to easily handle these kinds of tasks, but I know this is a huge ask and probably low on the priority list - it just seems like a much better place to be investing time ($$$) than something like FBX importers…

Ok, I had to ask. Go ahead and laugh…

[= Ellis;309195]

When we published the Release Notes, we accidentally forgot to include a few of our awesome 4.8 GitHub contributors (and we also included a few who hadn’t contributed to 4.8). The list should be correct now, and I’d like to apologize for the delay to the following people who had been excluded:

Artem V. Navrotskiy ()
Cengiz Terzibas (yaakuro)
Mahashin (dmahashin)
Rous (JeffRous)
Jefferson Pinheiro ()
Kazumasa Ohashi (KazumasaOhashi)
Lucas Dohring (nykac)
Kamradt (MarcKamradt)

Sebastian Köcke (byte3)
Rombauts ()
Whittle (stephenwhittle)

Mayer (tommybear)
Tobias Mollstam (mollstam)

Thank you so much for your contributions! (and to all the other contributors as well!)


Puts knife away… j/k :slight_smile: I didn’t even notice! ahhahahahaha


So to use the LODSystem in World Settings, do you need Simplygon ?

[= Bean;310037]
With 4.8 my CPU is much more active??? In 4.7.6. I never heard my CPU fan unless when building light or compiling shaders. Now with 4.8 I hear my CPU fan all the time when UE4 editor has focus. Is this me, or are any others experiencing the same?

I only get my GPU fan when on realtime. I’m watercooled, cant speak for CPU.

I contacted Ikinema if they are updating their plugin to 4.8. No response yet! Does anyone know if they updated it already, or not? Just wondering :slight_smile:

So to use the LODSystem in World Settings, do you need Simplygon ?

Yeah, I was wondering the same. Is simplygon not needed anymore since there’s a LODSystem feature inside UE4 now? Thanks for any reply :slight_smile:

No, it utilises Simplygon if you have it, and if you dont it uses your manual LOD’s and glues those together into one mesh.

No, it utilises Simplygon if you have it, and if you dont it uses your manual LOD’s and glues those together into one mesh.

Hmm but how? :\ I can’t seem to activate it in World Settings, it’s greyed out?
I have an FBX import with LODs grouped in it, but it doesn’t seem to glue them together?

Well. I Tried to open KITE demo i think my 16gb of ram not enough xD So… i thought how about Q&A thread for Kite demo? for those who cant open that awesome thing.

Well. I Tried to open KITE demo i think my 16gb of ram not enough xD So… i thought how about Q&A thread for Kite demo? for those who cant open that awesome thing.

Oh really, I can open it. Just bought an extra 8 GB today for a total of 16 GB. Not that its happens to be fast now or anything of course (wrong card for it here).

Just dont try to load all streaming levels at once, it says that needs 24 GB :slight_smile:

Hmm but how? :\ I can’t seem to activate it in World Settings, it’s greyed out?
I have an FBX import with LODs grouped in it, but it doesn’t seem to glue them together?

I didnt actually try it, just reflecting what I understand from the release notes. But the merge module thats needed for it is experimental is it? Might need to be enabled.

Well changing MaxLODSize in the ini makes it crash :stuck_out_tongue:

What? My computer freezes completely =O

oh… i was opened my Pretty Huge After Effects project…

Is there any documentation on network replays?

I’d like to do an offline replay system for a single-player game, but I can’t really find any info on how the replay recording is supposed to work or what specifically is necessary to implement it.

Is there any documentation on network replays?

I’d like to do an offline replay system for a single-player game, but I can’t really find any info on how the replay recording is supposed to work or what specifically is necessary to implement it.

I found it on their trello page: Trello

Did you disable static shadow casting on the Landscape Grass Type asset?

I would love to be allowed to, but I’m not finding a way. :smiley:
The Landscape Grass Type asset has no options to set/control Shadow by Grass entry neither if Show Advanced is enabled.

It just accepts StaticMeshes as Grass entries, we can’t assign a Foliage Type, where shadow control on the instance is enabled.

anyone has issue that everytime raising or lowering terrain with terrain tool then editor hangs a some 5+ seconds

In 4.8 version, I found Phat tool is worse than previous. every Body always jitter even with no conpenetrated bodies.

Just noticed a small issue in 4.8 w/ Math Expressions. I used to be able to use ‘Delta’ in one before but when just trying this out now, it errors out on me using ‘Delta’. This used to work so I’m not sure if this is a bug or something changed by design. I’m using ‘WorldDelta’ now to get around this but I was curious and thought I’d let you guys know.