How do you undo accidential piloting an actor? o.O
I had to look hard to see how to escape out of this mode.
How do you undo accidential piloting an actor? o.O
I had to look hard to see how to escape out of this mode.
I am considering buying the latest MacBook Pro that comes with AMD Radeon R9 M370X graphics card.
I plan to install Windows through Bootcamp to run the Unreal Engine (I find performance better on Windows for the same hardware).
@ Vibhu,
as a Macbook Pro user with AMD Graphics, a 2011 model, I advise you not to. Yes Apple does provide Bootcamp, but it isn’t all its cracked up to be. First, in Bootcamp Apple actually lies to Windows about the hardware you have. So, it will tell Windows you only have the AMD Graphics card, and not the internal Intel GPU, which will lower your battery life, making Windows appear to be more power hungry. You also can’t use AHCI mode for hard disks, which significantly lowers the speed of SSDs, not to mention regular spinning disks.
If your Mac supports UEFI Bootcamp, and that one would, Apple checks to see if the OS that is booting is OS X, and if it isn’t it turns things off, like the integrated GPU.
With an AMD GPU, you are limited to the shipped drivers from Apple, or the latest that AMD puts out that is labeled for Apple hardware. Which precludes any of the monthly releases, the last one AMD has was released at the same time they released the Omega version of Catalyst. If you forgo this, and install the latest monthly, expect BSODs.
But thats okay, as you wont really notice the increase you will see from this source. Now, about that great trackpad Apple promotes. They only provide a barebones Windows driver for it. The trackpad supports all the features required for the Windows 8/10 touchpad gestures, but Apple simply doesn’t bother enabling it for their competitor’s OS. And you can install something that gives you that functionality back, called trackpad++, but you will need to disable driver signing to do it. Oh, and more BSODs.
Also, the AMD GPUs run hotter than their Nvidia counterparts. I don’t usually care, but in a laptop it makes a difference, since my particular model has had a recall due to the GPU literally
getting so hot that it undoes the soldering on the GPU.
But i’m not bitter. I love my MacBook. (There is NOT an Apple security guard standing over my shoulder making me say that.)
you are supposed to use Apple’s drivers.
If you want a Macbook for OS X, then don’t plan on running Windows on it and get all the benefits of both. I do like OS X, I just wish Apple didn’t feel the need to not support their customers better, by supporting real use cases.
For the same money, you can buy a similar Windows Gaming/Pro laptop, if you want a laptop form factor. If Unreal is going to be a major portion of your life, I recommend a desktop, or at least a dual GPU GTX mobile 9xx series. Like I said, in laptops that heat and power efficiencies matter. (I am actually an AMD fanboy, but I am a realist first and foremost, and that is a huge concern.)
A desktop would be so much better even if you want something portable, as you can fit a really decent card and all the fixins in tiny boxes.
Hi! I also have a MBP from 2014-end and it gets really hot when using some features of UE, like compiling shaders/lights and some other features.
Kind Regards.
Good stuff, although I was really hoping to see the new spline components in 4.8…
Hey I have a game-breaking physics bug switching to 4.8. In my game you can perform a charged jump to reach high ledges specifically scaled to the apex of the players jump. Even jumping from a distance of 10 meters horizontally or so you can still land on the ledge. In 4.8 this works 1/10 times. I’ll lip up on the ledge and slide off. Even Jumping next to the wall the character will act as though you’ll get over the edge but you’ll just slide off. 4.8 has many features I need, but My game is a platformer, and platforming now no longer works. I can post a comparison video if needed. Thanks.
Just a side note on the Release Notes:
You didn’t mention antyhing on the changes that you made on the OnlineSubsystem, except for XBOX. But in the reality, you made significant changes in the interfaces, you removed signatures, you add new ones etc… it could have been great to warn us on this. I failed to migrate my project yesterday due to all the changes that I discovered on the Online SubSystem Interface.
Thanks for the great job,
If you wish to look at hidden files on , you’ll need to make a change in the control panel. First start by opening up the control panel. If your view is set to ‘Categories’, change it to Large/small icons. You’ll then need to select Folder Options. After that, hit the ‘View’ tab and select the option “Show hidden files, folders, and drives”. After hitting apply, the AppData folder should be visible. If simply finding this cook.txt file cannot help you get around this compiler error, please make an answerhub post about this issue in the Bug Reports or C++ Programming section and we’ll be happy to help you further.
Thanks ,
Sorry I didn’t get around to responding to your message eariler but It just sort of got lost in this stream. I’m looking into the cook.txt file now to see if I can figure out what happened to my compile.
Hey I have a game-breaking physics bug switching to 4.8. In my game you can perform a charged jump to reach high ledges specifically scaled to the apex of the players jump. Even jumping from a distance of 10 meters horizontally or so you can still land on the ledge. In 4.8 this works 1/10 times. I’ll lip up on the ledge and slide off. Even Jumping next to the wall the character will act as though you’ll get over the edge but you’ll just slide off. 4.8 has many features I need, but My game is a platformer, and platforming now no longer works. I can post a comparison video if needed. Thanks.
Best is to post this into the answerhub. You will most likely get a response there:
why I still don’t see this update in Launcher?
When can we expect the first bug fix patch? Its very annoying to have to re wire self nodes every-time you change something in any BP.
For the self nodes there is the nice workaround to just cast the self reference to itself. So if you have a blueprint named “Car” and you use a self reference in there, cast the self reference to Car with a pure cast and connect the cast output to the add node. Then the wires don’t get disconnected.
Awesome, thanks !
In 4.8 in my game the player mesh (non skeletal spaceship, not animated) is now separated from the character movement, as in the model can still shoot and move but the actual character model just stays in one spot. Anyone else have this problem? It worked fine in 4.7. This is from a basic blueprint setup with no template. Nothing special done with character input.
Actually this update is a huge fail to me in view to the ressource management… I have double performance cost for just a few gimmicks :c My Project only used 1 gb with 476 and now it always uses 2gb. Dats insane…
It seems that there are some issues with UGameplayStatics::SaveGameToSlot in this version. The data saved some times will be damaged with this methord on Android devices. So that, LoadGameFromSlot will be failed too! There was no problem in the same processing in the past version. Any one has met the same problem too?
And I find that strange phenomenon: if you package the project by the menu “Editor/Launch”,the IO operation has no problem, But, if you package the project by menu “File/Project Package/Android/…” , the issues will come out. I guess different permissions on device cause the IO problem.
4.8 runs so much better than 4.7 here in our project. We haven’t found or experienced any crashes or bugs so far Loving 4.8!
From the release notes : “To use Hierarchical LOD, set Enable Hierarchical LOD System to be true in World Settings. Once enabled, you’ll be able to edit settings in the LODSystem section.”
I can’t find this in the world settings? What am I doing wrong?
ERROR switching engine version:
“Running C:/UE4SAUCE/UnrealEngine-release/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe -projectfiles -project=“C:/Users/Fox/Documents/Unreal Projects/theproject/theproject.uproject” -game -engine -progress
Discovering modules, targets and source code for game…
Errors detected while compiling C:\Users\Fox\Documents\Unreal Projects heproject\Intermediate\Build\BuildRules heprojectProjectFileGeneratorModuleRules.dll:
c:\Users\Fox\Documents\Unreal Projects heproject\Source heprojectServer.Target.cs(32,45) : error CS0117: ‘UnrealBuildTool.UnrealBuildTool’ does not contain a definition for ‘BuildingRocket’
UnrealBuildTool Exception: ERROR: UnrealBuildTool encountered an error while compiling source files”
Error when trying to switch engine version on project file using github built engine. Engine built with no errors.
EDIT: Same error with binary editor from launcher…
ERROR switching engine version:
“Running C:/UE4SAUCE/UnrealEngine-release/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe -projectfiles -project=“C:/Users/Fox/Documents/Unreal Projects/theproject/theproject.uproject” -game -engine -progress
Discovering modules, targets and source code for game…
Errors detected while compiling C:\Users\Fox\Documents\Unreal Projects heproject\Intermediate\Build\BuildRules heprojectProjectFileGeneratorModuleRules.dll:
c:\Users\Fox\Documents\Unreal Projects heproject\Source heprojectServer.Target.cs(32,45) : error CS0117: ‘UnrealBuildTool.UnrealBuildTool’ does not contain a definition for ‘BuildingRocket’
UnrealBuildTool Exception: ERROR: UnrealBuildTool encountered an error while compiling source files”
Error when trying to switch engine version on project file using github built engine. Engine built with no errors.
Please post this to the answerhub in the bug reports section at In the bug report, please include what steps you took to build the engine and what version of the engine you were previously using. Thank you.