Unreal Engine 4.8 Released!

[= Ellis;307990]
Whenever something is “experimental”, then it shouldn’t be considered as stable or ready for serious development. Use at your own risk! :slight_smile:

I mean if we go ahead and use it for out project, would we later be able to move the project to the new stable build without losing all the work and settings or the tool is just yet heavily under development and it might change quite a lot?

Awesome! I just spent 10 minutes scrolling through the full release notes, you guys are insane!

Is oculus rift still supported on mac? SDK 0.6 is windows only, AFAIK.

Great work Epic!!

I just read about Snap Layers. You guys are life savers!

Omg! Insane release! Amazing work guys! Congratulations! But for the next releases please, give us Nintendo platforms support :(!!

thanks for replying , what I meant was:

isn’t this for placement in the editor so once it’s placed it shouldn’t move or am I reading it wrong?
the ‘procedural’ part concerns placement in the world through the editor not during the actual loading of a game, right?
or have I got this all wrong?

(still reading patch notes so could be ‘completely’ wrong, lol)
either way, thanks!

Edit Note: looking at release notes -> https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Support/Builds/ReleaseNotes/2015/4_8/index.html

WOW! ya’ll have been busy!

Mind boggling! Once again, really really impressive. Thanks guys and girls and cats of Epic!

its cool “Release Notes”, but don’t see any vehicle improvements inside??? maybe in 4.9?

Amazing! So many good and useful features! Top work as usual!

A lot of cool stuff, thank Epic! :cool:

Help I’m stuck on verifying…going on 20 mins now. Any thoughts?

EDIT: Its just really slow. Sorry for post. Its happening though :smiley:

This is one of the most impressive release notes i have ever seen , gj :slight_smile:

Help I’m stuck on verifying…going on 20 mins now. Any thoughts?

There is a download icon top right, if you click that you’d see the percentages going, took some time here,
although 20 mins sounds a bit too long.

Help I’m stuck on verifying…going on 20 mins now. Any thoughts?

No SSD, slower CPU… Could all explain. Just wait it out a bit more. After 1 hour I would shutdown the launcher and then start it to see what happens. You might end up downloading it all again…

Help I’m stuck on verifying…going on 20 mins now. Any thoughts?

Verifying can take a while, and sometimes appears to freeze. The timeframe depends on your system specs. I suggest giving it more time.

So, did the new navmesh walking get in?

I noticed that the Oculus Audio Spacialization is supported. Are there any docs for it? I’ve got as far as enabling the plugin…

What an amazing job! You guys are truly EPIC!

Is touch support for Windows 8 implemented? :smiley: Good job guys! :slight_smile: