Unreal Engine 4.7 Preview


Can you give a quick how to or point me in right direction?

foliage improvements look , now we can finally have proper realistic foliage, not just fortnite style “trees”! :slight_smile:
I also love that foliage improvements also work for normal instanced meshes, that will make my life soooo much easier!!
I would like to see your material setup as well , so I can use beautiful new shading model correctly when 4.7 is released.

shader is super simple (dont know if I use it correct) :slight_smile:

With constant vector you can control strenght of subsurface effect

original sized picture can be found in thread: https://.unrealengine/showthread.php?32543-What-Are-You-Working-On-Community-Screenshots-amp-Videos/page7

Don’t know if it’s on my end but rebuilding lights now takes forever. A map I’m working on in 4.6 use to take 1 min 30 sec for first percentage and then i takes off. Now it takes about 5 minuets and five for each additional percentage and some times it just locks up at about 25%.

is fine and dandy, but what happens when you get to ‘past’ 4.9? Does it go 4.95? 4.99? 4.999? Or will you call thing UE5?

is fine and dandy, but what happens when you get to ‘past’ 4.9? Does it go 4.95? 4.99? 4.999? Or will you call thing UE5?

nope, it will be 4.10 then 4.11 etc :slight_smile:

is fine and dandy, but what happens when you get to ‘past’ 4.9? Does it go 4.95? 4.99? 4.999? Or will you call thing UE5?

Would it be more helpful if they called it 4.01, 4.02, etc? Think of version numbers like : <major version>.<major revision>.<minor revision>
Each one of those version numbers is unbounded, and really it’s just a way to keep things separated.

Would it be more helpful if they called it 4.01, 4.02, etc? Think of version numbers like : <major version>.<major revision>.<minor revision>
Each one of those version numbers is unbounded, and really it’s just a way to keep things separated.

You can’t have 4.01.01.

You can’t have 4.01.01.

You could, certainly. Functionally, it makes no difference. It’s just a matter of aesthetics.

Anyone having issues with speedtree using both direct and sun light at same ? I get a lot of over bright surfaces that are translucence but near white.


I would like to ask if runtime deformable heightmaps/terrains will be re-added to UE at some point in future. Also I was hoping to know if we would eventually get frustum controls exposed for individual cameras?

Thank you.

Anyone having issues with speedtree using both direct and sun light at same ? I get a lot of over bright surfaces that are translucence but near white.

Have you turned off “specular”? + do you use basic speedtree material? :slight_smile:

Just updated to preview to see whats new and came across a small, I noticed that ‘OnJumped_Implementation()’ in ACharacter is not virtual anymore, I was using it in 4.6 so character code can handle any action when a jump starts, is there a better way of doing it? Why change?

Anyone having issues with speedtree using both direct and sun light at same ? I get a lot of over bright surfaces that are translucence but near white.

Also, if you’re using new foliage lighting model, be sure to use an input for subsurface node, or else you’ll get some funky results.

new foliage lighting model is a big step in right direction, though it’s spec is broken (very intense on SSS backside) in current version, which is still a work in progress.

Really hoping we can still get a fix in 4.7 for packaging projects with Audio Visualization plugin enabled.



anyone knows whats up with BehaviourTree Decorators (Blueprints) in current preview?

Seems like ReceiveConditionCheck is no longer an Event, but a function to implement. Thats ok so far and i would change my implementations accordingly, but it still needs to call FinishConditionCheck (and comment in code also says that), though i cant seem to call that function from anywhere, or even find it?


Would it be more helpful if they called it 4.01, 4.02, etc? Think of version numbers like : <major version>.<major revision>.<minor revision>
Each one of those version numbers is unbounded, and really it’s just a way to keep things separated.

Yeah, I have been wondering about myself. What happends after 4.X? :slight_smile:

Yeah, I have been wondering about myself. What happends after 4.X? :slight_smile:

Like Said 4.10 then 4.11 That’s plan.

Im excited to see what they will come up with coming months :smiley:

I have problem in 4.7 with bp_sky_sphere, in 4.6.1 after adding sky_sphere i can see sun, but in 4.7 i can see it only in reflections but not in sky(only clouds), any idea how to repair ? I asked in “answers” site but noone replied.