Unreal Engine 4.6 Preview!

[=MC ;179954]
You should add… “Will Work For Texture Samples” :wink:

M_Chaos, haha, that will be the Destroyer of all Materials and may bring upon the end of the world lol! The possibilities for various shader and/or materials will be extremely awesome and it’s going to allow much more complex materials then ever before… I mean that’s a freaking 16x improvement over sampling limitations for god knows how long :smiley:

I hope makes 4.6! And , let me know when you can what you think about SLI/DirectVR. I have a second 980 GTX sitting and deciding if I should keep it or return it. Thanks and keep up the great work!

It is already in 4.6. The sampler number in material editor didn’t changed though. But you can set sampler type to Wrap or const and have fun (;.

What is the release date ?

Using the 4.6 preview build:

  1. Is instanced foliage light baking also supposed to work for Speedtrees? In the 4.6 preview build it seems to remove all instances once you do a light bake?

  2. How is one supposed to view the new emissive Gi-incorporation? Adding an emissive material next to a wall and baking seems to yield no visible difference?

Tried the 4.6 preview…I cannot see any emissive direct lighting.

All of my UMG blueprints have broken - not the “remove from parent” change, but anything involving colour. It seems colour and opacity has been changed from Linear Colour to Slate Colour. Not really sure why, but I have my UI colour bound and it no longer works.

The lightmaps for instancing is a great . I assume it is more efficient? Static lighting is faster, and instancing reduces draw calls. Sadly when my objects reach LOD 3 - they turn black, which never happened in 4.5.1

It is already in 4.6. The sampler number in material editor didn’t changed though. But you can set sampler type to Wrap or const and have fun (;.

Ahh thank you inside! Got it working.

Do you by any know when you would use the Clamp mode over the Wrap mode? If not don’t worry I am planning to open a new thread on the shared samplers best practices to get some more info.

Ahh thank you inside! Got it working.

Do you by any know when you would use the Clamp mode over the Wrap mode? If not don’t worry I am planning to open a new thread on the shared samplers best practices to get some more info.

Set to what you have set in texture. There Tiling Method. By default it’s Wrap. Set your sampler to whatever is set .

I’m looking forward to these features and hopefully some polish to improve stability across the editor as well :slight_smile:

It is already in 4.6. The sampler number in material editor didn’t changed though. But you can set sampler type to Wrap or const and have fun (;.

Thanks for the heads up :wink:

Am I the only one whose montages are broken when opening a project in 4.6? The time scale is wrong and notifies/branch points are all shifted over slightly.

I think montage clip lengths are now shortened to reflect the animation play rates of the individual clips now, and it causes the montages to display incorrectly…

Cast Unification

I’d be interested in hearing more about . Also I noticed that TSubobjectPtr is now deprecated, are there any other changes in area involving PCIP that we could hear the thought behind?

It would be great if we could playback the last 10 seconds for example where you died and then resume the game.

I’d be interested in hearing more about . Also I noticed that TSubobjectPtr is now deprecated, are there any other changes in area involving PCIP that we could hear the thought behind?

PostConstructInitaizerProperties (PCIP) has actually been renamed to FObjectInitializer. See for example.


The main difference is that TSubObjectPtr is now not used and all object creation methods return a standard c++ pointer. I assume that they still benefit from garbage collection. I would actually prefer if they were c++11 shared/unique pointers but not sure if the built in GC does the same thing or better.

You don’t have to use the FObjectInitializer (what used to be the PostContructInitializerProperties object). If you wanted you can now actually have the UObject have a constructor with no arguments in it and then just called ConstructObject, NewNamedObject or NewObject which will do the same job as the PCIP.createSubObject() helper. Someone correct me if I’m wrong as I haven’t actually tested .

Actually thats a good question…

Do objects created with ConstructObject() etc get garbage collected now if they aren’t UProperties in their parent class? I’m guessing as long as they are UObjects then its fine.


You don’t have to use the FObjectInitializer (what used to be the PostContructInitializerProperties object). If you wanted you can now actually have the UObject have a constructor with no arguments in it and then just called ConstructObject, NewNamedObject or NewObject which will do the same job as the PCIP.createSubObject() helper. Someone correct me if I’m wrong as I haven’t actually tested .

Thanks, I’ve noted . Too bad I had just recently gone through and replaced all my plain old pointers with TSubobjectPtr :frowning:

That was way faster than I though it would be released, great job at Epic!

Any ideas or images on what the humanoid rig is?

Any ideas or images on what the humanoid rig is?

IIRC it is explained in stream: https://www…com/lo1wtMqX4No&list=UUBobmJyzsJ6Ll7UbfhI4iwQ


Another bug found so far
When I try to get the transform or location of a named bone in 4.6 it immediately crashes (just opened a new project in 3rd person blueprint and found it happening when trying to get a bone of the default character mesh in there)

Hi ,

Can you post to the **AnswerHub**in the Bugs section along with all relevant details and repro steps to get the crash.

Also include the following information from post: How do I report a bug?

Also include the crash folder that is created in the following location when you submit the AnswerHub question: C:\ Users \ [Your computer Name] \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ Windows \ WER \ ReportQueue

Thank you!

The performance improvements are impressive. Thanks for that.

Some issues:

  • erosion of terrain does not work. I get a crash everytime i try to use it.
  • the behavior of the branch node in materials changed. The input pin >= is now a > but the label is still >=.
  • activating the rift mode is a bit unstable
  • still no gamepad support in umg :frowning:

Hi DaEmpty,

I was able to reproduce your landscape crash and have entered in a bug report, JIRA UE-5519 to be assessed by the development staff. Thank you for your feedback!

Using the 4.6 preview build:

  1. Is instanced foliage light baking also supposed to work for Speedtrees? In the 4.6 preview build it seems to remove all instances once you do a light bake?

  2. How is one supposed to view the new emissive Gi-incorporation? Adding an emissive material next to a wall and baking seems to yield no visible difference?

Hi Chesire,

  1. I had test and everything appears to work on our end with the Sample SpeedTree assets that we’ve got from their site. We’re seeing static lighting baked into the meshes properly.

I’m not sure what’s going on with them being removed. Is only happening with ST assets or any asset for you?

  1. For and my test I took the pillar from the starter content and added a emissive material to it. So long as the object it’s applied to is static the lighting generated from the emissive material will be baked into the surrounding static meshes. Using a basic material plugged into emissive alone may not be as bright as you need. You may want to use a multiply node and a plug a constant parameter value in that you can change to give you brighter results if you need.

To view emissive with LPV you will need to select the Material Inputs in the material editor and set the “Emissive (Dynamic Area Light)” to true.