Unreal Engine 4.27 Preview

Our engine’s mGPU support in D3D12 requires the GPUs to be in Linked Display Adapter (LDA) mode. On NVIDIA’s consumer level hardware, that is unfortunately tied to whether NVLink/SLI is enabled.

I see, thx for the info!

Is it just me or is Epic’s Water plugin broken for VR with instanced stereo and forward shading?

It won’t render properly in both eyes.

Yesterday (8/12/2021) after the 4.27 Overview live stream, I downloaded the 4.27.0 Preview 4 and played with the nDisplay template.
I know there’s no documentation for that release yet, but I was wondering if any of the Dev guys from UE could give us a brief overview on how to use it.
For those who don’t know, we have to use the Switchboard, for that just follow this guide, after that, add another device, your “nDisplay” config file, connect, then launch it.
So far so good, I have a 2 monitors setup that is indeed being projected half/half, but I can’t navigate the map, the viewport is stuck in the original position, I tried adding cameras, pawns, etc…but no success…Ideas please!!

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@Luoshuang Working with GPU Lightmass in 4.27.
Does it work with Virtual texture support like native GPU Lightmass to give you live preview updates as the lightmaps are baking?

3 issues which are perhaps GPU memory related. Running 12GB Titan Volta and whenver I get close to maxing out this vram various things happen.

Occassionally expereincing totall application freezes when a Auto Save occurs during a bake of lightmaps. Can’t even force quit and a hard reboot of the PC is necessary! Have lost hours of production to this.

Occasssionally I expereince an issue whereby the minimize, maximize and close buttons in the top right corner of every window stop working. Everything else is working fine in the editor.
The only solution is to do a force quit.

Immediately after a MovieQueue render the view port is ‘locked’.
I am unable to switch cameras, or zoom in out with mouse wheel.
Solution is to close the editor and relaunch.

Preview 4. 4.27.0-17024751+++UE4+Release-4.27

When I drag a Camera Rig Rail into a large scene it is often missing the Rail. All I get is the RGB pointer.
Not sure if this is memory related. Have over 4GB of textures in vram.

i am cant run swtichboard ,test three pc…

Release the Kraken (4.27) already!

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We’re unable to reproduce the issue. If you can reproduce it in a blank 4.27 project please go ahead and send us the reproduction steps.

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The Water System is still experimental and we’re working on full VR support.



Yes we’re planning to update the Collab viewer template to use the new VR Template Pawn. However this won’t be in 4.27. Earliest you can expect it is for 5.0.

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Playing around with the water as of writing this in 4.26, will it see any improvements in 4.27?

The hair and fur system is still not visible at all in RT reflections. This is a big issue since many environments whether indoors or outdoors have highly reflective surfaces like glass, metals, mirrors and water.

Did you find a solution for this? I’m trying to do the same but from TouchDesigner with no luck.

Hey, im having the following issue: My project currently runs at 4.27 Preview 2. I would like to upgrade to UE 5 for testing reasons. Unfortunately while loading the Project the Following message pops up: “Failed to open map file. This is most likely because the map was saved with a never version of the engine.” When the Project starts, there are no maps inside.

When i open and convert the project to 4.26.2 the same problem occurs.

Is there any way to get away from 4.27 to 4.26.2 or in the best case to 5.0? I really dont know what to do. Thank you all for any answer!! :slight_smile:

No you can’t downgrade engine versions, but you’ll be able to convert to UE5 when it’s out of Early Access.

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ok, thank you

@VictorLerp hey saw this in the release notes, is there going to be WebXR support for Unreal Engine in the future?