Unreal Engine 4.26 released!

FK Control Rig in sequencer disables Morph targets
When I try to add an FK Conrol Rig in sequencer on top of my animated head with Morph Targets, putting it in additive mode keeps only bones animation and morphs stop working, tweaking the value doesn’t do a thing. If I put to absolete mode, then I can change values and they work. Is it a bug or something else needs to be done?
*I don’t want to bake the animation to the Control Rig since it’s around 4000 frames, and I just want to add few head rotations.

Widget reflector is broken. If you scroll the panel, the list view just shows blank entries.

For the agents of Chaos in here,test out Chaos without compiling from source!](Unreal Engine 4.26-Chaos Preview now available on the Epic Games launcher - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums)

If you’ve been itching to give the Chaos Physics and Destruction System a try, without needing to compile source, now you can—head to the Epic Games launcher and install Unreal Engine 4.26-Chaos Preview from the list of available versions in the install dropdown. In this binary build, Chaos replaces PhysX for all physics simulations, including cloth, vehicles, and destruction.

Note: 4.26-Chaos can be found at the bottom of the dropdown.

If you give a shot, please help us make the system the best it can be by filing bugs and sharing your feedback. Thanks all!

Same thing for me. I have Volumetric Clouds with Ultra Dynamic Sky plugin. Work fine in Editor but crash in package

@Amanda.Schade Will the Chaos content examples project be updated to function with the 4.26-Chaos Preview?

**Volumetric Clouds render broken in right eye of VR HMD. **
Left eye all looks good, same as in non-vr modes, but in the right eye it’s crazy

EDIT: Also, when you move the camera above the starting altitude of the cloud layer, all the clouds that were rending bellow that height (in the distance) instantly disappear, see in the video here:


is it possible to add visible ray tracing reflections ?
for static mesh

Awesome, that makes me relieved it’s not something with just my project. Let’s hope for a resolution by the time we get our hands on 4.26.1.

I’m getting the same packaged startup crash, the crash looks like this for me; (just like what Mavmat posted)

Assertion failed: UniformExpressionCache.bUpToDate
[File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/Renderer/Private/ShaderBaseClasses.cpp] [Line: 350]
UniformExpressionCache should be up to date,
Material=speedLines_Mat FeatureLevel=3

I’m using volumetric clouds and voxelplugin when this happens, if I remove voxelplugin the package runs fine. But other people seem to get the same crash when using other plugins, so there’s something that varios plugins are doing to the engine, merely by virtue of being enabled (in my case) which breaks the packaged games

Hey folks- Would you mind taking the time to report these crashes along with any relevant information to Unreal Engine Community
That way, we will be better equipped to find the issues and hopefully getting a fix when possible! :slight_smile:

Do you mean the Destruction and Vehicle templates? Those should work with the preview. Or the Chaos Destruction Demo, which requires a couple steps listed here?

I already have a few responses to that thread, I eventually got it to work

Has anyone using Groom hairs (probably us all… or maybe some of us… or maybe just a few of us…okay, just 1 or 2 of us)
noticed there is something weird with the CLIP LENGTH slider?

It caps the slidage at “1.0”, but the hairs come in at lengths > 1, like 300 or something. So, when you slide it, it caps it at 1 and you can’t see it, and you have to type in 300 again.

It seems not to compute the full length as the “1.0” on import.
Anyone notice this?

Hi , I’ve just submitted a report.

I spent a good portion of the day reproducing it in a new, clean project with UDS, but am unable to. Seems to work fine in a new project (even when I copied over my config files).

I’ve also cleared my cache folders and rebuilt/packaged everything, but no luck. It’s odd, especially concerning multiple people seem to be having the issue, and with different assets at that.

Regardless, I’ll wait to see what comes back from the ticket.

In case it’s of interest to anyone, I’ll also post the call stack here publicly (also present in the ticket):

Fatal error: [File:4_26_0/Engine/Source/Runtime/RenderCore/Private/RenderingThread.cpp] [Line: 907]
Rendering thread exception:
Assertion failed: UniformExpressionCache.bUpToDate [File:4_26_0/Engine/Source/Runtime/Renderer/Private/ShaderBaseClasses.cpp] [Line: 350]
UniformExpressionCache should be up to date, RenderProxy=MaterialInstanceDynamic_6 Material=Volumetric_Clouds FeatureLevel=3

0x00007ff947dd3b29 KERNELBASE.dll!UnknownFunction ]
0x00007ff7a812f836 Game.exe!ReportAssert() [4_26_0\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Windows\WindowsPlatformCrashContext.cpp:1627]
0x00007ff7a81330f9 Game.exe!FWindowsErrorOutputDevice::Serialize() [4_26_0\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Windows\WindowsErrorOutputDevice.cpp:78]
0x00007ff7a7e8228d Game.exe!FOutputDevice::LogfImpl() [4_26_0\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Misc\OutputDevice.cpp:61]
0x00007ff7a7e1215b Game.exe!AssertFailedImplV() [4_26_0\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Misc\AssertionMacros.cpp:102]
0x00007ff7a7e14360 Game.exe!FDebug::CheckVerifyFailedImpl() [4_26_0\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Misc\AssertionMacros.cpp:458]
0x00007ff7ad25b164 Game.exe!DispatchCheckVerify<void,<lambda_21a860acc9a3165aabae5da6a2e4f7e0> >() [4_26_0\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Misc\AssertionMacros.h:164]
0x00007ff7a96b7cd1 Game.exe!FMaterialShader::GetShaderBindings() [4_26_0\Engine\Source\Runtime\Renderer\Private\ShaderBaseClasses.cpp:350]
0x00007ff7a96b84ac Game.exe!FMeshMaterialShader::GetShaderBindings() [4_26_0\Engine\Source\Runtime\Renderer\Private\ShaderBaseClasses.cpp:492]
0x00007ff7a9796893 Game.exe!FMeshPassProcessor::BuildMeshDrawCommands<TMeshProcessorShaders<FRenderVolumetricCloudVS,FMeshMaterialShader,FMeshMaterialShader,FRenderVolumetricCloudRenderViewPs<0>,FMeshMaterialShader,FMeshMaterialShader,FMeshMaterialShader>,FMeshMaterialShaderElementData>() [4_26_0\Engine\Source\Runtime\Renderer\Public\MeshPassProcessor.inl:90]
0x00007ff7a97bfaa1 Game.exe!FVolumetricCloudRenderViewMeshProcessor::AddMeshBatch() [4_26_0\Engine\Source\Runtime\Renderer\Private\VolumetricCloudRendering.cpp:848]
0x00007ff7a97b539d Game.exe!<lambda_14c5cbc40470490dcd24324397bcd6d7>::operator()() [4_26_0\Engine\Source\Runtime\Renderer\Private\VolumetricCloudRendering.cpp:1715]
0x00007ff7a97cd4cf Game.exe!TRDGLambdaPass<FRenderVolumetricCloudRenderViewParametersPS,<lambda_3e23410a5e521c2a57fb80cd47685eaf> >::ExecuteImpl() [4_26_0\Engine\Source\Runtime\RenderCore\Public\RenderGraphPass.h:424]
0x00007ff7aa5b18ca Game.exe!FRDGPass::Execute() [4_26_0\Engine\Source\Runtime\RenderCore\Private\RenderGraphPass.cpp:303]
0x00007ff7aa5b38ae Game.exe!FRDGBuilder::ExecutePass() [4_26_0\Engine\Source\Runtime\RenderCore\Private\RenderGraphBuilder.cpp:1593]
0x00007ff7aa5b0ef4 Game.exe!FRDGBuilder::Execute() [4_26_0\Engine\Source\Runtime\RenderCore\Private\RenderGraphBuilder.cpp:1253]
0x00007ff7a907b976 Game.exe!FDeferredShadingSceneRenderer::Render() [4_26_0\Engine\Source\Runtime\Renderer\Private\DeferredShadingRenderer.cpp:2624]
0x00007ff7a964846b Game.exe!RenderViewFamily_RenderThread() [4_26_0\Engine\Source\Runtime\Renderer\Private\SceneRendering.cpp:3600]
0x00007ff7a9609054 Game.exe!<lambda_5e3eb6d21c817cf0607bca7b3fd13bbb>::operator()() [4_26_0\Engine\Source\Runtime\Renderer\Private\SceneRendering.cpp:3870]
0x00007ff7a9626776 Game.exe!TEnqueueUniqueRenderCommandType<`FRendererModule::BeginRenderingViewFamily'::`35'::FDrawSceneCommandName,<lambda_5e3eb6d21c817cf0607bca7b3fd13bbb> >::DoTask() [4_26_0\Engine\Source\Runtime\RenderCore\Public\RenderingThread.h:184]

UPDATE: See that UI actually gives you the Max Clip Length in the stats display for the groom, and the HAIR CLIP LENGTH Default-Arrow brings the groom back to that default #, which is good.
But would be great if the slider could go up to that Default max length.
Right now as is slider only goes from 0-1, which then makes the slider useless if the clip length max length exceeds 1.

You’d want the slider to go from 0-Max, not a literal 0-1
Right now slider allows 0-1 as absolute value of length, where 0-1 means 0 cm/inch - 1 cm/inch,
…as as opposed to % value of length, where 0-1 really means 0%-100%.
We want the slider to do this it in %, not absolute value, such that at 1 we get 100% of the clip length.

Linux 4.26 version is a disaster.

As OpenGL support dropped completely and only Vulkan left it become unusable - crashes every tenth mouse click, landscape editing is broken completely.
Tested with RADV, and AMDGPU-PRO drivers - no difference.

Surprisingly on the same Linux system Windows version of UE 4.26 installed with Wine 6.0 (which uses DirectX to Vulkan calls translations) works without any troubles at all and works MUCH, MUCH faster.
How it’s possible?)))

Here is another thing with Groom…some grooms just seem to crash UE 4.26, really for no obvious reason.
I have hair grooms coming from Ornatrix where use the “Multiplier” modifier on it.
Some grooms I can raise the Multiplier modifier to the max of 10 and import into UE 4.26, no problem.
But then other ones it won’t let me go past a certain point. For example, I can have a working multiplier setting of 3, but if I go to 4, it always crashes when it tries to import in.

This one works with Ornatrix multiplier of 3, but crashes with Ornatrix-multiplier of 4. THX!

Assertion failed: PointCount > 1 [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/HairStrands/Source/HairStrandsCore/Private/GroomBuilder.cpp] [Line: 881]

UE4Editor_Core!AssertFailedImplV() [D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Misc\AssertionMacros.cpp:102]
UE4Editor_Core!FDebug::CheckVerifyFailedImpl() [D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Misc\AssertionMacros.cpp:458]
UE4Editor_HairStrandsCore!HairInterpolationBuilder::ExtractRoots() [D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\HairStrands\Source\HairStrandsCore\Private\GroomBuilder.cpp:881]
UE4Editor_HairStrandsCore!HairInterpolationBuilder::BuildInterpolationData() [D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\HairStrands\Source\HairStrandsCore\Private\GroomBuilder.cpp:960]
UE4Editor_HairStrandsCore!FGroomBuilder::BuildData() [D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\HairStrands\Source\HairStrandsCore\Private\GroomBuilder.cpp:1645]
UE4Editor_HairStrandsCore!FGroomBuilder::BuildGroom() [D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\HairStrands\Source\HairStrandsCore\Private\GroomBuilder.cpp:1586]
UE4Editor_HairStrandsCore!UGroomAsset::CacheStrandsData() [D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\HairStrands\Source\HairStrandsCore\Private\GroomAsset.cpp:1536]
UE4Editor_HairStrandsCore!UGroomAsset::CacheDerivedDatas() [D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\HairStrands\Source\HairStrandsCore\Private\GroomAsset.cpp:1444]
UE4Editor_HairStrandsEditor!FHairStrandsImporter::ImportHair() [D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\HairStrands\Source\HairStrandsEditor\Private\HairStrandsImporter.cpp:56]
UE4Editor_HairStrandsEditor!UHairStrandsFactory::FactoryCreateFile() [D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\HairStrands\Source\HairStrandsEditor\Private\HairStrandsFactory.cpp:159]
UE4Editor_UnrealEd!UFactory::ImportObject() [D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Editor\UnrealEd\Private\Factories\Factory.cpp:201]
UE4Editor_AssetTools!UAssetToolsImpl::ImportAssetsInternal() [D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Developer\AssetTools\Private\AssetTools.cpp:2067]
UE4Editor_AssetTools!UAssetToolsImpl::ImportAssets() [D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Developer\AssetTools\Private\AssetTools.cpp:1286]
UE4Editor_UnrealEd!FImportFilesByPath::Run() [D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Editor\UnrealEd\Private\Subsystems\ImportSubsystem.cpp:95]
UE4Editor_UnrealEd!UImportSubsystem::HandleNextTick() [D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Editor\UnrealEd\Private\Subsystems\ImportSubsystem.cpp:145]
UE4Editor_Engine!FTimerUnifiedDelegate::Execute() [D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Public\TimerManager.h:51]
UE4Editor_Engine!FTimerManager::Tick() [D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\TimerManager.cpp:881]
UE4Editor_UnrealEd!UEditorEngine::Tick() [D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Editor\UnrealEd\Private\EditorEngine.cpp:1367]
UE4Editor_UnrealEd!UUnrealEdEngine::Tick() [D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Editor\UnrealEd\Private\UnrealEdEngine.cpp:426]
UE4Editor!FEngineLoop::Tick() [D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\LaunchEngineLoop.cpp:4834]
UE4Editor!GuardedMain() [D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\Launch.cpp:169]
UE4Editor!GuardedMainWrapper() [D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\Windows\LaunchWindows.cpp:137]
UE4Editor!WinMain() [D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\Windows\LaunchWindows.cpp:268]
UE4Editor!__scrt_common_main_seh() [d:\agent_work\5\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl:288]

How do we get access to the experimental fullbody IK node in control rig for 4.26? I see it in the release notes but I can find it within a new 4.26 project.

same issue here

what about new update ?