Unreal Engine 4.26 released!

I was having an issue and posted here about it, but it was user error so I’m just deleting it and leaving this here as a note. I screwed up my config file, false alarm. Sorry!

How to set up GPU Texture sharing?
There is a new Texture Sharing plugin, but I cant find a way, and does it appears in other software like SPOUT texture?

I have the same problem here but I can only play on a listen or dedicated server, but not offline/standalone. Always fails on Assertion failed: GIsPlayInEditorWorld.

I used the source for 4.26. Chaos is there. Check this video Great job Unreal.

Very exciting! I read the Release Notes, but is there documentation for GPU Lightmass and how to get optimal results with it? I got it working but am looking to improve my archviz scenes. The improved water is great, too.

Volumetric fog doesn’t seem to pay attention to volumetric light maps when built by GPU Lightmass

I did a bit more investigating and it seems there’s a limit on how far from the world origin you can go. It starts to clip 153600 units from the origin in x or y and 10027 units from the origin in z. I guess I now need to go in and find out what the significance of those numbers is.

Yeah I was looking into this during the 4.26 previews. This can be changed in the WaterMeshActor with “Tile Size” and “Extent in Tiles”. Default is 2400 and 64 (both x and y), respectively, which comes out to 153600. For Z, it comes from the material param collection (MPC_Water) and has a min of -10000 and max of 10000, which I think it uses so it has some kind of relative baseline to extract the water depth from the render targets.

Epic has stated that right now the water system doesn’t really work on extremely large worlds, so your mileage may vary on changing these values. I know that when I did tests on maps significantly larger than this, the render targets that water system needs started to get prohibitively large (amongst other issues).

When the anticipated new Unreal Remote 2 iPad app will be available? (for using new vCam2)

Is there a way to increase the granularity of the voxels for the new clouds? At realistic earth scale it’s probably fine, but I am using a thin cloud layer on a very small radius planet and the definition I can achieve seems to be limited by the size a kind of voxel grid or something. I can’t find how to change it’s scale

Has there been anyone with game startup crashes after packaging since 4.26? Can’t find all that much on this particular assertion (works fine in editor):

The Remote Control Web Interface is a plugin, that’s now live on Marketplace. You can find it here and we’ll be updating the documentation to point towards it shortly. Thanks for calling it to our attention!

It’s not in the changelog, but they’ve finally added a standard female mannquin for characters:


Anyone know how to import it? It seems most of the stuff in TemplateResources is supposed to be added through the add/import featurepack button, but it isn’t listed within there. Just manually copying everything from ./TemplateResources/High/ to the project pulls it in, but all the materials are messed up (I think everything is supposed to get flattened to a different directory level and combined with master materials from TemplateResources/Standard or something).

Since it isn’t linked anywhere and isn’t included in any of the default example projects it may still be work-in-progress, so I wouldn’t do anything relying too strongly on the exact proportions and hierarchy yet (though hopefully the hierarchy would match the current default male mannequin).

Imported ASCII FBX files come in with no uvs :frowning: Hope someone fixes this!

Also no shadows when using forward renderer, no matter what settings I use

The release notes link (Unreal Engine 4.26 Release Notes | Unreal Engine Documentation) is broken at the moment (it opens a page title “Sky Light - An overview of using Sky Lights with environment and scene lighting.” with many broken images). Other working links to the release notes?

Apologies for that. We had a glitch in l docs tool that replaced the release notes with the Sky Light page, which I was also making a change to. This issue should be resolved soon and the original page restored.

It works now. Thanks a lot !

I have some feedback that I’m looking for others with the same issues regarding;

  1. I have a C++/BP project that was originally created in 4.24
  2. This project was converted to 4.26 using the launcher rebuild process
  3. I have many water bodies in my existing build, which have been removed and replaced with the new “experimental” water in 4.26

My issues are many

  1. Water bodies have a set z-axis unless edited in their material instance
  2. Rivers act strangely (step down like stairs instead of being a sloped river from lake height to ocean height)
  3. River does not blend into ocean
  4. River has no flow direction even though first spline point is at lake height, and last is at ocean height.

Does anyone else have experience rebuilding an older project to 4.26 and using the new experimental water in it successfully? I don’t seem to have these issues when starting an empty project. Should I start over new to take advantage of these new features?

If you use the water body ocean watch the YT mini tutorial to attach it to a landscape as a layer. Otherwise go with water body custom.

Could you please, in the next update, remove the hardcoded limit in the sky-atmosphere for the spherical fog? It has been reduced to 0.1 but we still can’t go lower than that, so we still have an arbitrary limit to how small we can make the planets with the sky-atmosphere.

Please remove the hardcoded limit and let us have creative freedom with it, we can handle it if we break it or get weird visual results because of that. :slight_smile: