Unreal Engine 4.26 released!

So… it seems like if i delete all the meshes that use a tesselation shader in my environment… then the texture streaming build and full lighting builds work perfectly. Anyone at epic want to tell me why? This wasn’t a problem in past versions of the engine. Tell me some moron didnt actually REALLY depreciate any form of teseelation… kinda need it in my materials … espeacially for animated tesselation.

Does anybody know how to use paint brush on volumetric clouds? (like in video)

nice to have all the sunsky systems in one popup in the Enviro Light Mixer but half of the parameters seemed to be missing from each of the skylight/directional light and SkyAtmosphere?

also each section of the light mixer should have the sunsky systems being named as they should be a.ka. Skylight , Directional Light, SkyAtmosphere…If you try renaming one it renames all…

Another build where the extremely slow compiling and freezing caused by engine hogging 100% cpu hasn’t improved. Will the team ever acknowledged the issue and add some much needed optimization?

This has been an ongoing issue for ages now since something change around version 4.19. As far as i know it’s never been noted by unreal devs even though it’s clear it got much worse since then.

I upgraded from an i5 which was enough at one point but even now i got a new ryzen cpu it still takes ages and can freeze up. Can’t we run compiling on the gpu or get some sort of optimization as it’s become a joke honestly with the time it’s taking. I just hope something changes in UE5.



Besides investing in substance designer, to take material creation away from the Unreal Editor, there’s not much anyone can do about shader compiler in Unreal.

To developers - Max Texture Look Ups in 4.26 is PS(64)…f there was anyway to bump that 64 limit up to 70, or 72, or something like that, it would be great.
I had some materials just slightly beyond 64 I now am having to budget and make cuts in 4.26.


So any ideas why it became far slower and would freeze up peoples computers after a certain version then? Like i said it was fine on an i5 4ghz at one time then something changed. Even getting a ryzen didn’t totally solve the issue just made it slightly quicker but it still freeze then be ok then freeze and so on when trying to do other things in background.

When I enable Layer Editing on an pre-existing Terrain the texture streaming budget goes way up and Building doesn’t correct it.

I have the same problem and can confirm removing the widget from the retainer box fixes it. Do you have a link to the issue?

I have a big problem with my UE4.26 if I trying to open edit static mesh … it goes crashing … anyone has the same problem … and get a fix?

It seems that displacement is no supported in the new GPU Lightmass. Objects cast shadows on meshes that are displaced but the displacement puts them above the shadow casting object (as if displacement is not being considered). Is this an upcoming feature?

No, they haven’t gone over my report yet.

Crash on Quest 2 in Vulkan and OpenGL for me, with the CollabVR template tuned for the Quest. Crash only when trying to load the main map (the one with the house, not the login map). So OpenGL does not crash on launch.
Seems to come from the render thread “RHICreateTransition()” function.

Does Ray Tracing work with the new Volumetric clouds and Water features?

SingleLayerWater materials are currently unaffected by static lighting/shadowing, is this something that’s in the works?

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Crashes every time I try to edit the StaticMesh. Hangs up and after a while falls. I’ve tried creating a clean scene and it repeats. Regardless of what kind of object it is. In version 25 everything works. Someone faced a similar problem, maybe in older versions?

SRVs in 4.26 seem to be lower than 4.25 or something else has been messed up as I’ve been using this landscape mat for 3 years for no issues.

Generate UVs in static mesh editor is unrecognized tab (usefull feature by the Polygon Editing plugin). Output:
LogTabManager: Warning: Cannot spawn tab because no spawner is registered for ‘UVGenerationTool’
LogSlate: The tab “UVGenerationTool” attempted to spawn but failed for some reason. An “unrecognized tab” will be returned instead.
LogSlate: Window ‘UVGenerationTool’ being destroyed

Yes, I face the same problem. Requires Nodesj to be installed. After Nodesjs installation Remote Control Web Interface plugin is still missing.

Movable spotlights/pointlights are not working anymore on mobile devices/ES3.1?