Unreal Engine 4.26 released!

There are quite a number of fixes that have been committed to the 4.26 branch. Once Epic gets back from Christmas vacation, I’m sure we’ll get a new version.

Would love to try chaos editor in main branch if possible at some point. Using physX vehicles (blueman’s plugin which is perfect), but not sure if its possible to get it working with chaos physics. Ideally would have chaos damage for buildings (hoping it would be possible to bring chaos damage collections during runtime for wanted location in open world sandbox) and physX (blueman’s plugin) for vehicles.

Is anyone having an issue with widgets?

so i will try to explain this the best i can.

how to reproduce:

  1. Make a main widget, add cool stuff.
  2. Make a Nest widget add cool stuff to it too.
  3. put the nest widget inside the main widget
  4. Edit the Nest widget.

once you edit the nest widget the changes are NOT updated in the main widget even if you delete it from the main widget and re add it back.
It seems like the widget is no longer updating its self and its references.

Also noticed a bug with terrain. same problem sort of.

how to reproduce

  1. make a level
  2. import tiled terrain
  3. decide you don’t like the new terrain
  4. delete the new tiles save and close.
  5. re open the map

All the tiles are still listed as sublevels even if the folders and maps are deleted. they can even be loaded up??? seems like they are also not being deleted from memory or their refferences are staying in memory. even deleting intermediate and saved folders terrain is still there.

I’m wondering if garbage collection is broken maybe?
none of the assets are updating anymore.

What fixed it for me is after building lights etc close your project and delete the saved/intermediate and dirived data folders, reload and budget errors go away

It’s not possible to have 2 physics systems working at the same time. In Unreal you can’t even have both compiled at the same time :wink:
PhysX gonna be fully deprecated and forgotten with the next engine release.

Simply contact the plugin’s author if he’s gonna provide a Chaos version of his plugin. Or simply learn how to implement vehicles based on Chaos, I heard is much better out of the box. Often, it isn’t the best idea to heavily rely on third-party plugins for gameplay - you’re simply unable to adjust the implementation to your needs.

Has anyone figured out what causes this when Chaos is enabled?

[2020.12.27-18.27.56:447] 0]LogWindows: Error: === Critical error: ===
[2020.12.27-18.27.56:448] 0]LogWindows: Error:
[2020.12.27-18.27.56:448] 0]LogWindows: Error: Assertion failed: HorizonNext->Vertex == HorizonEdges(HorizonIdx + 1) % HorizonEdges.Num()]->Vertex [File:E:\UnrealEngine-4.26-chaos\Engine\Source\Runtime\Experimental\Chaos\Public\Chaos\CollisionConvexMesh.h] [Line: 943]
[2020.12.27-18.27.56:448] 0]LogWindows: Error:
[2020.12.27-18.27.56:448] 0]LogWindows: Error:
[2020.12.27-18.27.56:448] 0]LogWindows: Error:
[2020.12.27-18.27.56:448] 0]LogWindows: Error:

A bunch of us haven’t even been able to get their projects to load when chaos is enabled with this error and I’ve yet to see a comment on it. Sent in a bug report as well. Was curious if anyone had found a workaround, as it doesn’t seem to be happening to everyone but it’s happening to some was an AnswerHub thread on it to with a numerous people in there having it.

Just wanted to note that so long as you move them into your local plugins directory instead of the Engine/Marketplace you can customize them, though you’d have to manually merge in any changes if you ever update the plugin.

Hundreds of projects shipped to all major platforms using my plugins. There’s PS5 projects using them as well, soon to be released…

I thought I was doing a good thing, didn’t know that “plugins are a bad thing to use”.

Maybe I should pick another hobby like building diorama and trains.

Really enjoying the water system but had a couple issues:

  1. Anyone else struggling to get water to show when toggling “Affects Landscape” off? I’m assuming the actor isn’t using the correct height but can’t seems to figure out why.
    "Affects Landscape: off shows some type of dark rendering but it’s not geometry and disappears at certain angles:

  2. Is there a way to check if the Water Manager is referencing the landscape correctly? Sometimes it auto-updates, sometimes it seems broken, sometimes only some maps generate i.e.

Has anyone had any luck reporting bugs? I’ve reported one on December 6 and have not heard back since.

Water is not rendering even if you have selected enable edit layers when importing terrain.

You can see I got 64 tiles of terrain, An ocean added to the level

it shows a water layer in terrain properties, I can edit terrain layers but the water will NOT render at all.

I have tried everything I can think of…STILL NIL :frowning:

sky and everything else is working and is super amazing!

Does someone know what happens to cloth simulations, will they break or will be upgraded during the project transition into 4.26?

Anyone know how NOT to have this text display on the screen for LOD and Screen Size?
Comes on when a Groom with physics is imported to scene.
This text shows when level is Played as well.

No worries, Chaos got its cloth simulation.

Sure. What I tried to say is… it’s not good to assume that “I gonna buy marketplace plugin and it gonna work forever exactly how I need this in my project”. In this case, the developer doesn’t simply start to research Chaos Vehicles. Actually, a developer is blocked until his important plugin would be “converted” from PhysX to Chaos - which might never happen in this case.

A developer just relying on third-party code in such situations is asking for serious problems. What happens if people tend to rely too much on stitching the entire game from many plugins instead of understanding how engine modules work. Hence questions like “can I use 2 physics systems at the same time” :wink:

Plugins might be a great starting point. A very few runtime plugins on Marketplace works totally fine without ever modifying their source code.
Once you obtain a third-party plugin (which might be abandoned any day), better prepare that you might to maintain yourself or heavily rework at some point. Even simply write your own code adapted to your project needs and throw away the plugin itself :wink:

That’s what I meant. Not that we shouldn’t use plugins at all.
Relying heavily on plugins are often a bad idea, not that using plugins is a bad concept entirely :wink:

Still, it’s much better here than Unity… where plugins are needed to give you basic engine features like multiplatform input, working with foliage or visual scripting…

If there’s one thing that drove me away from Unity’s asset store is the fact that people expect you to integrate your “plugin” with some other 500 thirdparty products also sold on asset store.

To me that’s insane even for those that work there 24/7 as asset seller.

@Sam_TinFoil](https://forums.unrealengine.com/member/4119292-sam_tinfoil) Could you, or the person who is responsible for the SkyAtmosphere for spherical planets, please remove the hardcoded clamp on both the “Ground Radius” and the “Atmosphere Height”, in the next 4.26 update?


It doesn’t go lower than 0,1 because of the hardcoded clamp, thus making it impossible to use the SkyAtmosphere for small worlds or even just to experiment with it. Please give us the creative freedom to set our own values, we can handle that it may throw weird results. :stuck_out_tongue:

Removing the clamp should be easy, as it’s just changing a single line of code, right?

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

There is a bug in fullbodyik,it doesn’t work with fingers


I’m getting this strange error when running a packaged game.

LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] [Line: 1431]
Null SRV (resource 0 bind 0) on UB Layout None

Any idea what that might be?

UE 4.26 built from source, Release branch. Happens only with DX11, is fine with DX12. I have a Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh Component in the level. When removed, everything works fine.

I had the same problem with FBX files exported from trueSpace. The problem was that Autodesk made the 2020 FBX format more strict, so if there is something in the file it doesn’t like, like UV indices, then it will completely ignore that part of the file. One thing that fixed it for me was to triangulate the model before exporting, this made the bad UV indices good enough for the 2020 FBX importer.
The strict mode for import can be turned off.

but that would be up to Epic whether they would want to disable strict mode or not.

I have one confirmed case of the same bug.