Unreal Engine 4.25 Preview

Hello, is the landscape layers considered as stable in 4.24.3, or should i wait for 25 before including this into my project. Because that thing sounds really awesome. the question i’m asking to myself, do i continue, or go back a bit to jump better

Another issue with the curve editor.

When I copy paste keys it pastes them at the current play location. It’s not possible to set the play location to negative times or times past the end of the animation.

So if I copy a key that is at a negative time I can’t paste it in another curve at a negative time.

It would be nice if there’s an option to paste a key at the exact time it was copied from as opposed to from the current play location.

Also there are these little blue markers I haven’t yet figured out the purpose of. If the red play head is at position 0 and the blue marker is at position 0, it’s impossible for me to drag the red play head since it always selects the blue marker instead. And also the first blue marker doesn’t let me set its position. It always moves back to 0. I have to manually hit play to force the red play head marker to move a bit, pause, and then I can drag the play head.

The play head also doesn’t snap, so if I want to paste keys at the play head location, as is the only way now, I still have to drag the key after to snap it to a precise location later.

Also zooming doesn’t seem to work right. It’s way too zoomed in on the y axis. Hitting zoom to fit doesn’t help. My y axis is in increments of .001 which makes it impossible to look at a curve that goes from 0 to 1. I did manage to fix the zoom by closing the curves tab and reopening it by selecting edit curve again.

Oh, I also just noticed closing and opening the curves tab fixed the curve rendering. It now renders curves with splines correctly instead of always rendering as linear.

I can’t wait for this new curves editor though! I’ve been wanting this for years. It’s looking great.


We have just released Preview 5 for 4.25! Thank you for your continued help in testing the 4.25 build before its official release. As a reminder, the Preview builds are for testing only, and should not be used for the active development of your project.

For a list of known issues affecting this latest preview, please follow the links provided on the original post in this thread.

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find by following the How To Report a Bug Guide

Fixed in Preview 5
Fixed! UE-91160 Editor Analytics can crash if the session is created late
Fixed! UE-91318 Events were sent from Crash Reporter after Editor Usage Data is disabled.
Fixed! UE-91009 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-Engine!FAnimInstanceProxy::InitializeRootNode(bool) [AnimInstanceProxy.cpp:201]
Fixed! UE-90989 Anim timeline does not pan view on Notify track
Fixed! UE-90334 Animation Performance Issues Caused by FProperty Changes
Fixed! UE-89228 Changing skeleton bone’s transforms does not update or behave as expected
Fixed! UE-82678 Crash on applying animation modifier for some assets
Fixed! UE-67609 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!CropRawTrack() [animsequence.cpp:1798]
Fixed! UE-91227 Crash when closing the animation timeline document tab while editing curve
Fixed! UE-84544 4.24 Spatial Audio Temple - Detected orphaned looping sound
Fixed! UE-90913 Mix Modulation assets are white squares
Fixed! UE-91280 Crash in Dynamics Processor
Fixed! UE-88249 Audio: Timesynth: Calling Stop twice on a timesynth component can lead to a lock
Fixed! UE-90968 Performance regression with IntelTBB
Fixed! UE-91040 Stompmalloc crash opening another project in editor using File > Recent Projects
Fixed! UE-87834 NullRHI command line parameter doesn’t work when compiled with VS2019
Fixed! UE-91015 FInsightManager prevents Editor from exiting on restart
Fixed! UE-91177 Editor Unreal Insights creates a malformed EditorLayout.ini, StartPage defined and duplicated Area entries
Fixed! UE-91087 Network Insights Exclusive Bit size is not computed correctly
Fixed! UE-91067 Select All without a packet selected does not select all packets in Network Insights
Fixed! UE-91150 int64 UProperty with ExposeOnSpawn meta tag won’t compile.
Fixed! UE-90775 Launcher C++ template project is prompted to install a C++ Desktop development workload after previously installing Visual Studio
Fixed! UE-91251 UGS Script on Mac fails to compile - Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Fixed! UE-89755 Fails to run packaged game when enabling Editor only plugin
Fixed! UE-89756 ShooterGame fail to package | System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path ‘…\ShooterGame\Binaries\DotNET\AutomationScripts’.
Fixed! UE-90745 Manual recompile is needed after creating C++ Class in Blueprint Project
Fixed! UE-90841 Preview 3 GitHub build fails to generate project files on home PC
Fixed! UE-89722 Fail to launch project with Niagara, NiagaraExtras and Chaos Niagara plugin | Unable to load plugin ‘NiagaraExtras’
Fixed! UE-90936 Project Launcher’s Default Profiles do not build C++ projects in Launcher Builds, causing extra required setup
Fixed! UE-90771 M_Volumetric_Sky_Prototype Material has compile errors
Fixed! UE-91320 Add Product Configurator Template to 4.25
Fixed! UE-64808 Event graph does not focus when adding Event from details panel
Fixed! UE-86045 Initial overlaps aren’t populated by BeginPlay
Fixed! UE-90523 Converting udatasmith asset to blueprint class crashes - Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [File:Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers/Array.h] [Line: 674] Array index out of bounds: 0 from an array of size 0
Fixed! UE-91136 Converting attached actor to blueprint detaches it from its parent
Fixed! UE-90981 Crash when recompiling with intermediate build graph tab open
Fixed! UE-91214 BP breakpoints cause multiple tabs to be open for the same function
Fixed! UE-90090 Rotating Movement Component doesn’t work in a Standalone game if added to an instance in the level
Fixed! UE-91097 NetTrace requires both -NetTrace and -Trace to be enabled
Fixed! UE-87915 WebBrowser crashes when typing any character at text input field in Mac OS X catalina (10.15.3)
Fixed! UE-90925 Crash opening QA-Sequencer
Fixed! UE-91200 Importing UDIM fails check on Linux
Fixed! UE-91054 Python errors when opening QAGame
Fixed! UE-82076 Animated Noise Emissive does not animate as expected
Fixed! UE-86001 Android: Mali G72 Device Crashes Opening TM-ShaderModels for Fatal Error in vkCreateComputePipelines
Fixed! UE-89864 Landscape has overlapping and missing faces on Android
Fixed! UE-64085 Use new DXGI to enumerate adapters by gpu preference
Fixed! UE-90725 Crash when assigning a Source Texture to a Volume Texture
Fixed! UE-90657 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-MetalRHI!FMetalRHIBuffer::AllocLinearTexture(EPixelFormat, FMetalLinearTextureDescriptor const&) [MetalVertexBuffer.cpp:338]
Fixed! UE-90612 GitHub 6784 : Vulkan LLM improvements: track spare and render target memory
Fixed! UE-91011 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-Engine!UMaterial::GetScalarParameterValue(FHashedMaterialParameterInfo const &,float &,bool) [Material.cpp:2083]
Fixed! UE-91076 Crash: UE4Editor-RenderCore.dll!ValidateShaderParameters(const TShaderRefBase<FShader,FShaderMapPointerTable> & Shader, const FShaderParametersMetadata * ParametersMetadata, const void * Parameters)
Fixed! UE-91029 Ensure when placing ‘Groom’ asset into scene in DX12
Fixed! UE-89990 Multiple ShadowCulling automation tests fail with screenshot differences on DX12
Fixed! UE-91258 Crash when compiling material instance after swapping texture in the parent material
Fixed! UE-91058 Cascade Particles Are Rendering Offset From Their Original Location On Android
Fixed! UE-90934 Lighting follows player movement in Blueprint Office sample
Fixed! UE-90987 [CrashReport] static void AddHairStrandMeshProjectionPass(class FRDGBuilder & const, class FGlobalShaderMap *, const bool, const int, const struct FHairStrandsProjectionMeshData::Section & …
Fixed! UE-91248 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-HairStrandsCore!UGroomComponent::PreEditChange(FProperty *) [GroomComponent.cpp:1576]
Fixed! UE-71461 Niagara Systems stop rendering when a Static Mesh parameter is added to Particle Update
Fixed! UE-88208 Remove vertex colors from static mesh crashes the editor
Fixed! UE-90844 Niagra Plugin causing QAGame project compile failure
Fixed! UE-91014 Editor crashed when Emitter State is added to Niagara Emitter and issued an Undo command
Fixed! UE-90926 Niagara Crashing in Fury during compile of system
Fixed! UE-91277 Fix inconsistency with error and warning display.
Fixed! UE-91111 Undoing/Redoing renaming a Module to its source name will show that the source name is also the display name
Fixed! UE-91070 Users can’t create collision trace channel module inputs
Fixed! UE-91063 Editor crashes when clicking Enable Simulation Stages on and off with error: “Can not refresh children on an entry after it has been finalized”
Fixed! UE-91059 Crash fixing issues in Content Example’s TextureSampling_System
Fixed! UE-89899 MutiEventRibbons test fails due to screenshot mismatch
Fixed! UE-88588 Fixed bounds workflow improvements
Fixed! UE-88587 Try to clean up collision module to not need manual static switch for GPU/CPU
Fixed! UE-89516 Initializing a parameter of type “Object” in the stack leads to a crash
Fixed! UE-89361 The particle simulation stage module usage bitmask flag should be enabled by default
Fixed! UE-89105 Dynamic input graphs incorrectly complain about parameter map param references
Fixed! UE-91148 Crash creating a new parameter on Map Set by drag/dropping a pin from a Map Get that was copy/pasted from a different graph
Fixed! UE-91207 Entering a name for User Parameters on creation in a System does not stick
Fixed! UE-90990 Buttons in Niagara Emitter creation menu appear greyed out while still being usable
Fixed! UE-91281 Inherit velocity does not work on Mesh Triangle mode
Fixed! UE-91141 Crash when deleting all the Particle Spawn and Update modules from an emitter
Fixed! UE-91286 Determinism only works on CPU version of some mesh sampling operations
Fixed! UE-91294 Localspace output needs to be correctly handled on local position in skeletal mesh location
Fixed! UE-85309 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-Engine!FStaticMeshSceneProxy::GetDynamicRayTracingInstances(FRayTracingMaterialGatheringContext &,TArray<FRayTracingInstance,TSizedDefaultAllocator<32> > &) [StaticMeshRender.cpp:1549]
Fixed! UE-91271 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-Engine!FInstancedStaticMeshSceneProxy::GetDynamicRayTracingInstances(FRayTracingMaterialGatheringContext &,TArray<FRayTracingInstance,TSizedDefaultAllocator<32> > &) [InstancedStaticMesh.cpp:1200]
Fixed! UE-85303 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-D3D12RHI!FD3D12DynamicRHI::RHICreateUniformBuffer(void const *,FRHIUniformBufferLayout const &,EUniformBufferUsage,EUniformBufferValidation) [D3D12UniformBuffer.cpp:106]
Fixed! UE-85843 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-D3D12RHI!D3D12RHI::VerifyD3D12Result(long,char const *,char const *,unsigned int,ID3D12Device *) [D3D12Util.cpp:263]
Fixed! UE-85765 Unreal Engine crash running DX12 on AMD with assertion referencing WindowsD3D12PipelineState.cpp
Fixed! UE-86062 DX12 crash when fullscreen app looses focus.
Fixed! UE-87288 ShaderDrawDebug causes GPU restart on AMD
Fixed! UE-81499 Support Vulkan on UseSingleLayerWaterIndirectDraw
Fixed! UE-81243 Enable Virtual Texturing in MetalRHI
Fixed! UE-90756 Crash when using Share Material Shader Code and Native Metal Libs with r.Shaders.Optimize=0
Fixed! UE-90870 KiteDemo packages crash on Mac with Assert: Height <= GMaxTextureDimensions
Fixed! UE-90852 4.25 Editor from EGL requires shaders to be compiled when opened
Fixed! UE-90485 Crash running Niagara+Rendering Engine Test with Vulkan RHI
Fixed! UE-91107 UE4 Editor Build Failure: error C4668: ‘WINAPI_PARTITION_GAMES’ is not defined as a preprocessor macro, replacing with ‘0’ for ‘#if/#elif
Fixed! UE-89999 Crash Occurs When Infiltrator Demo Ends On Linux
Fixed! UE-89971 Multiple Error:Validation warnings during EngineTest with Vulkan
Fixed! UE-88248 ShaderCompileWorker terminates unexpectedly when launching to Android from Mac
Fixed! UE-82458 D3D12RHI keeps increasing uniform buffer memory with “stat RHI”
Fixed! UE-87881 [CrashReporter] UE4Editor-D3D12RHI!FD3D12DynamicRHI::LockBuffer<FD3D12VertexBuffer>(FRHICommandListImmediate *,FD3D12VertexBuffer *,unsigned int,unsigned int,EResourceLockMode) [D3D12Buffer.cpp:289]
Fixed! UE-91196 “Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [File:Runtime/Core/Public/Containers/Array.h] [Line: 674] Array index out of bounds: 0 from an array of size 0” Occurs When Opening QAGame With -opengl On Linux
Fixed! UE-89235 Overwriting Merged actors with Merge Materials and Opacity Mask enabled crashes the editor
Fixed! UE-87472 Entering experimental Mesh Paint Mode paint mode disables mouse viewport nagivation
Fixed! UE-87473 Autosave forces experimental Mesh Paint Mode back into Selection mode
Fixed! UE-90575 Crash when adding a duplicate LiDAR Point Cloud Asset to a level
Fixed! UE-91008 [CrashReport] SPlacementModeTools::OnKeyDown(FGeometry const&, FKeyEvent const&) [in UE4Editor-PlacementMode.dylib]
Fixed! UE-91240 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-MaterialEditor!FMaterialEditor::GeneratorRowsRefreshed() [MaterialEditor.cpp:1068]
Fixed! UE-91165 Editor crash selecting next texture from menu bar, Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO
Fixed! UE-91052 Releasing any of the mouse buttons in PIE results in the camera moving to the bottom right
Fixed! UE-88330 Experimental Mesh Paint’s Brush Size scales inconsistently compared to Geometry Sculpting
Fixed! UE-88323 Selecting different experimental Mesh Paint tools on the ribbon breaks Undo without clearing Transaction Buffer
Fixed! UE-90288 UE Crashes with Unhandled Exception when closing UE via taskbar while VR mode is active
Fixed! UE-91166 Paint tool in textures tab of experimental Mesh Paint tool is not grayed out when the selected mesh has no valid textures
Fixed! UE-91199 Crash when painting on an unsaved texture
Fixed! UE-91325 Selecting Meshes in Mesh Paint Mode Is Laggy
Fixed! UE-90554 Ensure scrolling through the Content Browser while filtering for blueprint
Fixed! UE-82951 DataPrep - Create Proxy Mesh discrepancy with merge actor
Fixed! UE-91186 Editor for Linux fails to build with SDataprepGraphTrackNode.cpp Error:const bool bStillOutOfScope = bCursorLeftOnLeft && DragTrackPosition.X < SoftwareCursorPos.X
Fixed! UE-90429 Mesh Substitution Data Table type from Dataprep is still available (operation does not exist anymore)
Fixed! UE-90408 Crash on running Proxy Mesh generation in Dataprep
Fixed! UE-91201 Dataprep - importing folder creates folders for each assets
Fixed! UE-77248 Collaborative Viewer - Refresh button doesn’t appear if windows resize
Fixed! UE-91329 Crash adding an actor to a Variant Sets without Variant - Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [File:Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers/Array.h] [Line: 674] Array index out of bounds: 0 from an array of size 0
Fixed! UE-90892 STEP group names are incorrect after import.
Fixed! UE-91110 Landscape Grass renders offset from Landscapes
Fixed! UE-91164 Ensures referencing TickableEditorObject.h:81 and FBX import modules
Fixed! UE-91232 USD Stage - Crash opening a scene with large number of vertices - Fatal error: [File:Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/GenericPlatform/GenericPlatformMemory.cpp] [Line: 186] Ran out of memory allocating 39422240073 bytes with alignment 0
Fixed! UE-91109 Multiple “LogLandscape: Warning: Shader FTrivialMaterialCHS unknown by landscape thumbnail material” when using Engine Content Landscape_Material
Fixed! UE-91080 Texture edit view doesn’t show virtual texture layers correctly
Fixed! UE-91276 crash on edit normals if mesh has duplicate triangles
Fixed! UE-91000 Multiuser nodes are not found in VPN
Fixed! UE-89128 Re-Opening Game After Trying to Add a Cooked Material to a Level Results in a Crash
Fixed! UE-90939 Spawnable empty actor loses components after editor restart
Fixed! UE-91252 Filter window does not open in Curve Asset Editor
Fixed! UE-91300 Crash When Opening a DataTable Based Off a Struct With a Timecode Variable
Fixed! UE-91262 Importing camera FBX into subsequence loses focal length
Fixed! UE-87717 Exporting Audio when window is not focused causes audio to cut out when played back
Fixed! UE-91153 Interacting with Editor Viewports over Remote Desktop snaps mouse cursor to upper-left corner of display
Fixed! UE-85110 VR Scouting - Can not hold grip on Camera for re-location
Fixed! UE-90740 VR Scouting and Multi-User cause NaN error and possible crash
Fixed! UE-90748 Flying doesn’t work in VR scouting (tested on Oculus only)
Fixed! UE-90781 DMX: Controllers have a default Universe Start of 0
Fixed! UE-91191 Fix clock offsets for livelink evaluation modes to have smooth latest
Fixed! UE-91130 Vcam - Virtual Joystick widget V2 is available in 4.25 while it’s scheduled for 4.26
Fixed! UE-89367 LiveLink data freezes when Timecode goes back in time.
Fixed! UE-91041 Play button greyed out if DisplayCluster initialization failed
Fixed! UE-91147 Entering VR Mode warns virtual production users about modes UI
Fixed! UE-90727 AzureSpatialAnchors for remoting does not work
Fixed! UE-90868 Packaging project fails with a UAT crash when OculusAvatar plugin is enabled
Fixed! UE-91217 WindowsMixedRealityHMD.cpp(35): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: ‘HoloLensModule.h’
Fixed! UE-91195 Hololens - input simulator active and crashes in vr preview
Fixed! UE-91170 GitHub 6804 : Fix bug in Windows Mixed Reality when using a SpatialStageFrameOfRefe?
Fixed! UE-88711 VR Mode Vive touch pad no longer scrolls smoothly
Fixed! UE-89646 UE4 Failed to compile default material /Engine/EngineMaterials/WorldGridMaterial.WorldGridMaterial! for a new VR Project on HoloLens
Fixed! UE-89150 Assertion fail: GDefaultMaterials[Domain] When Launching Onto Lumin
Fixed! UE-90310 Oculus Touch Menu Button Input Not Received When Set In Action Mapping
Fixed! UE-91210 Hololens - restore wmr/hololensar plugin dependency direction to previous

Does anyone have a guide on how to get this version working with the Oculus Quest?

We can get the project to send to headset successfully. So no errors building/cooking etc. This requires a bunch of file transfers discussed earlier. When running on quest it crashes right way. Epic is aware of this. I don’t think it was fixed in preview 5, but you could try but it failed on 4 and there was no mention of the quest fix. I am curious if its been logged as official bug or not? Better to wait for the Oculus build anyway.

didn’t they say 4.25 release would be the fix for that? and btw oculus will still have to update their plugins and UE4 Integration AFTER full release so tbh stay on an earlier release till then.

These Preview versions DON’T have updated oculus integrations yet. none of the oculus stuff like DASH integrations are working yet, oculus audio is broken and these will be updated by release i hope.

Just an update, this release corrected an issue i was having with Visual Studio 2019 (Not officially supported), my c++ projects are working! Also appears to be working with Resharper if anyone is interested to know

Spoke too soon, newly added Components are showing strange intellisense errors in Visual Studio, though i can build the project and functionally it works

If you include any other headers the intellisense issues go away. I added "#include “Engine/TriggerVolume.h” to my component and the syntax issues in the editor went away.

I don’t want to install Vis 2017 unless I need to, the entire office uses 2019 with 4.24.3 with no issues so i’m trying to see if we can get things to work properly.

Insights is still not functional in preview 5. Frame time graph is empty, trace doubles up on itself and then breaks off.

It would be nice to have the option to use a selected asset from the content browser in the Movie Render Queue window: [ATTACH=JSON]{“data-align”:“none”,“data-size”:“full”,“data-tempid”:“temp_187520_1585718004665_417”}[/ATTACH]

tested 4.25.0p5. Making builds for Oculus Quest are successful. After installing and launching on the Quest though, the app is immediately stuck at the three blinking dots. Same as in p4. No errors when using

adb logcat *:S DEBUG:V UE4:V VRAPI:V > debug.log

Is there any info on the DMX fixtures - can’t quite seem to configure the dmx map for my fixtures. Looking at DMXLibrary under Fixture Types tab, and DMXImport field, there is no object to select from or option to create new.


Also, is it possible to set the ethernet port to listen to DMX/ sACN on a machine with multiple ports



pretty sure you have to download the whole thing again…

if you go back, don’t go past 4.23, there were fundamental changes there… i am jumping 4.24, it’s kind of a mess… layers is still new, so i’m not sure on that, try to migrate first rather than ‘open in new version’, it could corrupt stuff…

Fixed! UE-91110 Landscape Grass renders offset from Landscapes

yeah i noticed that, but being in cinematics i just moved the camera or bumped the landscape… very cool

They actually did update the Oculus integrations, at least they did for Oculus Audio (which I follow closely in GitHub and now finally has Android support added) but you are right, it is broken and it is not the latest from Oculus but one or two versions behind. I found a fix (it’s very simple) and also reported the bug but haven’t heard back.

The issue is that it is not clear who takes care of bugs in third party plugin integrations for the official Epic engine releases. I’ve asked before about this and Epic says it’s on Oculus and Oculus seems to only take care of their own integration (which anyways updates very slowly for Unreal Engine). A solution would be to get Oculus to produce a plugin that can be used directly in the official engine release and not having to build whole versions of the engine. I wonder why even though they are called plugins a lot of third party integrations release whole engine versions with them. It’s unpractical and it’s not really working conceptually as a plugin. It also makes it impossible or really hard to merge different third party plugins. In the case of Unity Oculus just releases packages that work with the official version (of course, it would be impossible otherwise since Unity has no engine source available).

Thanks for checking! I wasnt going to waste my time as I didnt see this in the fixes. But I was still very curious. Its a known issue with Epic.

In my plugin, I need to set default variables for the assembly, but I do not find the event when the project started to build.

Mobile Depth of field doesn`t work in UE 4.25 preview 5 or any preview… In 4.24 works well with same settings. There is no focus everything is blurry no matter of parameters. Please any comments on this. Thanks.BR

Submit a bug report!

thank you. will give it a shot!