Unreal Engine 4.25 Preview

Noticed that when using UE4 with Remote Desktop, it disables the Realtime viewport automatically, without telling the user anything about it.

There’s however a nice notification when disabling it manually though. I just wish that same notification could show up when it’s disabled by Remote Desktop too!



4.25 Preview 5


I’m having a strange issue. I’m running a project that worked fine in 4.24, but when I open it in 4.25 the texture in the emissive slot on a material reverts to the default texture on each material instance when playing a packaged or standalone game. It’s fine in editor and PIE. Has anyone come across anything similar?

Please add option to offset the AI “SetFocus” node target. It currently focuses at the actor pivot point, which is not ideal if you want NPCs to look you in the face.

4.25 preview 5 Breaks the oculus touch left menu button. it no longer fires. it worked in preview 4. I don’t know why someone is even messing with working input mappings but they need to STOP messing them up FFS…

i think this is one of the biggest issues with unreal developers. they edit things that already work and break them…then take weeks to fix them.


Wow this is huge:

Fixed! UE-86191 "Scene Capture Component 2D" Causes Big Performance Dip In VR

Portals and stuff in VR may become much more viable. Is it known exactly how much the performance decreased? I remember, it dropped about 20 FPS for me from 4.16 - 4.21.

Will there be anything with regards to mouse cursor not leaving the screen in a VR environment ?

Does anyone know if the Oculus Go input is resloved? In 4.24.3 they still seem to be broken. They worked fine in 4.23.1. I notice the current update seems to only list the Oculus Touch input as being fixed. Any news on this?

SunSky still has directional light default brightness problem and it uses value 75000.0 lux, not a big issue but default should be 5 or something not to shock new users.

This is NOT fixed yet. however I been working with to get it fixed asap.

4.25 preview5 has completely broken virtual texture lightmaps
Same project for both engines


Make a bug report about this. they need to know about it and sadly they rarely check forums.

thank you epic games
Problem solved by reporting bug


Sadly the hair strand dof artifacts still exist in 4.25.


I actually think i have this issue of 4.24 in some way, when i bring in forestpack objects into unreal they all look pale and odd as instanced meshes but if i bring the object in and place it next to it, it looks correct.

i thought i was doing something wrong.

I haven’t tested in a build but i see it in the editor


We have just released Preview 6 for 4.25! Thank you for your continued help in testing the 4.25 build before its official release. As a reminder, the Preview builds are for testing only, and should not be used for the active development of your project.

For a list of known issues affecting this latest preview, please follow the links provided on the original post in this thread.

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find by following the How To Report a Bug Guide

Fixed in Preview 6
Fixed! UE-91493 CrashReportClientEditor may send a report owned by another concurrent instance losing the exit code in the process
Fixed! UE-91332 Cannot close UE4Editor when certain animation editor tabs are open.
Fixed! UE-90371 Skeletal Meshes with negative scale on nodes in hierarchy do not import correctly in 4.25 or 4.26
Fixed! UE-91227 Crash when closing the animation timeline document tab while editing curve
Fixed! UE-91371 Fatal Error!’ crash in AudioQA.exe when packaged for AQ_Steaming
Fixed! UE-91061 Calling Finish Recording Output causes a crash in PIE
Fixed! UE-89106 Non-streaming audio files fail to seek

**Fixed!** UE-91578 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-Synthesis!Audio::FConvolutionReverb::DeinterleaveBuffer(TArray<TArray<float,TAlignedHeapAllocator<16> >,TSizedDefaultAllocator<32> > &,TArrayView<float const >,int) [ConvolutionReverb.cpp:358]

Fixed! UE-91349 SoftObjectPaths containing + parse incorrectly
Fixed! UE-90312 VSCode extension suggestion fails to find csharp extension (because it was renamed by Microsoft)
Fixed! UE-91457 SyncProject fails after syncing project files with “The Editor is not a valid target for [uproject]”
Fixed! UE-89664 GitHub 6730 : PVS-Studio: support of analysis modes
Fixed! UE-90605 Running PVS from installed build fails
Fixed! UE-91145 Assert Crash when Attempting to rename Vector variable with open split pins
Fixed! UE-91336 Assert When Applying Instance Changes to Blueprint
Fixed! UE-91360 Crash saving QA_MathExpressionTest blueprint in QAGame
Fixed! UE-90905 r.UseAllowTearing = 1 argument crashes the package launching with the command
Fixed! UE-89222 ShooterGame Play as Client fail to connect when Run Under One Process Disabled
Fixed! UE-88621 Crash [EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION 0x00000000] on ShooterGame PIE with Play as Client and Run Under One Process Disabled
Fixed! UE-85284 Crash triggering demos in ChaosExamples_04_Niagara
Fixed! UE-91463 New internal cluster particles incorrectly setting P,Q
Fixed! UE-89161 Crash closing the editor with ChaosExamples_04_Niagara open
Fixed! UE-91516 Update transforms of particles who have a parent that is an internal cluster
Fixed! UE-91519 Linux ASan non-monolithic builds end up in bad state
Fixed! UE-90178 Flickering at the edges of the screen when turning the camera on some Android and iOS devices
Fixed! UE-90200 Unreal logo is displayed at a disproportionate scale on some android devices
Fixed! UE-91423 DepthFade could not work property with MSAA enabled on Adreno devices
Fixed! UE-91261 Runtime Virtual Textures crash on Mobile | OpenGLUAV.cpp [Line: 299]
Fixed! UE-90022 Android crash in UnrealMatch3 after a few seconds
Fixed! UE-90034 Textures Appear To Be Rendered Black When Playing Infiltrator Demo With -OpenGL
Fixed! UE-84572 Crash on Quit of Infiltrator Demo using X to Close when in Windowed Mode
Fixed! UE-88163 Material editor: texture property doesn’t support volume texture attributes
Fixed! UE-91197 Crash running Cooked EngineTest preceded by multiple “Missing shader resource for hash <‘hash’> in the shader library” errors
Fixed! UE-89948 Motion blur causes objects to appear to be choppy
Fixed! UE-91407 Errors occur when cooking a Volume Texture that was not created from a 2D Texture
Fixed! UE-91112 Crash when changing the Collision Preset in the Static Mesh Editor
Fixed! UE-86798 When using the mesh particle space to world space transform on static meshes the local to world transform matrix should be used
Fixed! UE-91569 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-Renderer!static void AddHairStrandUpdateMeshTrianglesPass(class FRDGBuilder & const, class FGlobalShaderMap [HairStrandsMeshProjection.cpp:550]
Fixed! UE-82004 Mesh Particle space transforms no longer function
Fixed! UE-77479 Event node with struct type fixup not functioning properly
Fixed! UE-87597 Parameter panel does not refresh after deleting user parameters
Fixed! UE-85791 Improve Invalid DataInterface handling
Fixed! UE-86767 Niagara Script Deprecation Recommendation asset selector accepts any Niagara Script and crashes
Fixed! UE-87716 Compiling a BP sets all Override Parameters of its instances to the values set in the BP class
Fixed! UE-87708 Removing a user parameter from a System does not remove the parameter from Niagara Actors or Niagara System Components
Fixed! UE-87770 Resetting a Niagara System Component instance’s override parameter sets the parameter to the value set in the system rather than the blueprint
Fixed! UE-86900 Regression: Skeletalmeshreproduction node do not show mesh when the mesh is not SK_Mannequin in 4.24
Fixed! UE-72141 Actors with Niagara components don’t wait for the system to finish before being auto destroyed
Fixed! UE-90587 Niagara System templates have Invalid Input errors when used
Fixed! UE-90218 Crash when compiling Blueprint class based off C++ actor with a Niagara component that has a user color curve
Fixed! UE-91515 Namespaces used as a Modifier are not appropriately colored
Fixed! UE-91508 VM Compile errors constantly try to recompile and spam the logs.
Fixed! UE-91491 Shader compile error in new Custom Expression
Fixed! UE-91461 Static Mesh DI IsValid function can return true and false regardless of input
Fixed! UE-91398 Changing the event name on a “write event payload” node crashes the editor
Fixed! UE-91032 Niagara Mesh Particle transformation from world to mesh local space issue
Fixed! UE-91270 “Array” parameters show up in Niagara scripts
Fixed! UE-89291 Sample Static Mesh module needs clearer instructions for artists
Fixed! UE-89032 Niagara Skel Mesh Triangle CPU Sampling Does Not Work
Fixed! UE-88813 User is not prompted to nor warned to fix CPU Access on Skeletal Meshes when necessary
Fixed! UE-88589 Niagara compute work better with profilegpu
Fixed! UE-89987 System Scalability Overrides do not work when an Effect Type has not been assigned
Fixed! UE-90054 Alter default EffectType handling
Fixed! UE-89955 Content Examples - Niagara Missing Texture Sampling Example
Fixed! UE-89693 Niagara events can be multiple frames latent
Fixed! UE-91119 An incorrect tool tip in the place module drop down states that modules exposed to the library are not
Fixed! UE-91518 Adding/removing parameters does not generate an undo transaction
Fixed! UE-90012 Crash running Engine Test Suite with Vulkan RHI
Fixed! UE-91522 Static Switch parameters are exposed in the Parameters panel in Systems/Emitters
Fixed! UE-91520 Selecting to edit a parameter’s modifier does not focus the text box for edit
Fixed! UE-91517 Ensure when adding a Niagara Parameter Collection parameter to a script
Fixed! UE-91330 Scratchpad module’s “open for edit” button calls the module a dynamic input
Fixed! UE-91530 Re-enable channel compression for shadow denoising
Fixed! UE-91316 Raytraced refractions broken 4.25 preview 4
Fixed! UE-82535 Crash when building lighting with a Basic shape in the level
Fixed! UE-87027 [CrashReporter] UE4Editor-D3D12RHI!FD3D12SegListAllocator::Allocate(unsigned int,unsigned int,TRefCountPtr<FD3D12SegHeap> &) [D3D12Allocation.h:793]
Fixed! UE-87767 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-D3D12RHI!CreatePipelineStateFromStream(ID3D12PipelineState * &,ID3D12Device2 *,D3D12_PIPELINE_STATE_STREAM_DESC const *,ID3D12PipelineLibrary1 *,wchar_t const *) [WindowsD3D12PipelineState.cpp:644]
Fixed! UE-72117 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-D3D12RHI!FD3D12Viewport::PresentChecked(int) [D3D12Viewport.cpp:492]
Fixed! UE-90255 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-D3D12RHI!FD3D12CommandListHandle::FD3D12CommandListData::Close() [D3D12CommandList.cpp:133]
Fixed! UE-91499 Crash in QAGame when scrubbing LOD Model Painting value and shifting to Selection Mode
Fixed! UE-91240 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-MaterialEditor!FMaterialEditor::GeneratorRowsRefreshed() [MaterialEditor.cpp:1068]
Fixed! UE-91442 Crash when modifying Name variables in a Data Table Struct with a Timecode variable
Fixed! UE-89182 Custom launch profile drop down menus in UFE are offset and unusable
Fixed! UE-89510 Painted LODs stay assigned to last LOD level selected in Mesh Paint panel
Fixed! UE-91388 4.25 doesn’t build in installed build from GITHUB because of CAD and MDL importers.
Fixed! UE-91445 Dataprep - Crash undoing action order shufling
Fixed! UE-91260 Dataprep - crash executing dataprep from the content browser
Fixed! UE-91399 Number of static mesh resulting from import is wrong with stitch sew
Fixed! UE-91374 Datasmith CAD Tessellation options is ignored when importing CAD file with Sew stitching technique
Fixed! UE-91383 Draw Polygon Tool cannot draw extruded polygons away from the origin
Fixed! UE-91384 Set end frame has incorrect bounds type
Fixed! UE-90765 Add measurement is still active when the context menu is brought up in Collab Viewer
Fixed! UE-91401 nDIsplay - Assets with empty version number exclusive to the nDisplay Template
Fixed! UE-91393 MediaIO - Missing Assets on Blank Virtual Production Template
Fixed! UE-91391 nDIsplay - Assets with empty version number on Blank Virtual Production, nDisplay and Virtual Production Templates
Fixed! UE-91273 VR Scouting - Second Controller Unusable with First Controller Submenu Open
Fixed! UE-91372 Timecodesynchronizer always fail with media and custom frame rate
Fixed! UE-88253 SingleEyeLetterbox showing two screens in TM-SpectatorScreen
Fixed! UE-91504 Hololens - speech recognition fix, meshobserver race condition fix
Fixed! UE-91380 Hololens - latency, remoting, hand tracking blueprint, and logging fixes
Fixed! UE-91376 GitHub 6815 : Remove duplicate TrackingToWorldTransform in HoloLens Hand Joints
Fixed! UE-91146 Packaged ETC2 projects with OpenGL ES3.1 for Oculus devices display a black screen on launch

landscape compile times when painting new layers to components/
work-around restart editor to see true compile times.

volumetric clouds in .25 will make my whole year :smiley:

Installed P6 - same problems as previous P’s;
building for Quest is without a problem - after installing and launching an app, the Quest is stuck at the three blinking dots - have to hard-reboot the Quest to get control back.

Updated to P6 from P5
Niagara groom physics has stopped working in my project after updating :frowning: , And it keeps crashing when trying to activate hair physics and Tried reimporting the alembic groom too but no success.

Is it just me? Or does 4.25 from github not build out of the box?

UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealInsightsCLI\Private\UnrealInsightsCLI.cpp(9): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: ‘TraceServices/SessionService.h’: No such file or directory

For me it’s invisible while the simulation is running and makes the editor run at 5 fps. Worked fine in p5.

Ray traced lights with shadow samples higher than one cause hair strand shading artifacts: