‘Mesh editing’ in viewport and ‘Control Rig’ plugins does not works on macos version.
Seems like, 4.24 Version supports volumetric lightmap (VLM) sublevel streaming. Unfortunately in my project this feature broke correct indirect shadows on the dynamic objects of the persistent level. Is it possible to deactivate somehow this streaming and keep VLM in the lighting scenario level as it was before?
WIth some limitations: Volumetric Lightmaps Ever Support Streaming Levels
Still experimental and wip, I guess.
The 4.24.1 Hotfix is now live!
Fixed in 4.24.1
Fixed! UE-85778 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-AnimGraphRuntime.dll!TArray<FAnimNode_Base *,TInlineAllocator<4,TSizedDefaultAllocator<32>>>::RangeCheck(int Index)
Fixed! UE-85769 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-Engine!FAnimNode_SaveCachedPose::PostGraphUpdate() [AnimNode_SaveCachedPose.cpp:120]
Fixed! UE-85796 Serialization bug on UObjectPropertyBase subclasses
Fixed! UE-84969 Dataprep import warning: /Master_pipeline.uasset’ failed to load ‘/Game/Manual/Dataprep/Master_delete_by_label’: Can’t find file
Fixed! UE-85927 Datasmith Exporters installer version is incorrect for 4.24.1
Fixed! UE-85874 Assets created in 4.24.1 won’t open in 4.24.0
Fixed! UE-85300 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-HairStrandsNiagara!FNDIPressureGridProxy::ResetData(FRHICommandList &,FNiagaraDataInterfaceSetArgs const &) [NiagaraDataInterfacePressureGrid.cpp:884]
Fixed! UE-85304 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-HairStrandsNiagara!FNDIHairStrandsBuffer::ClearBuffer(FRHICommandList &) [NiagaraDataInterfaceHairStrands.cpp:342]
Fixed! UE-79856 Crash when Building Lighting with a Landscape in Level
Fixed! UE-85634 Linux: Closing UnrealFrontend Results in a Crash for Mutex Lock Failed Due to an Invalid Argument
Fixed! UE-84452 Crash adding skeletal mesh to the level while in Android ES 3.1 rendering preview
Fixed! UE-85545 Android x86_64 fails to compile for default plugins
Fixed! UE-85150 tvOS applications packaged from Windows crash on open - FatalError: /MetalShaders.cpp
Fixed! UE-85561 Flat and PN Tessellation displays as No Tessellation
Fixed! UE-79375 [CrashReport]
UE4Editor-Engine!FShaderCompileUtilities::DoReadTaskResults(TArray<FShaderCommonCompileJob *,FDefaultAllocator> const &,FArchive &) [ShaderCompiler.cpp:655]
Fixed! UE-84587 Crash occurs when opening Material_Nodes in a Content Examples package
Fixed! UE-82426 Flickering shadow follows player in TM-Tessellation on Mac
Fixed! UE-85375 Video Driver Crash Attempting to Run DebugCreatePlayer in DX12 with Ray Tracing Enabled
Fixed! UE-85298 Ray tracing reflections crashes the material preview depending on the instance mask value
Fixed! UE-85630 Crash Occurs When Trying To Create a Sublevel by Pasting Another Level in the Level’s Window
Fixed! UE-85308 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-Engine!FPrecomputedVolumetricLightmapData::AddToSceneData(FPrecomputedVolumetricLightmapData *) [PrecomputedVolumetricLightmap.cpp:489]
Fixed! UE-85364 Fix FMetalShaderPipeline initresourcemask when we use many textures
Fixed! UE-84987 VulkanPipeline objects may leak in rare cases
Fixed! UE-85642 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-MetalRHI!mtlpp::Texture::GetPixelFormat() [texture.mm:493]
Fixed! UE-74508 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-RenderCore!FShaderCompilerOutput::GenerateOutputHash() [ShaderCore.cpp:320]
Fixed! UE-85367 Crash re-importing a fbx skeletalmesh with less section in the new fbx file
Fixed! UE-85685 LOC-Some Project Categories/Templates are not localized for KO
Fixed! UE-84961 Crash trying to persist MU changes
Fixed! UE-82958 Error connecting device to VirtualCamera Sample - Requested Channel FRemoteSessionFrameBufferChannel was not recognized
Fixed! UE-82947 Crash exiting VirtualCamera Sample - Assertion failed: GPackageLoader.Get() …Engine/Source/Runtime/CoreUObject/Private/Serialization/AsyncPackageLoader.cpp
Fixed! UE-82965 LiveLink characters begin to animate in PIE and Synchronization fails.
Fixed! UE-84555 Virtual Studio crashes after launching a Package Build
Fixed! UE-83189 steamVR - changing HMDs and restarting steamVR will crash editor
REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find by following the How To Report a Bug Guide
No Chaos in 4.24.1. Don’t see the source for 4.24.1.
The chaos sources are in
or their respective folders.
But even though it seems like Chaos is added in the binary I cannot find the fracture editor in the editor after enabling the plugins. Do we still need to build it like we did in 4.23? @Epic
I don’t think anything’s changed.
Until Chaos came out of the beta, it is necessary to compile from sources.
Did you get 4.24.1 to compile?
I would use it for testing in a separate branch, and test it for your needs using a few samples from your game.
I haven’t seen anyone post about this yet, so I’m not sure if it’s just my project. But after the 4.24 update, my sequencer animation tracks are breaking when moving from animation track to the next. When I just change the animation mode on the SK mesh, it fixes it temporarily, then breaks when reading the next track. Anyone run into the same problem after update?
In 4.24 I’ve had a problem with my VIVE tracking pucks not working, even in very simple cases. ie: create blueprint pawn, add motion controller, add cube under that, set motion controler to special-1, but no data is coming into the motion controler.
This works with 4.23.1 and prior versions but doesn’t work in 4.24, I haven’t had the chance to try 4.24.1 yet.
Is this a bug or did something change in the VIVE setup?
I’m getting crashes when creating new levels in world composition. Sent some reports. Very strange in an official release. Even with the update.
Just enable world composting, origin rebasing, then creating levels as 0x0, 0x1, - 1x0, etc… Then after creating 4 or more Unreal crashes. This does not happen on earlier 4.2x versions that I have. After that crash I cannot use the new map, new sublevels are not appearing in world composition window.
Is that a known bug or something rare happening just here?
I am experiencing this same issue and I tried your workaround and it worked. Thanks for posting!
I wonder why 4.24.1 got released that fast? Someone from Epic pressed the wrong button?
Ehehe :rolleyes:
We are facing similar issues. Our movementcomponent is not happy at all.
Yesterday i did successful build\packaging for IOS AR in both dev and shipping types. Today morning UE downloaded 24.1 update and now i’m getting
"The Binaries for this Target Platform are not currently installed, would you like to use the Launcher to download them?"
im pressing yes in this dialog window and going for the main launcher screen. In my UE_24 engine binares folders there are only binares for Win. So IOS, android, etc are missing.
I tried to copy there binares from previous version i have on PC (UE22), build started but did stop with another error.
So please can someone there give me binares folder for UE24 engine or mb some advice to fix that.
Well, all my attempts to fix binares folder itself went wrong so i’ll try to reinstall whole UE.
ANYWAY, Epic, please, let us launch engine without updating or let choose subversions (24.0, or 24.1).
For people who will google The Binaries for this Target Platform are not currently installed, would you like to use the Launcher to download them?
Remove whole engine folder and try to reinstall
Helped me on 24.0-24.1 update.
I am getting the same compilation error as linked below from both unreal editor 4.24 and 4.24.1 with chaos enabled. Chaos destruction demo editor buiding works perfectly but it doesn’t work with any non chaos as well as 4.23’s chaos projects.
Lightmaps not working on some objects. In 4.23 everything worked just fine. Now in 4.24 with the same Setup, the same procedure (Import, create LODS and Lightmaps ….) for some objects don’t work anymore.
I get just : “…object have wrapping uv’s”.
BUT: There is a lightmap. But after creating lods i can’t Change the Index to 1. If i try, the engine crashes.
So i think this is a bug.