@olmotje Every new engine release you can expect first opened project to compile several internal shaders besides the project shaders, so this is the only case you will ever see this.
Any word when Chaos will be in 4.24?
SSGI definitely behaves “interestingly”
On one hand it sometimes does a better job at AO and on the other hand it completely disables decals with “Ambient Occlusion” Blend Mode.
I’m not sure if this is intended.
I did just now, no issues yet. Although I have to amend my previous statement: even if compiling in 16.3.10 is working perfectly fine on my computer, seemingly the DLL cannot be loaded on the machine of designers and artists (with fully upgraded and updated Windows 10). I guess it compiles with a too recent .NET version or something; nevertheless, falling back to the old compiler version is producing a DLL which is working for everyone, so I’d say let’s stick to the one that already works for now
I’ve tried everything I could and still get completely no AO when enabling SSGI. As shown in my images of previous page. 4.23 was flawless…
Thanks for the update but think ill stick with 4.23 as 4.24 testing in dedicated mode i might as well be setting Net PktLag to 400 because thats how laggy it is!
Just wanted to report that I’m also getting no physical materials from the landscape as well. This is a pretty significant problem.
How did you enable AO and SSGI in UE 4.23?
I tried turning this on at the same time, but AO did not work
I’m also seeing this - I use the result for footsteps and bullet impact effects, this regression completely breaks those systems. I am using the below workaround to unblock getting something out of the landscape - but it just pulls the first physical material rather than the one from the trace result:
UPhysicalMaterial* UEstGameplayStatics::GetPhysicalMaterial(const FHitResult &HitResult)
if (HitResult.PhysMaterial.IsValid())
return HitResult.PhysMaterial.Get();
// Hack for 4.24 - attempt to get the first landscape physical material
if (HitResult.Component.IsValid())
const ULandscapeHeightfieldCollisionComponent* LandscapeHeightfieldCollisionComponent = Cast<ULandscapeHeightfieldCollisionComponent>(HitResult.Component.Get());
if (LandscapeHeightfieldCollisionComponent != nullptr && LandscapeHeightfieldCollisionComponent->CookedPhysicalMaterials.Num() > 0)
return LandscapeHeightfieldCollisionComponent->CookedPhysicalMaterials[0];
return nullptr;
I had to add the “Landscape” module to my PublicDependencyModuleNames array due to the use of ULandscapeHeightfieldCollisionComponent.
This won’t be anywhere near good enough if you have vastly different materials applied to your landscape though. In my case I typically use landscape layers that are similar, so mud/dirt/sand etc for which I can get away with returning the same footstep/impact effect until this is fixed.
Is there a bug report yet that we can follow? Because without physical materials I can not upgrade to the new engine, my project depends heavily on that
Potential bug…
LOD Generation using LOD groups in Static Mesh Editor automatically sets Lightmap Coordinate index to 0. Then I can’t set it back to 1 or anything else. All my static meshes have its own uv channel with lightmaps. UE 4.23 automatic LOD generator didn’t try to change this setting.
its a new bug indeed. Manually setting the lightmap Coordinate channel back to where IT belongs even crashes the editor sometimes.
Reported this using the proper channel last week. Epic is looking in to this.
I wonder what is causing that, have you looked into it much? Was hoping to upgrade my own projects to 4.24 next year
We are still trying to find the root of the issue but it seems to be the engine, we have tired testing outside the editor on a packaged build and the issue is still there, there seems to be a traffic issue in 4.24 as all our multicasts which aren’t set to relevant are just skipped, let’s hope 4.24.1 fixes this issue.
@Epic: Can you please put the default screen percentage for RTGI back to 100. The default of 50 produces a lot of visual artifacts and is not usable.
Huge update ! great job !
Got this crash once I try to use landscape layers with a landscape using world composition :
Chaos demo editor 4.24 doesn’t open any of the 4.23 and prior projects (both chaos and non-chaos).
~Should I switch over all destruction to Chaos now or wait?
Game went live on PS4 for North America and EU and now getting ready to go live on Steam within the next 6 months.
The game uses a lot of destruction: https://youtu.be/CNj9AXkDfas Do you think it would be better to change all the destruction over to Chaos or wait? Is their a huge performance difference?
Also, is Chaos just taking over the destruction, or also the physics? I had made this video/benchmark tool for unreal of how many physical basketballs you can spawn to see your performance, I wonder if Chaos would do better. https://youtu.be/3RwFr0WSZWc
If anyone can help answer these question I would really appreciate you!
John Daniels
Proud Arts LLC.