Unreal Engine 4.24 Preview

Hey, Joe you can search for it in the plugins window just write ( modeling ) and you will find the

  • modeling toolset plugin
    -modeling toolbar i guess.


Not too happy with


Getting marked for deprecation to go private in the next version after 4.24. I have plugins that turn off relative replication on components that move themselves and where I want total control over the replication (motion controllers for example) without turning it off for the entire component. With these going private DISABLE_REPLICATED_PROPERTY no longer is allowed to be used on them and I can’t specifically turn off any of these replicated properties on their own anymore…

I also had a bReplicateMovement I added to some component classes that used DOREPLIFETIME_ACTIVE_OVERRIDE to take effect and those will no longer function.

This will leave people that aren’t directly editing source stuck with all scene components forcefully replicating their relative transforms unless replication is turned off entirely on them.

Think we can get support for vrm extension which is for vroid studio. Maybe?

Did I miss Chaos being fully included/enabled or will that be another special build?

That is huge. They need to de-deprecate it. Its bad enough they privatize owner so you can’t manually re-add it to GetLifetimeReplicatedProps if you don’t want to call Super.

This is actually basically an emergency at this point. Anyone doing custom replication is getting totally shafted. Do not do this, Epic.

The inertia blending is totally underwhelming unless this isn’t what its for





Wrap Box corrected aligment in UE 4.24???

SSGI work!
and modeling tool is awesome!

try Unreal Engine 4.24 Preview Modeling Mode Sculpting Tools (Experimental)

This time it was very fast :rolleyes:

Why is it that even necessary for Epics to do? Its so illogical…

Just one question:
Joe Graf wrote a long article in Medium about "Building UE4 Blueprint Function Libraries in Python " which should be included in UE 4.24.
I haven’t seen this feature neither on your feature list, nor on the Trello road-map .
Is it already available in Preview 1?

“New” Sky and sun thing makes everything white? What’s the problem?

Uuuh. Definately need some time to spend on testing new stuff. There’s lot of it. Finally foliage ray traced shadows will work.

What about Epic Online Services? :frowning: hope there will be some progress in the near future

A few questions about some of the release notes since I’m not able to test myself due to the VR project related instant crash with Preivew 1 (reproducible with a brand new VR Template project in 4.23 P1):

Super excited about this coming to the mobile rendering pipeline finally! :

1. Will this work with mobileVR and multi-view?
2. Will they support physics (unlike traditional instance static meshes)

If not when is that planned? It would be huge for many Oculus Go and Quest projects.

Does this also effect the signing and distribution of Oculus Go and Quest APKs? Or is this deferred APK signing another way to export?

Not a question but looking forward to what this can do for us :slight_smile:

Hi Luis7a,
Unreal Engine deploy for IOS 13.2 and 13.3 beta without problems now. I have not tested 4.24 preview 1 for IOS 13 but you can use UE4 4.23.1 for it. I have made a lot of tests from UE 4.23.1 on Windows 10 to Ipad Pro 12.9 with IOS 13.3 beta 1.1.


This sounds awesome but can we get more info on it? is it going to be performant enough to be usable in games or is it expected to be more of a cinematic/film feature?

Also love to see material layers getting some light after so long!

keep up the awesome work!

Yup, cleared out all three, made no difference. I’ve been updating projects to new versions since 4.5 and I don’t recall having this issue before, even with preview builds.

If they added bReplicateMovement at the scene component level I wouldn’t have much of an issue with it. But as is, it is going to cause me (and likely lots of others) one hell of a headache.

I don’t understand how to use this.
I created a basic landscape and a Landmass Brush blueprint and placed it into the level and now?
How can i assign a layer to the LB actor or assign the LB actor to the landscape?

What i have to do? :o