Unreal Engine 4.20 Released!

Thanks for the suggestion, but I rarely use that setting. And it happened with structs that were input parameters in function. I think there’s no read-only setting for input params. Only pass as reference. And the warning went away when I unticked the reference mode for the struct input variable.

I still use SetMemberInStruct when I just want to change a small thing in a huge, already configured struct. But I make a copy of it in a local variable first. For instance, when I just want to change the Font in a Text, but without changing its color, size etc. I store the Text’s GetFont in a local variable, use SetMemberInStruct for that variable and set the Text Font struct to be my local variable. But the result of GetFont being a read-only variable makes perfect sense to me. Now, an input variable in my function being read-only just because I passed it by reference doesn’t.

I’ve made it work by changing it from


I hope this helps some of you.

Strangely, in some places the old way still works. I can’t see what the difference is.

PS How do you quote a previous post? When I click on ‘Quote’ in a post it turns orange but that’s all that happens.

How can you change EPIC mailbox?

I had that once and I thought it was a bug. On the next day it was working and I thought “great, they fixed it”. So perhaps it’s a browser bug. Try Ctrl+F5 on the page or perhaps logging out and back in to the forums.

Now, I’ve got a question for you: how do you enable those arrows in the blueprint graph lines? I always thought those were old engine version stuff only.

Thanks. I don’t use Chrome as I don’t like it, unless I absolutely have to to make some particular website work.

is there any info of 4.21 releae date (preview 1)? or atleast any info on features and fixes? (trello seems not to be updated enough )

Head over to the github page and look at the promoted or master branch commits… that should give you an idea of what’s going on. Also, issues (from the menu here) will show you what’s been fixed for 4.21.


I can no longer get Unreal Editor to launch on MacOS Mojave. It will get to 35% then just sit chewing through my CPU until I force quit.

Anyone else experiencing this issue or have any workarounds?

Never mind, turns out it was recompiling a ton of shaders in the background. You just have to let it go for like 40 minutes and it’ll catch up.

[2018.10.08-09.49.01:161][838]LogWindows: Error: === Critical error: ===
[2018.10.08-09.49.01:161][838]LogWindows: Error:
[2018.10.08-09.49.01:161][838]LogWindows: Error: Assertion failed: InState >= ENiagaraExecutionState::Active && InState < ENiagaraExecutionState::Num [File:C:\UE4\SourceEngines\UnrealEngine\Engine\Plugins\FX\Niagara\Source\Niagara\Private\NiagaraEmitterInstance.cpp] [Line: 1425]

Anyone else experiencing this issue?

Doesn’t seem so. I just searched our CrashReports and came across no record of it. But if you are, be sure to submit your CrashReports, and if you can reproduce it, submit a separate bug report.

this is good

Is it possible to scale the HLOD transition distance in 4.20? The old cvar is gone, and it seems like the only option is to override it to a specific distance.

If anyone has bumped into the PhysicsSerializer warnings as I did: opening related BP, refreshing all nodes, and saving fixed those for me.

I’m brand new to the forum and I don’t know how to start a new topic.
I started writing a message and then was denied with private message quota exceeded (and that was the first thing I ever wrote)

I tried installing Unreal Engine on my Win10 PC, 6-core i7 8750, GTX 1060-6gb VRAM, 16gb 2666MHz RAM, and Nvidia driver Version 416.34 Release Date: 10.11.2018

but I received an error message saying “Unsupported Graphics Card, There is a problem with your graphics card. Please ensure your card meets the minimum system requirements and that you have the latest drivers installed.”

Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Hi, I have a problem with updating plugin from 4.19 to 4.20 version.

This is 4.19 code:

483: TArray<FString> Streaming;
484: TArray<ULevelStreaming*>& Levels = World->StreamingLevels;
485: for(ULevelStreaming* EachLevel : Levels)
486: {
487: if(!EachLevel) continue;
489: FString NoPIELevelName = UMySaveLibrary::RemoveLevelPIEPrefix(EachLevel->GetWorldAssetPackageName());
491: Streaming.Add(NoPIELevelName + FString("=") + BOOLSTR(EachLevel->IsLevelVisible()));
492: }
493: Ar << Streaming;

Here is the log:

(484): error C2248: ‘UWorld::StreamingLevels’: cannot access private member declared in class ‘UWorld’
H:\Games\Epic Games\UE_4.20\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Engine/World.h(796): note: see declaration of ‘UWorld::StreamingLevels’
H:\Games\Epic Games\UE_4.20\Engine\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Inc\Engine\LevelStreamingKismet.generated.h(12): note: see declaration of ‘UWorld’

I know that in 4.20 version is changed functions for level streaming, but I don’t know which one I need to use.

Thanks in advance.

I haven’t used that particular variable, but I have other code that accessed ex-public members.
In all my cases I found out Epic replaced the direct access for a getter method. And searching the docs I found one for StreamingLevels as well, that returns exactly the type you declared there, but constant. So just change that line into

const TArray<ULevelStreaming*>& Levels = World->GetStreamingLevels();

and it should work.

Thank you , it works!

I found bug over the Control Rig , the mesh already have a skeleton and when I using the option base_human it’s totally destroy her shape:


This issue seems to exist in 4.21, also.