Unreal Engine 4.20 Released!

You are forgetting Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-60339)

I guess those 4 bugs are deemed not worthy of fixing :stuck_out_tongue:

Is there an estimate as to how many hotfixes are currently planned before work on 4.21 begins in earnest?

4.21 development is already well underway, and the Previews are not far off! At this time, we don’t expect for any additional 4.20 hotfixes to be released.

For the Jiras that were initially targeted for 4.20.3 but didn’t receive fixes in time, they will likely be re-targeted for 4.21

dev-rendering branch is now unlocked.Thanks Epic.


This is the main problem with almost all Unreal Engine releases. No version gets all the hot-fixes needed to become bug free. Will this ever change?

Well, isn’t that basically the case with *every *software?

So you think all software is always in beta stage?
I understand that Microsoft led the industry delivering flawed software and Windows10 is a real nightmare to deal with at each new release and then Adobe, Autodesk and many others did the same raising prices like never before in the process actually for selling worse quality software. But that doesn’t mean that every software is like that always. And if others release flawed software then everyone has to do the same, why?
Bugs must be fixed. A perfect release with no bugs might not be possible but still dropping support after a short time and not ensuring compatibility between versions becomes a real nightmare and a huge waste of time and resources for everyone.

The launcher doesn’t give me the option to update for some reason.

Anyone else having errors with hot reloading in 4.20?

Hot-Reloading throws this error. In my case it’s a pawn blueprint using a custom PawnMovementComponent:

LogOutputDevice: Error: === Handled ensure: ===
LogOutputDevice: Error: Ensure condition failed: bArchetypeReinstanced [File:D:\Build\++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Editor\UnrealEd\Private\Kismet2\KismetReinstanceUtilities.cpp] [Line: 1601]
LogOutputDevice: Error: Reinstancing non-actor (/Engine/Transient.Default__NewBlueprint_C:VehicleDriveComponent4W); failed to resolve archetype object - property values may be lost.

I still have this bug on 4.20.3 on the Oculus Go: objects disappear when looking at them and pop back into view when looking away. Is that really fixed? Can anyone confirm?

No, and it doesn’t seem like Oculus/Epic will be fixing it. I have a gut feeling that with Vulkan on the horizon and Santa Cruz HMD release, the focus will shift to mobile Vulkan renderer. Maybe it will be fixed there.

The ReleaseNotes for 4.20 read:
“If you have a default implementation of a BlueprintNativeEvent’s required _Implementation() method inside of an interface class, the default implementation must now be removed from the interface class.”
How are we supposed to provide the default implementation now? the UE metacompiler creates an empty default alright, but what if I need to have default code?

I think the idea here is that it behaves more like a normal interface and shouldn’t have a default implementation in any circumstance.

Disable Occlusion in your project settings if you are building for OpenGL 3.1 - else build for OpenGL 2.0 - issue is gone then :slight_smile:

Mobile opengl 3.1 hardware occlusion is hopefully supported in 4.21: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-62347)

Note: It has not been supported at all so far - 4.19 did not have any 3.1 hardware occlusion support hense the reason objects were not popping there.

Santa Cruz won’t be so different from a GO from an unreal developer perspective - just with 6dof HMD (like the already released Vive Focus) and better controllers (2 x 6dof) - but still using the same android mobile vr unreal build pipeline.

After reading: https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/en-US/news/fortnite-on-android-launch-technical-blog
I think getting a good performing Vulkan pipeline in Unreal for mobileVR is still a while away…

I am aware. I am saying if the goal is to get mobile Vulkan out, they won’t be focusing on some minor issues like that. Even Oculus said they are aware, but won’t fix any time soon (read - never). According to several sources, Oculus is hard at work of making mobile Vulkan a reality asap (but not sure whether it’s for Unity or both Unity and UE4). Although as always there is no ETA.

Yes, but then what is the point of declaring something BlueprintNativeEvent? The very nature of that declaration is that there is a default behavior in C++ that can be overwritten in BP if desired.

Everywhere I set an image on a widget (via blueprint), I get “The Brush is a Read Only property and can not be modified directly”, so is there a new method for setting the image or is it just broken? If it’s a new method there’s a fair amount of work I’ll have to do.

I have that problem when trying to set members on a struct that is a reference parameter in a function. I guess referenced structs are like const now. And it doesn’t make sense, since references were created exactly to avoid making copies when editing structs.

I’ve not gotten that error yet. When I wrote my UMG code I remember using the makestruct node, not setmembersinstruct. So maybe that would fix it?

Check if you have any variables set to “BP read only” I had that and then set members of that struct in BP. Up to 4.18 there was no warning generated but after updating to 4.20 I received the warning.