Unreal Engine 4.18 Preview

"preview your game localization in-editor"
Awesome. Thank you so much team!

[=“Stephen_Ellis, post:1, topic:100191”]


Please note that some of this work, such as Sequencer integration, stereoscopic & 360 video support, and hardware accelerated 4K playback is still under active development.

I hope this comes soon :frowning: . VR 360 60 FPS 4K would be exponential against Unity’s capability… or AVPro video with Unity.

[=“dragoongame, post:61, topic:100191”]

I have upgraded from Xcode 9 beta 3 to Xcode 9, still doesn’t work with 4.18. Or should I upgrade macOS from Sierra 10.12.6 to High Sierra 10.13 GM candidate?

Totally same procedure, why it works with 4.17, but no icon and crash with 4.18? Can anyone help me with this?

Are you working with Mac just doing remote building with VM/Mac machine ? Mind brining more info into the topic ? Make sure there’s only one XCode app on your Mac/VM (make sure there’s nothing left from beta).

I get massive slow downs when opening Skeletal Mesh Assets and assets associated with it (Blendspaces, AnimSequences, AnimBP etc. etc.)
Most of the time the System simply freezes (I waited 15 minutes and it didn’t open). I really can’t do anything then.
Most of the time it is stuck at “Opening Editor”…

[=“LIB53, post:32, topic:100191”]

Dunno if I did something wrong, but doesn’t work for me either. It opens the source code you tell it to, but it doesn’t open the folder/workspace/project, and it makes the editor freeze until I close VS Code.

I can’t even generate VS Code project. Can you tell me how you did it ? (aside from passing -vscode argument).

[=“ND_Dwight, post:44, topic:100191”]

Double click on Blueprint “ARLine Trace from Screen Point” crashes the Editor.

And, I have no idea on how to get AR to work in 4.18. Can someone please give a little guide. Much needed! Thanks

Hello ND_Dwight,

I attempted reproducing the crash you reported but I’m just given a “Reading C++ Symbols” message when double-clicking that node. Could it be that you do not have an IDE installed and it may crash due to not being able to read C++ symbols? To continue looking into this issue, can you please create an Answerhub post about this issue in the Bug Reports section with as much information as you can provide, including the Callstack for the crash? Please post here if you create an Answerhub post so that we may investigate.

[=“dragoongame, post:52, topic:100191”]

I create a default third-person mobile project with 4.18, and it crashs (and no icon) when launching on iOS11 iPad; but the 4.17 default third-person mobile project works just fine on iOS11 iPad. Can anyone tell me how to resolve this? Thanks a lot.

Hello dragoongame,

We’re currently looking into this issue and attempting to reproduce. As the issue will most likely not be this simple to reproduce, can you please create an Answerhub post about this issue in the Bug Reports section with as much information as you can provide, including the logs and callstack for the crash? Please post here if you create an Answerhub post so that we may investigate.

[=“Raildex, post:66, topic:100191”]

I get massive slow downs when opening Skeletal Mesh Assets and assets associated with it (Blendspaces, AnimSequences, AnimBP etc. etc.)
Most of the time the System simply freezes (I waited 15 minutes and it didn’t open). I really can’t do anything then.
Most of the time it is stuck at “Opening Editor”…

Hello Raildex,

Is this new to the 4.18 Preview or does this happen in 4.17 as well? As this issue could be content related and we’ll likely need more information to looking into this, can you please create an Answerhub post about this issue in the Bug Reports section with as much information as you can provide, including whether this happens with all assets or a particular skeletal mesh? Please post here if you create an Answerhub post so that we may investigate.

Edit: It seems that you’ve already made an Answerhub post. We can continue any correspondence about this issue there. Massive Slowdowns when opening Assets - Character & Animation - Epic Developer Community Forums

could you please take a look at this crash issue.I cannot even load my project.Thanks a lot!


[=“, post:71, topic:100191”]

could you please take a look at this crash issue.I cannot even load my project.Thanks a lot!

https://answers.unrealengine.com/que…ith-418p1.html @anonymous_user_41845f4a

There is already a response from a Support Technician on your Answerhub post. For further assistance, please provide the information that he requested by leaving a comment on the post.

[=“anonymous_user_41845f4a, post:38, topic:100191”]

Hello BoteRock and LIB53,

From what you are both mentioning, your issues are both related to Visual Studio but they don’t seem to be the same issue. Can you both make separate Answerhub posts in the Bug Reports section and provide as much information as you can about what you are seeing and what you have tried? Please respond here when you’ve made a post, so that we can take a look at the issue.


After speaking with the person who is responsible for the implementation of Visual Studio Code with UE4, he mentioned that there were some changes that were added to 4.18 that caused the implementation to become broken. At the moment, Visual Studio Code implementation is not functional. It should be functional in the near future, so please keep up to date on the next Previews for fixes.

Can you please fix this issues, for developers with GearVR current stable version of Unreal Engine is totally useless 4.17.2, please fix this critical bugs:

ERROR: UnrealBuildTool Exception: Invalid compiler version (Default)

I’m getting this error when trying to generate VS Code project. I have VS2017 installed with latest update and Windows 10.

Anything special, needed to get it going ?

Is there anything I can do about this issue: Add a module dependency to NativizedAssets plugin - Plugins - Unreal Engine Forums ? I never got an official response back when I originally posted it and it’s still occurring in 4.18.

[=“iniside, post:75, topic:100191”]

I’m getting this error when trying to generate VS Code project. I have VS2017 installed with latest update and Windows 10.

Anything special, needed to get it going ?

Hello, please refer to the post I made here about this issue: https://forums.unrealengine.com/unreal-engine/announcements-and-releases/1357546-unreal-engine-4-18-preview?p=1359554#post1359554


We have just released Preview 2 for 4.18! Thank you for your continued help in testing the 4.18 build before its official release. As a reminder, the Preview builds are for testing only, and should not be used for the active development of your project.

For a list of known issues affecting this latest preview, please follow the links provided on the first post in this thread.


Fixed in Preview 2

Fixed! UE-50173 Seeking is broken in ADPCM files
Fixed! UE-50053 Reduce log level of audio mixer debug category
Fixed! UE-49994 CLONE - SoundMix Fade Time not fading audio properly
Fixed! UE-49805 CLONE - looping sounds are, in rare cases, extremely loud
Fixed! UE-49673 CLONE - Project does not cook with actors containing ModularSynth component
Fixed! UE-49666 CLONE - Master volume is not applied on int16 devices
Fixed! UE-49665 CLONE - Streaming audio on MacOS and iOS audio mixer breaks.
Fixed! UE-49664 CLONE - Ajm decoder runs out of memory when running large numbers of sources
Fixed! UE-49662 CLONE - Source bus feature spams errors when running without audio mixer
Fixed! UE-49661 CLONE - Required API change to spatialization interface for google
Fixed! UE-49660 CLONE - iOS master audio volume is 0.0 with audio mixer
Fixed! UE-49659 CLONE - Incorrect parameter lerping in audio mixer
Fixed! UE-44867 Short SoundMix Fade-In and Duration Times results in a botched Fade-Out starting value.
Fixed! UE-49779 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_DestructibleMeshEditor!UDestructibleChunkParamsProxy::PostEditChangeProperty() [destructiblechunkparamsproxy.cpp:18]
Fixed! UE-50221 CLONE 4.18 - Severe lag and high ping during regular gameplay
Fixed! UE-49719 Parent Dominance is not reflected in RigidBody node setup
Fixed! UE-49650 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!UModelComponent::GetPhysicsTriMeshData() [modelcomponent.cpp:674]
Fixed! UE-45970 Remove Box2D support
Fixed! UE-49969 Warning in BP function library template
Fixed! UE-49632 Console logging broken in shipping builds
Fixed! UE-49355 User isn’t prompted to restart the editor when changing Local DDC path
Fixed! UE-49051 Use the selected editor IDE for generating project files
Fixed! UE-46233 Disabling the Paper 2D plugin causes a packaged project to not open
Fixed! UE-49739 Editor Crashes on Opening After Deriving C++ Class from Another Class
Fixed! UE-49978 Notify the user if running Git is causing a hang
Fixed! UE-49911 Torus static mesh in ProceduralMesh map is showing LOD Level 1 at normal distance
Fixed! UE-48713 Vertex fog is disabled on several UE4 mobile samples
Fixed! UE-49783 Crash after adding an AI Perception component to a parent and child character
Fixed! UE-50082 Crash When Renaming a Duplicated Collapsed Node Graph With an Asterisk in the Name
Fixed! UE-49860 Grammatical error in Destroy Component function node
Fixed! UE-49811 CLONE - [CrashReport] UEdGraphPin::Modify - UEdGraphSchema_K2::RecombinePin
Fixed! UE-49795 CLONE - [CrashReport] UEdGraphSchema_K2::PinHasSplittableStructType
Fixed! UE-49608 CLONE - Editor crash on blueprint compile that contains edited BP Struct
Fixed! UE-47936 Renaming Parent component to same name as a component in child causes crash from child blueprint
Fixed! UE-49449 CLONE - Crash when nativizing blueprint containing MakeMap or MakeSet node
Fixed! UE-49718 CLONE - Crash undoing member removal from user defined struct
Fixed! UE-41542 GitHub 3204 : UE-41506: Prevent illegal characters in Node Graph
Fixed! UE-50263 CLONE 4.18 - GEARVR - .bat installs failing due to permissions when releasing for distribution
Fixed! UE-50198 -on to iOS Fails with “ERROR: Couldn’t find platform name”
Fixed! UE-50186 Remove iOS ES2 feature level preview and quality levels from the editor
Fixed! UE-50172 Android O does not handle orientation changes properly
Fixed! UE-50138 Flickering occurs on Android with Vulkan
Fixed! UE-50137 Need to stop Android build if OBB ends up > 2GiB since device cannot use it
Fixed! UE-50098 Some files always compile and force link if any files in module are checked out
Fixed! UE-50085 HTML5 lighting quality regression shows thick uneven shadows
Fixed! UE-50046 Need way to remove AdMob SDK dependency if application doesn’t need ads
Fixed! UE-49766 Rocks jump around the screen in Protostar with Vulkan on Galaxy S7
Fixed! UE-49518 HTML5: Very low resolution normal map in TM-ShaderModels
Fixed! UE-49143 Inconsistent virtual keyboard behavior tapping between controls
Fixed! UE-49128 Virtual Keyboard text field doesn’t appear if there is too much text
Fixed! UE-49121 Gboard and Swift swipe entry are not supported by Virtual keyboard
Fixed! UE-49120 Virtual keyboard number pad “kicks” user back to regular keyboard
Fixed! UE-49117 Chinese and Korean virtual keyboards don’t allow native characters
Fixed! UE-49112 Virtual keyboard text field isn’t visible after rotating from landscape to portrait
Fixed! UE-48948 Backspace on empty line crashes app (virtual keyboard)
Fixed! UE-47750 Android movie player doesn’t work with ES 3.1
Fixed! UE-43105 iOS Multiplayer LAN discovery doesn’t work
Fixed! UE-50225 Fix project thumbnail generation on Vulkan
Fixed! UE-50189 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-MetalShaderFormat.dylib!FGenerateMetalVisitor:: print_constant()
Fixed! UE-50064 Dithered LOD materials flicking black between transitions
Fixed! UE-49993 Significant Frame Loss in Content Examples - PivotPainter2 on Mac
Fixed! UE-49983 VolumetricFogVoxelization.usf errors while ShadersCompile for TM-VolumeMaterials maps
Fixed! UE-49931 Fix crash on 11_11_10 formats
Fixed! UE-49927 Integrate mobile rendering Vulkan optimization
Fixed! UE-49892 Metal Desktop-Forward Renderer Causes Character to Blur
Fixed! UE-49869 Fix Vulkan ILC updates
Fixed! UE-49615 Crash when switching preview rendering modes on Mac with physical light unit changes
Fixed! UE-49537 Dithering on Materials on Map
Fixed! UE-49471 Protostar fails to load into level on SM-G950F (S8)
Fixed! UE-48730 Ambient occlusion causes dark smearing on light materials in Vulkan
Fixed! UE-48266 Automation tests failing due to rendering differences in cooked builds
Fixed! UE-49536 GitHub 3997 : Fix quad buffer stereo crash in Windows
Fixed! UE-50156 Ensure adding new section to transform track
Fixed! UE-49304 Assert in MovieScene3DTransformSectionRecorder.cpp when building Anim ddc for AnimSequence
Fixed! UE-49216 Sequence Recorder crashes when recording to an open animation
Fixed! UE-45905 Audio continues to play by just scrubbing on the sequencer timeline
Fixed! UE-50222 Suppress on media opened after track changes on Android
Fixed! UE-50086 Audio is slow mo in surround sound test video
Fixed! UE-49655 Crash when opening capture feed on PIE
Fixed! UE-49654 Assert adding TextureSample node to MR material
Fixed! UE-49528 H264 streams should be hidden until we support them
Fixed! UE-49524 Still capture streams should be omitted from the track list until we support them
Fixed! UE-49515 EnumerateVideoCaptureDevices() defaults likely unintuitive to BP users
Fixed! UE-50127 Zooming in on a texture causes texture to not be visible
Fixed! UE-50005 TArray Drap&Drop disabling using EditFixedOrder won’t work on TArray with UStruct type
Fixed! UE-49976 Crash undoing transaction that loads a level/asset
Fixed! UE-49846 Misalignement in Details view with the new Drag&Drop feature of TArray when element is a struct or a transform
Fixed! UE-49293 Text block blurs when its render transform translation is changed from default to ex: [0.0x, 2.0y]
Fixed! UE-50181 Arm Servers fail to build due to override errors
Fixed! UE-49891 Linux OS cursor location and in game cursor are offset with high DPI enabled on a packaged build
Fixed! UE-49862 Linux 14.04: GenerateProjectFiles.sh fails: `Path’ conflicts with a declaration in a child block
Fixed! UE-49765 Linux ARM server fails to run due to memory allocation error
Fixed! UE-49624 MessageBox doesn’t appear when Gamemodule needs to be build.
Fixed! UE-46177 [CrashReport] Assertion failed on Linux: SharedContext.hGLContext in OpenGLLinux.cpp
Fixed! UE-45141 CMake projects don’t set the expected compiler or debugger settings
Fixed! UE-42551 Building lighting in a commandlet hangs on Linux and Mac
Fixed! UE-42234 Spaces are incorrectly converted to new lines when the User Header Search Paths field is populated in Xcode
Fixed! UE-49261 Auto LOD generation sets material slots to wrong materials.
Fixed! UE-49858 Performance regression deleting multiple actors at once in a large map
Fixed! UE-49940 Locale not detected correctly on iOS
Fixed! UE-50084 Scroll widget into view does not appear to work when scrolling up
Fixed! UE-48579 Editor crash when a Breakpoint is added to a Widget’s Tick function
Fixed! UE-48385 Can no longer animate the root widget from a widget animation
Fixed! UE-49635 Linux: Failure to build LinuxServer on Windows: Member access into incomplete type ‘vr::RenderModel_t’
Fixed! UE-50170 ARKit does not adjust camera FOV to match device camera.
Fixed! UE-49955 Custom Depth ISR
Fixed! UE-49953 scenerendertarget.cpp fix
Fixed! UE-49952 Layer Canvas Fixes
Fixed! UE-49758 vr.HiddenAreaMask should default to 1 (On)
Fixed! UE-49386 Changing World to Meters scale at runtime disrupts HMD rendering on Oculus
Fixed! UE-49675 Audio mixer is failing to pump final render thread commands during shutdown, causes leaks in Steam Audio
Fixed! UE-48944 Decide what to do with media assets module on dedicated server

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find to the UE4 Answerhub in the ‘Bugs Reports’ section.
(How to Report a Bug)

Odd… Launcher saw the update AND downloaded, but when it was completed it still said Preview 1, not preview 2…


[=“anonymous_user_41845f4a, post:73, topic:100191”]

After speaking with the person who is responsible for the implementation of Visual Studio Code with UE4, he mentioned that there were some changes that were added to 4.18 that caused the implementation to become broken. At the moment, Visual Studio Code implementation is not functional. It should be functional in the near future, so please keep up to date on the next Previews for fixes.

Thanks for the heads up. Looking forward to test it in the next previews.

[=“, post:79, topic:100191”]

Odd… Launcher saw the update AND downloaded, but when it was completed it still said Preview 1, not preview 2…


Restarting the Launcher refreshes it

Would someone from Epic take a look at this?: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/704751/tether-parameters-of-clothing-useless.html

The new clothing pipeline is nice to have but that kind of bug is rather annoying than anything else.