Unreal Engine 4.17 Released!

This is great :smiley: But if I upgrade my PC, will I still have memory issues?

XBOX ONE X - SUPPORT!!! …Please, elaborate more about this: will work with the “Xbox Live Creators Program” or there is anything additional requirement? It will require a UE4 source compilation (mandatory)?

You’ll need to be granted a development kit by Microsoft and get the engine from them.

I’ve found 2 major problems with unreal 4.17.1, when used with the newest VS 15.3:


when i install gamelauncher it is rollback all i installed!!! and now i can’'t install any gamelauncher :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

The second one is really, really annoying. Increases build times by many minutes, even when only 1 file was changed. Doesn’t only affect 4.17, also affect 4.16 and 4.15 when used with VS 15.3.

Yup, same issue here! The culprit appears to be VS15.3 as it didn’t happen prior to that update.

Any news on when hotfix 2 will be released?

Any 4.17.2 or 4.18 news? It’s so long.

Instanced Static Mesh Components and hierarchical instanced static mesh components no longer seem to generate navigation meshes with dynamic navigation turned on :frowning:

There goes my AI testing until a fix is released. /ahg

Epic said 4.18 should come in Q4.
So, I expect the “final” 4.17 to be out near end of october and the 4.18 preview hitting mid november…

I need to have this in an earlier engine version, could anyone tell me in which commit this was added to the engine?

Edit: It’s here: .com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/81ef7a206b58eb8204c9da4315aecd14cabde9c7#diff-e21d3e19abd1e14c082c13509468b8e4

Trying to run a freshly built and packaged dedicated server on linux results in this error:

error while loading shared libraries: libcef.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

We are currently working on fixes for the 4.17.2 hotfix, and are targeting for it to release sometime next week (Sept 18-22). We expect for this to be a rather large hotfix in terms of the number of fixes.

Preview 1 for 4.18 is also likely to be right around the corner. Be on the lookout for more news there soon.


Thank you.

Did you meet problem like this?

I… don’t know. Not sure how I’d find out.

Though maybe installing this extra package mentioned there will fix the infinite linking bug, gonna try that later.

Looks like installing that package doesn’t solve the relinking problem. Oh well, was worth a try.

Hmm I know people that had huge problems compiling UE4 with VS2017 if they had ANY trace of VS2015 being previously installed on their system. Is this the problem you are experiencing?

Probably, though I first installed VS 2017 and then 2015 later as it was required to build a different project.