Unreal Engine 4.17 Released!

anyone have more than 6 steamvr tracker/controller working with 4.17.1. Literally powering up number 6 for me crashes unreal everytime. Wonder if its just me. Cant launch new project with 6+trackers activated either.
Works fine in 4.16 and 4.17.0

Hey I’d like to report a problem with 4.17 (and 4.17.1) which pretty much rendered it useless for me.

When I try to import an apartment which is made of several fbxs some of them come up correctly but some have the wrong scale (I can manually adjust the scale, but honestly this is not ideal), the same files work perfectly with version 4.15.

I usually work in mm inside max, so I change the import scale to 0.1 and it has always worked fine.

See screen shot of the problem:

I’m wondering this too, I’ve managed to get rotation tracking working but not positional. Anyone have any luck or advice with the new tango plugin?

Can you please fix this critical bug for GearVR? I think it’s super critical:

There are a lot of blackscreen / freeze crashes on servertravel. In our latest playtest 1 of 6 players would crash out pretty much on every servertravel. In 4.16 it would crash with some error message, but since 4.17 it just freezes.


And one client was receiving a lot of D3D11 crashes, probably unrelated and they happend during gameplay.

Edit: I’ve run the game with VS debugger now to look at what happens when it freezes during servertravel, it does not trigger a break or anything, but pausing at the freeze stops here in ThreadingBase.cpp:

[External Code]
> Game-Win64-Shipping.exe!FEventWin::Wait(unsigned int WaitTime, const bool bIgnoreThreadIdleStats) Line 1159 C++
Game-Win64-Shipping.exe!FQueuedThread::Run() Line 451 C++
Game-Win64-Shipping.exe!FRunnableThreadWin::Run() Line 76 C++
Game-Win64-Shipping.exe!FRunnableThreadWin::GuardedRun() Line 33 C++
[External Code]

and it seems to just wait indefinitely and the engine is completely idle.

Lol, “target fix 4.19”… :eek: :confused:

Hi all! Is it possible to change t.MaxFPS on startup of the Editor? ConsoleVariables.ini no longer works :frowning:

Hi, I think that you can create a console variable in Window>DeveloperTools>DeviceProfiles.

just downloaded this version, but i can’t download the artv1 plugin from the marketplace, it said “there is not compatible engine installed”, do i need to install ue4 4.16 again to download the artv1?, i have already delete it from my harddisk, this tool will be upgraded to ue4 4.17?

thanks in advance for your help.

Guys, I’ve found a nasty bug related to mouse position and the widget interaction component: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/699272/mouse-pos-problem-using-widget-interaction-compone.html

I’ve stuck with packaging with this bug https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/700218/bug-empty-behaviour-trees-cant-package-game.html
I think it is weird how many problems BT are causing.

No, I can’t :frowning: Looks like everybody loves the noise of the videocard coolers… :slight_smile:

UE always had an issue when interpolating rotations on Sequencer (for example, rotating clockwise when it should be anti-clockwise). I always used a workaround by directly changing the value of the keyframe to 360+angle. For example, if the value in the keyframe was -50, I changed to 310.

But it is impossible since 4.17 because now the value is clamped between -180 to 180… I really don’t know how people are animating and rotating things on Sequencer now (there is still one workaround: manually draggin the curves, but this is hard as hell).

(I’ve posted this on answerhub: Wrong way camera rotation on sequencer - even worst in 4.17 - Cinematics & Media - Epic Developer Community Forums)

It’s because quaternions go for the closest orientation. You can avoid this by inserting an additional keyframe in the direction you want to interpolate, having it less than 180 degrees than the keyframe before. So for example if you want to animate a counter clockwise movement of 270 degrees from a starting rotation of 0, instead of typing -270 (which would rotate clockwise 90 degrees instead because it’s the same orientation) you would type -135 first and then -270, that way the movement is less than 180 degrees for each keyframe and you end up with the movement you want.

Of course if you can’t actually enter -270 for the second frame it’s a bug.

Any idea when is 4.17.2 hotfix coming ?

Some game testers found a new bug which I’ve never seen before. A client connects to a listen server and the host servertravels back and forth between 2 maps, actor references in the level blueprint are now invalid. The level has a simpel teleporter setup in the level bp with a volume trigger and a target point actor that the overlapping player gets teleported to.
Now instead of teleporting to the target point, all players that overlap any such trigger volume is teleported to world origin 0.0.0 instead.


The repro steps should be fairly simple. Note that this bug only happens if another player has connected to the hosts game. If the game only has the host player on it then the bug does not happen.

So far im only finding this bug in levels updated from earlier UE4 versions, new levels don’t seem to have this bug. This bug affects all actor references in those maps Level Blueprint’s.

Im having the same problem, I now have to use that t.MaxFPS 30 console command every time I start the editor to keep my computer temp low.

on an unrelated note:
It would be nice to be able to blueprint editor tools for the level editor. like the ability to write a custom node editor in the engine, just using blueprints. or add custom tabs to the level editor which run a group of actors and widgets, without needing c++. there should be a way to run actors in a 3d widget in an editor window, without playing the game.

@spidershift - do you may be have callstacks / logs of those crashes and if yes, could you please post them (on AnswerHub or here)? 4.16(.3) and 4.17 have the same Linux memory management, but 4.17 no longer hides global operator new/delete from the external code (which prevented third party libs that use STL from working with the editor). This might have changed state of things between the two versions, but the difference is much smaller than between 4.15 and either of those versions.

We will gladly help solving the issues uncovered - we use Linux servers ourselves and dog-food the changes.

I’m unable to package in Development mode due to this same error: https://answers.unrealengine.com/que…cannot-op.html

And also can’t package in Shipping due to SEVERAL “non-redistributable module” errors, saying that I’m using EditorStyle and a lot of other Engine modules. How to get rid of those? That happened while trying to package Win-64 Shipping. The offending modules include even the ClothingSystemEditor. Why is it being packaged?!

Edit: Done an Engine Verify, still can’t package. After trying to rename the libfbxsdk.lib file, it now asks for a UE4-UnrealEd.lib file that also doesn’t exist!
Edit 2: I reproduced the same problem in another project. Both converted from 4.16.3. Clean projects (either BP or Code) build fine in Development and Shipping modes.

**Edit 3 (the problem): **Usage of the UnrealEd module in the plugin’s Build.cs file seems to be broken if its module is set to be of any type other than Editor. I just added it to my PublicDependencyModules on a previously packageable plugin (didn’t even include any header from it in code) and the plugin compiled but I wasn’t able to package the game, getting the the same error as described in the above AnswerHub link. In 4.16.3 I was able to use UnrealEd in Runtime modules.

I have this problem too, but it seems that there’s a very simple workaround:


The only annoyance is that when you open up your level it won’t work right away. You have to play your level, and it will start working, then, when you go back to the editor it will work there as well from that point.

By the way, not only the ConsoleVariables.ini isn’t working anymore, but the Fixed Frame Rate seems to be broken as well.