Unreal Engine 4.17 Released!

Hello ,

Unfortunately the method you gave does not reproduce the issue for me locally. Does this only occur in your project? Was this project converted from 4.16.3? Can you try to see if this occurs in a fresh project? Please make an Answerhub post for this issue in the Bug Reports section and provide that information. You can leave a link to the Answerhub post here to ensure that we see it.

From the release notes:

*Added new experimental plugin that provides a camera aligned image plate, and associated sequencer track

This plugin is a stop-gap solution until fully fledged support is introduced with 'Media Framework 3.0'
Sequencer track can stream image sequences from disk onto UTexture properties that are exposed to cinematics*

Where can I find more info on this?
What is the experimental plugin name?

Thank you!

Hello Jin_VE,

Can you be more specific about what kind of comment and what ASCII characters you’re using? What sort of error do you receive? I’ve been able to compile in 4.17 with Kanji characters in comments in C++ code without a problem, if that is the type of comment you’re speaking of. Also, please create an Answerhub post about this issue in the Bug Reports section with the information I requested so we can more easily track the issue and provide support. Feel free to leave a link to the Answerhub post here whenever you make it.

Hi @! Would you know when the 4.17.1 hotfix will be released?

I hit a wierd bug that crashes a built and packaged game when a UMG widget scripts hits a “play animation” node to sweep a box. Diden’t matter what I did, it would always crash if the “play animation” node was used. I had to copy/paste everything into a new widget blueprint and now it works as normal.

Possibly related to the other UMG/Widget issues in 4.17 when upgrading from 4.16(or other):

Hi ,

Here it is:


In which hotfix will this bug be fixed? Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-43383)
Its marked as fix 4.17.

You don’t even need to disable all VR plugins, just disabling the oculus rift plugin is enough and the game will always crash when you try to launch it in packaged.

We are trying to release the 4.17.1 hotfix this week, although any discovered issues while QA testing may cause delays.

It was originally thought to be fixed for 4.17.0, but was just recently re-opened. Our engineering team will triage it soon to determine when a new fix can be targeted.


On Mouse Button Down function override does not fire at all when button is pressed by left mouse (It is not related just to double click). Right mouse works. This was working in 4.16.

Thanks, I fixed it myself now, this is the fix:


The 4.17.1 Hotfix is now live! This hotfix resolves a number of important issues in the 4.17 release, including a widespread crash and a UBT failure while building.

Fixed in 4.17.1

Fixed! UE-48140 Materials get switched up while building HLODs in case the section order is different than the material order
Fixed! UE-48249 HLOD crash when dragging and dropping actors into their own cluster in the HLOD outliner - ALODActor
Fixed! UE-48246 Memory usage regression in the editor caused by FArchiveAsync2 buffers
Fixed! UE-48118 PrimaryAssetLabel Assets are getting stripped from ShooterGame on the Launcher
Fixed! UE-48106 Hot-reload failing to link
Fixed! UE-48197 UBT crashes when doing an incremental build
Fixed! UE-48143 Distortion Displacement Track is empty in new level sequence using a distortion file with a framerate of 0
Fixed! UE-47852 Crash occurred launching QAGame onto Windows with Nativization enabled
Fixed! UE-48309 Mesh data will be deleted from Static Mesh if added as a Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh Component through blueprint
Fixed! UE-48175 Make Dialogue Context node no longer has the speaker and targets options exposed
Fixed! UE-48223 Crash when opening a blueprint that implements an interface that has been deleted
Fixed! UE-48240 User project crashes after changing struct
Fixed! UE-47843 QABP_Containers is dirtied when opened
Fixed! UE-47523 Undoing pasting a component will crash ([CrashReport] UE4Editor_CoreUObject!FWeakObjectPtr::IsValid() [weakobjectptr.cpp:48])
Fixed! UE-48239 GoogleVR fails to package with Gradle
Fixed! UE-48185 GitHub 3876 : Error MCP Android
Fixed! UE-48396 Crash when building lighting with a skylight that draw lit translucent material
Fixed! UE-48304 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-MetalRHI.dylib!FMetalRenderPipelineDesc::CreatePipelineStateForBoundShaderState()
Fixed! UE-47945 Skeletal mesh components texture overstream
Fixed! UE-47516 Sequencer doesn’t animate Actor in Sublevel in Standalone (Works in PIE)
Fixed! UE-48093 UE4Editor crashes when starting a movie capture in sequencer
Fixed! UE-48190 Audio volume values get reset
Fixed! UE-48095 Crash when adding a Filmback Preset to a Sequencer CameraComponent
Fixed! UE-48298 Crash When Attempting to Add Existing Streaming Levels Already Present in the Levels Window
Fixed! UE-45837 [CrashReport] Mac crash in UE4Editor-Core.dylib!FApplePlatformString::TCHARToCFString()
Fixed! UE-48475 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-Core.dylib!FTextHistory::Rebuild(TSharedRef<FString,()

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find by following the How To Report a Bug Guide

Woohoo! Hopefully, this fixes my issue.

Edit - Yes! All better now! Thanks for the quick fix.

Release Infos of version 4.17 look great; will there be an upgrade from 4.16.3 to 4.17 so that I don’t need to download all 6 GBs or more again? I launched the installer EpicInstaller-6.1.0.msi for 4.17, but it asks me to either REPAIR or REMOVE the current version. I found no option to upgrade. So do I have to uninstall v4.16.3 completely before installing v4.17 ?

I’m having this problem too.


use the launcher to add versions, to update, etc

*** under the Unreal Engine tab of the launcher (top), go into your Library (tab on the left) there you will see Add Versions at the top (try that) *** :wink:

don’t need to install again

Hello ayretek,

We have seen instances of this previously but haven’t been able to determine a reproduction to cause it to happen. Are you able to reproduce this in a fresh project or have any ideas on how to reproduce this? If so, please make an Answerhub post in the Bug Reports section about this issue with more details. Feel free to link to it here if you do so.


sorry, I just checked & I actually deleted the 4.10 version after updating to 4.17 so no way to reproduce this that I can think of at the moment.

if I think of some way, I will definitely try to reproduce

I have a quick question. Does the ARTV1 Tool work with 4.17 yet or can the one in 4.16 work? Or is there a new version of the tool out? Just wondering since I use it instead of the default Maya rig. Good to see Substance is there now. 4.16.x was kind of slow on my rig which is kind of annoying considering the specs I run.

Just a small note: Async Loading Thread and Event Driven Loading seems to work better in 4.17.1! However there are still issues with it in combination with nativizing assets.
Other issues with nativizing assets seem to be actor position offsets / data loss from inherit variables, probably from child actor components which is a regression from 4.16.

I have a side question, i’m using the unreal repo for 4.17, love it and currently working on a FPS game.

Is there any advantages i could get from using Yojimbo network library instead of native UE 4.17 network library for a FPS game with 32-64 players?
