I can’t seem to run any C++ Projects in 4.16.2 Everytime I run from Visual Studio, the engine tells me that the module is out of date (which it obviously isn’t).
Nevermind, this seems to be an issue with the new format for the Target.cs and Build.cs files.
Is this available in source code form? We’re curious to see if we can build for linux with USD, but one of our guys did a scan of github, and couldn’t find any references to it.
There isn’t a ready-made way to do that at the moment, but it certainly can be built via Procedural SoundWaves and the new Synthesizer architecture. I would start looking at the existing Envelope Follower Source Effect as a starting point, which is as close as it gets at the moment.
That’s a shame as i was hoping there would be like a master mix we could use instead of individual sounds. I can follow guides and do basic stuff with blueprints but not much beyond that sadly so i guess it’s not possible then?
Having an issue where I cant get a physics asset to start on a character blueprint. works fine on any mesh placed into a level
Also It looks like the rotation on spring controllers still isn’t working
Oh, it’s plenty possible. There’s a staggering list of what is now possible thanks to Aaron’s efforts on creating the new Audio Engine architecture. It’s more a matter of how best to spend Aaron’s talents. Do we have him chase down tiny, leafy features? Or do we have him continue to tackle big scale efforts?
Part of the goal with the new architecture was to offer users a framework with which to build their own synthesizers, source and submix effects–in effect extending the power of the Engine. Thanks to Aaron’s efforts, creating an FFT Submix effect is now easier and our hope is that the community embraces the opportunity to create awesome new things with the Unreal Engine–things that would be impossible in any other game engine!
With that said, all of these ideas are on our radar. We’re eager to continue developing out what we have but we’re equally excited by what you cats are able to create with this new framework!
We have just released Preview 3 for 4.16! Thank you for your continued help in testing the 4.16 build before its official release. As a reminder, the Preview builds are for testing only, and should not be used for the active development of your project.
For a list of known issues affecting this latest preview, please follow the links provided on the first post in this thread.
Fixed in Preview 3
Fixed! UE-44624 Rear tires on vehicle in VehicleGame sample detach and drift back from axel as user accelerates Fixed! UE-44553 Paint Mode Toolbar Icons do not exist when Use Small Toolbar Icons is true Fixed! UE-41915 Incorrect physics interaction on rotated meshes using Complex as Simple collision Fixed! UE-44494 Master Pose broken with sequencer Fixed! UE-44429 Crash on attempting to paint on cloth object Fixed! UE-44400 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_ClothingSystemRuntime!FClothingSimulationNv::UpdateLod() [clothingsimulationnv.cpp:801] Fixed! UE-44328 Convex Hull Generation can get stuck in an infinite loop Fixed! UE-44285 Setting strength on a linear motor in Phat will display — Fixed! UE-44486 Enable physx libs GPU hooks Fixed! UE-44725 “LogTemp:Warning: Running Get” when placing or selecting Physics Constrain Actor Fixed! UE-44185 Many D3D12 errors when running with -d3ddebug Fixed! UE-44376 GitHub 3512 : [4.16] Intel Compiler 2017 fixes Fixed! UE-39768 Rare crash occurs when recompiling a blueprint in VREditor (see comments) Fixed! UE-44659 Crash after saving Blueprint that is marked as not needs load for server Fixed! UE-44702 Code based interfaces do not appear in Interface selection dropdown Fixed! UE-44676 Incorrect display for default exec pin for Switch nodes Fixed! UE-44744 Nativized packaging fails for UnrealMatch3 Fixed! UE-44708 Blueprint child does not override parent mesh in Nativized build Fixed! UE-44519 Crash when applying a LandscapeVisibilityMask material to a Landscape’s material slot Fixed! UE-44697 Need to improve POM version parsing to handle latest Google Play Services Fixed! UE-44658 Cleanup of previous packagename Build/Android/src files doesn’t include Intermediate/Android/APK/src Fixed! UE-44660 Possible exception if Intermediate/Android/APK/src does not exist Fixed! UE-44615 Command line arguments can affect next ant.bat run Fixed! UE-44766 GenerateProjectFiles generates warning Fixed! UE-44022 HTML5: Linux Launch On fails to open Firefox due to missing profile Fixed! UE-43895 iOS Pressing home button crash Fixed! UE-44668 Post-Exit crash when closing ShooterGame project Fixed! UE-44679 Certain levels have little lighting in ContentExamples on Mac Fixed! UE-44521 Minor RHI State Cache breaks pre-pso codepath Fixed! UE-44601 Checkerboard pattern overlay in viewport of ContentExamples on Mac Fixed! UE-44084 Moving an actor to a different level does not show that the object bound to the track is missing Fixed! UE-44616 Spawnables don’t appear immediately when dragging them into sequencer Fixed! UE-44628 Crash selecting an object binding inside the Get Sequence Binding node. Fixed! UE-44600 Convert to spawnable doesn’t work Fixed! UE-44648 LogMovieScene Warnings when rendering movie sequence in QA-Sequencer Fixed! UE-44631 Crash selecting Unresolved Binding drop down when no sequence is selecting on the Get Sequence Binding node Fixed! UE-44304 Creating and running a code project while another project is open will fail to load module and crash new project editor. Fixed! UE-44594 Crash importing USD files via scene import Fixed! UE-44223 Compile failure packaging for Linux in arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf from Windows Fixed! UE-44020 Crash opening the Project Settings on Linux Unable to get IOSTargetPlatform module Fixed! UE-44650 Setup.sh can fail on Ubuntu server Fixed! UE-44621 GitHub 3532 : provide a GRHIVendorId if graphics card vendor name is ‘X.Org’ (for l? Fixed! UE-37194 FixDeps step will relink Engine modules even if only project code was changed Fixed! UE-44715 Nested UMG widgets can lose their localization in cooked games Fixed! UE-43370 Backspace Key not activating when working with 3D Widgets Fixed! UE-44635 Windows Mouse cursor no longer updates properly after existing PIE session using Hardware Cursors with Escape key Fixed! UE-44404 Continuous output log spam after using VR Mode with Vive/SteamVR Fixed! UE-44347 GitHub 3507 : Fix FSteamVRHMD::VulkanBridge::FinishRendering triggering assert in F? Fixed! UE-44729 Crash opening Linux UE4Editor during CreateHeadMountedDisplay
No - this just adds the relevant hooks in the UE4 version of PhysX, so it is more possible to get GPU PhysX libs from NVIDIA. You’d still need to talk to them though, GRB is not something that we support at the moment.
Any chances of having Fixed Particle Bounding Boxes fixed for 4.16? This is quite a major issue as it prevents you from using GPU Particles in 4.15 at all.
Super stoked to see this tool evolve, thanks your efforts!
I have a potentially blender-specific quirk, where when I enter cloth paint mode from a blender-exported skeletal mesh, the cloth section moves off the rest of the skeletal mesh, as if the up vector changes from +Z to -Y. I can’t seem to find any export settings that changes this behaviour, so I was curious if you might have any thoughts. It’s not too big of a deal as I can still do my painting and then it snaps back into place and behaves as expected when I’m done, but I thought I’d check in case there’s a better practice that I can adopt!