Unreal Engine 4.15 Preview

Thanks for trying it out. I would not expect to see the values popping back to 0 so quickly. It might be interesting to see what the output from “showdebug rawinput” is as that is the plugins direct representation of the buttons and axes instead of the engine’s once the data has filtered up to it. When testing with the G920 that we have in the office the numbers for both showdebug input and rawinput do not pop back to 0 or any such thing but rather hold their value until the axis/button is released.

Is there any for “Function inputs to automatically create Local Variables when added” in near future?
If you could do one small thing for Blueprints in this or next release - please do this one.
It’s one of weirdest annoyance you encounter when you switch from “standard” programming language to fully visual Blueprints. I would save one bad word every time I need to use local variable in complex BP function…

Come on, it got 21 votes :wink:

UE-10109 is finally fixed? That’s so exciting! Will make seamless VR experiences so much easier to create.

Ive been crossing my fingers for last few days going:

Please cascade be stable, please cascade be stable, please cascade be stable.
because I havent moved from my comfy stable 4.11… out of fear…

See this for more details about the fix. Level Streaming setting for smooth unload - Feedback & Requests - Epic Developer Community Forums

Ive been crossing my fingers for last few days going:

Please cascade be stable, please cascade be stable, please cascade be stable.
because I havent moved from my comfy stable 4.11… out of fear…

I know the feeling. The next time I find a version as stable as 4.10 was for me, I’m going to stick with it as long as I can.

Which won’t be all that long, because I’m a compulsive upgrader. :wink:

Anyone else have issues compiling their plugins after 4.15p2?

Everytime I see one of your posts, I can’t help but think you are having a lighting problem! :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, I got some cryptic errors along the lines of:
cannot convert argument 1 from ‘TArray<TPair<FName,uint8>,FDefaultAllocator>’ to 'TArray<TPair<FName,int64>,FDefaultAllocator> &

Deleting intermediate and forcing rebuild fixed it for me though.

editor crashes during loading:

Went to see my friend and check the VR Editor with Vive for the first time. I can’t wait the whole thing going to be implemented there. Building VR experience would be VR experience itself, proper wrapping :slight_smile: Good work!

apologies for being too lazy to put them all up on the bug thing on answerhub, but its 3:20 am.

On ctrl + b browser pops up auto-selecting the material/emitter/etc you where working in.
An editor option to disable this and just pop up with last selected in content browser would make my workflow much better.

Selecting constant curve in cascade’s distribution created a collapsed empty version, workflow would dictate it to be open. (could save me a few hundred if not more clicks a day)
(seems semi-random, or I dont see the logic)

I just wonder why you need an explanation for what “Round” does?

Up or Down? Does it split the edge case of 0.5? Or is it always up or down?

That is a simple, one line thing to put in docs, and does, actually, matter.

Now, sure, I can test it myself, but then, why document most stuff, right?

ios umg texture displays reddish:

Totally agree, after years of programming and working with so many APIs I noticed that in general developers have the same view on how things are implemented, but there are always some small details…

That’s disappointing :frowning:

Yes, with new include model of the Engine (include only what you need) you have to add some more explicit headers (instead of ones like Engine.h or Slate.h) in your plugin source files…

Also an Engine plugin follow different rules than a Game Project plugin, which could be a big pain (still have to find a ‘portable’ way to do it, or will have to raise an issue)

hm…weird :p… In my system, There is no impressive build time reduction. it’s almost same. :(.

Rebuild with DebugGame Editor configuration takes 22minutes.

I7 6900K, 16gb, mx200 512gb.

Because every node in the material editor should be documented.
It doesn’t matter if I know what it does, It matters that who doesn’t know what it does learns what it does.