Unreal Engine 4.15 Preview

In 4.15.p2, I can no longer use win32 functions in C++ project such as:-

'GetLocalTime': identifier not found
'SYSTEMTIME': undeclared identifier
InterlockedIncrement': is not a member of '`global namespace'
'InterlockedIncrement': identifier not found

There are many others - but these are just some of them. I figure this has got to do with more efficient use of header files, but I cannot figure it out.

Try adding this to your header:

// Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers
#define NOMINMAX

// Windows Header Files:
#include <windows.h>

That should solve your problem, The “NOMINMAX” is to remove the min/macros.


Yes, you are missing the Windows stuff that was included by Engine headers in all your own code (without you even knowing it).

So you can go this way…

But if you want to make portable code (to go Mobile, Console, or OS X/Linux) you should never do this !

=> Instead, use the “GenericPlaform” API of UnrealEngine, for instance the FPlatformAtomics::InterlockedExchange().

When I am faced with such low level question, I look into the Engine code itself (and particularly the Plugins, since they are somewhat external as a Game code)

Hope this helps!

I have an idea though I’m not sure it is possible. Modules like “Engine” contain a lot of U-classes and they are all compiled into the resulting binary when the game is cooked. How hard it would be (if possible at all) to teach UBT to check whether each U-class is referenced from content or from code and only include referenced classes in the final build? This would dramatically decrease both compile times and the binary size since a typical game doesn’t use every U-class that exist in the engine.

Will you add “Use Quaternion Interpolation” settings to sequencer soon? If camera exceeds 179 degrees, it flips to -180? Kinda spins around once.

Oculus Mobile SDK 1.0.4 is the latest SDK for Gear VR. Will UE 4.15 have SDK updated to 1.0.4 ?

We are looking into updating the GoogleVR plugin for 4.15.

The Oculus SDK will not be updated for 4.15.


Oh come on :frowning: Why not?

Came here to beg that UE-39884 gets fixed in 4.15, I’m glad someone else cares about it too :o

I noticed it’s not yet resolved in Preview, I really hope it makes it to the first release.

We have ~4000 statically lit trees in our game, gonna need them LODs :smiley:

Code of the engine itself isn’t compiled while cooking. Yes, engine binaries are included into cook. But it takes only fraction of cooking time to prepare binaries.
I bet it would take a lot of time to check which part of engine are really used. You would have to analyze all the blueprints, assets and configs.
Manual turning off not used modules and plugins should be enough :slight_smile:

Although it would be nice if cooking wouldn’t recreate game binaries every time - even if nothing changed in code since last cooking :slight_smile:

That is great news! I really hope that can happen - and a “For Distribution” build is tested with it, as there have been issues popping up when you get to that stage.

Out of interest why is that?

A well kept secret :rolleyes: Probably waiting on the outcome of the lawsuit - might never have to worry about updating Oculus SDKs if Zeni wins :frowning:

That’s a good way to look at it Luos, thanks for the feedback. Following your post I’ve tried to add tooltip information to most of the new nodes and moving forward I agree, we should make more of an effort to have clearer tooltips and documentation for all nodes if possible. :slight_smile:

Nice :slight_smile:
While you are at it, consider thisone as well :slight_smile:

-The tooltip for the 3Dto1DIndex node is just a paste copy of the 2D version.

-The tooltip for the GenerateBands node reads “the higher the V value, the more bands”
This is depending on the direction switch and only true for the default direction. It should be noted that, if direction is reversed, U will control the band count.


I have had issues since updating to 4.14.1 before i was just fine , character has a transparent body sections you can see through , and distortion in the up right corner of epic launcher the little box showing download progress .

Also Stuck in a loop when downloading the engine and epic tutorial projects (i.e reflections project) ,i have to pause the downloads ,close and restart then continue downloading several times so that the download process is completed .

i want to attach pictures of the issues from my hard drive but you don’t have the option in the posts you only allow URLs , how to attach pictures from hard drive with the posts.

if any response thank you in advance :).

And I thank you for that!! the effort is really appreciated!

I wish there was an easier way for us non-coder/scrippies to be able and change stuff like that. See a typo? have a button or option somewhere to suggest edits/fix typo’s.
I know its wishful thinking for now though :slight_smile:

but… with the help of a coder buddy/budette I could go for engine contributor and change a typo :stuck_out_tongue:

Noted! Anything that’s a standard node is pretty trivial to fix but any material function is a little harder (blue node that you can open up). Those are typically assets which need to be re-saved and checked in, so we’re a little too late to push those fixes in for 4.15. I’ll try and get these updated today though so they should still make 4.16 (This goes for the material functions Luos pointed out too)!

Could you elaborate? We’re about to start porting to PSVR.

Can’t elaborate here, but you can view some of the topics in the private subforum.

Can this issuebe prioritized to be fixed?
It’s about emissive colors rendered incorrectly(Instead of blue color you get purple and etc) if blue value is higher than 1.
I thinks it’s REALLY important if certain emissive colors can’t be rendered properly and basically useless now.
In my SuperGrid project some colors are shifted and I have to manually set incorrect values in order to render it =/
There are other tricks to avoid this issue, but IMHO just rendering a blue color should not be a problem in engine