Unreal Engine 4.11 Preview

Hey - I’ve seen this issue myself previously - it would be really nice to have some feedback so you know what’s going on. As it is, the loading just seems to “Freeze”, there is no text indicating that compiling is happening, or that the editor is waiting for shader compiling.


Can anybody confirm the proper behavior of FBX import?
When I am importing, the normals are getting flipped. As a result the mesh surface looks transparent. If I flip the normals in 3D program, then the faces becomes visible but when I build light the mesh becomes black.

P.S: The same mesh(FBX) when imported in 4.10 working properly.


Can anybody confirm the proper behavior of FBX import?
When I am importing, the normals are getting flipped. As a result the mesh surface looks transparent. If I flip the normals in 3D program, then the faces becomes visible but when I build light the mesh becomes black.

P.S: The same mesh(FBX) when imported in 4.10 working properly.

Hi ,

Would you mind posting this on the AnswerHub in the Bug Reports section and I’ll assign myself to take a look. We have one ticket in currently that is related to Skeletal Meshes that was reported with UE-25264.

When you make the post it would be helpful to include the following:

  • Post a screenshot of 4.10 and 4.11 preview for comparison and/or a test asset that reproduces this.
  • If this is only happening with this specific mesh or any that you import.
  • Is this happening specifically when you import a Skeletal Mesh, Static Mesh, or either?
  • What modeling program are you using, and what FBX version are you saving out as? (Keep in mind that Unreal supports up to FBX 2014 at the moment)
  • Are you using the default import options? If so, if you change the Normal Generation Method to Built In rather than the default MikkTSpace do you see a difference?

Once you’ve provided this information we may have a few more questions if we’re not seeing the same results.

Thank you!


Actually I see you posted it here: [4.11 Preview 4] FBX import normal flipped - Pipeline & Plugins - Epic Developer Community Forums

I’ll have a look at the test asset you provided and we’ll go from there.

I noticed a pretty significant decrease in shader complexity for my foliage heavy scenes. The scene was basically completely before and now only has tinges of near the masked edges.

Is this a result of performance updates or has the shader complexity scale changed?

[= Ellis;462368]
Not yet. The Previews are still on 0.6.2 for Oculus Mobile. But if you have access to 1.0 from Oculus, you can already grab the integration from them. …

Does this mean that in the 4.11 you plan fully functional Oculus Audio SDK?

[= Ellis;462368]

Is GLES 3.x (going to be) available in 4.11 out of the box (without a need to recompile engine) ?

I don’t have that information right now but I’ll try to track it down soon.

Thanks, it would be much appreciated.

I noticed a pretty significant decrease in shader complexity for my foliage heavy scenes. The scene was basically completely before and now only has tinges of near the masked edges.

Is this a result of performance updates or has the shader complexity scale changed?

I noticed a huge gain in performance with using landscape grass output instances. from 45-55 fps up to 75-90 range. meant I could go to 1080p and it hovers above 50fps which is nice.

Also saw a commit in 4.11 branch for a dx12 update which I’d like to see if it increases performance.

I noticed a pretty significant decrease in shader complexity for my foliage heavy scenes. The scene was basically completely before and now only has tinges of near the masked edges.

Is this a result of performance updates or has the shader complexity scale changed?

This sounds absolutely amazing. Would love some more info on specifics here.

Dear Team Epic Game! Thank you very much! You really made me very happy!
In previous versions of the engine UE4 I struggled unsuccessfully to resolve the problem of 1 sec. Particle animation limit.
you have finally decided the issue. Now you have made possible the long particle animation in Cascade Editor !!! Thank you! you make a truly useful improvements!


Love the audio occlusion additions! Hopefully we will see more improvements like this to the audio system :slight_smile:

Love the audio occlusion additions! Hopefully we will see more improvements like this to the audio system :slight_smile:

Where did you find the audio occlusion?

Fixed! UE-24757 Editor crashes when exiting and having a widget blueprint open.

This one seems not so fixed afterall. I still keep getting crashes when working with Widget BPs.
On exit, the editor crashes in the majority of cases, but sometimes even when just working with UMG, crashes seem more frequent.

Does anyone on a AMD cpu have a stuttering issue when they do a shipping build?

Has anyone got timing comparisons for lightmass builds ?

Do we know if AMD users will see the improvements too ?

Has anyone got timing comparisons for lightmass builds ?

Do we know if AMD users will see the improvements too ?

Hi w_jones,

Lightbuilds should be ~2x faster now using Intel’s Embree method. I’ve not done any specific time comparisons myself, but you can test this yourself by going into the BaseLightmass.ini file in the Engine/Config folder. You can change the line bUseEmbree=true to false to use the older method.

This does not affect Intel or AMD cards specifically. Embree provides faster ray tracing then what we originally had implemented, which helps speeds up the light build process for calculations of your scene.

X2 faster is really impressive, thanks for the great news :slight_smile:

Where did you find the audio occlusion?

You can find it near the bottom of the Attenuation module of an audio clip! Simply check “Enable Occlusion” and set the values as desired!

You can find it near the bottom of the Attenuation module of an audio clip! Simply check “Enable Occlusion” and set the values as desired!

Thanks a lot, this is a really cool feature! I hope for more audio features :slight_smile:

Is there any that bug JIRA [UE-20602] will get fixed in Version 4.11? It is impossible to morph a skeletal mesh that is a slave of another skeletal mesh.

Will this release contain the new walk animation features from Paragon ? in a easy way to setup and use ?